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Penguin Classics Homage To Catalonia Orwell G. Penguin Group

Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic Socialism as I understand it'. Thus wrote Orwell following his experiences as a militiaman in the Spanish Civil War, chronicled in Homage to Catalonia. Here he brings to bear all the force of his humanity, passion and clarity, describing with bitter intensity the bright hopes and cynical betrayals of that chaotic episode: the revolutionary euphoria of Barcelona, the courage of ordinary Spanish men and women he fought alongside, the terror and confusion of the front, his near-fatal bullet wound and the vicious treachery of his supposed allies. A firsthand account of the brutal conditions of the Spanish ...
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Иногда я боюсь, что мы никогда не проснемся, пока нас не разбудит грохот бомб • В 1936 году Джордж Оруэлл добровольно стал солдатом гражданской войны в Испании. В книге ""Памяти Каталонии"", впервые опубликованной незадолго до начала Второй мировой войны, Оруэлл рассказывает о хаосе и кровопролитии того момента истории и о голосах тех, кто боролся с растущим фашизмом • Пережитый им опыт гражданской войны послужил толчком к существенному изменению его собственных политических взглядов, которые сегодня читатели узнают во многих его более поздних литературных произведениях: ярость против угрозы тоталитаризма и контроля • Язык издания: английский • I sometimes fear we shall never wake till we are jerked out of it by the roar of bombs • In 1936, George Orwell volunteered as a soldier in the Spanish Civil War
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 033 руб.
'Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic Socialism as I understand it'. Thus wrote Orwell following his experiences as a militiaman in the Spanish Civil War, chronicled in Homage to Catalonia. Here he brings to bear all the force of his humanity, passion and clarity, describing with bitter intensity the bright hopes and cynical betrayals of that chaotic episode: the revolutionary euphoria of Barcelona, the courage of ordinary Spanish men and women he fought alongside, the terror and confusion of the front, his near-fatal bullet wound and the vicious treachery of his supposed allies • A firsthand account of the brutal conditions of the Spanish Civil War, George Orwell's Homage to Catalonia includes an introduction by Julian Symons in Penguin Modern Classics
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 799 руб.
Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic Socialism as I understand it'. Thus wrote Orwell following his experiences as a militiaman in the Spanish Civil War, chronicled in Homage to Catalonia. Here he brings to bear all the force of his humanity, passion and clarity, describing with bitter intensity the bright hopes and cynical betrayals of that chaotic episode: the revolutionary euphoria of Barcelona, the courage of ordinary Spanish men and women he fought alongside, the terror and confusion of the front, his near-fatal bullet wound and the vicious treachery of his supposed allies • A firsthand account of the brutal conditions of the Spanish Civil War, George Orwell's Homage to Catalonia includes an introduction by Julian Symons in Penguin Modern Classics
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 596 руб.
The authoratitive text • 'There are occasions where it pays better to fight and be beaten than not to fight at all' • Both a memoir of Orwell's experiences during the Spanish Civil War and a heartfelt tribute to those who died, Homage to Catalonia is an extraordinary first-hand record of him time on the frontline. Written with all of the depth, passion and deep human understanding that defines Orwell's writing this is a vivid account of the battles that were faced by ordinary working people as they fought for both their lives and their ideologies • Although Orwell was himself near-fatally wounded he finds both bleak and comic notes in his experience which is recorded with such clarity and depth that this short work has become one of his best known
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 967 руб.
'Above all, there was a belief in the revolution and the future, a feeling of having suddenly emerged into an era of equality and freedom.' • In late 1936, the idealistic young George Orwell set out for Spain to join the Republican Army in its battle against the fascists. There he encountered a country in chaos. From the heady promises of revolutionary Barcelona to the betrayals, logistical nightmares, and petty factional conflicts, Orwell describes the war in all its gruesome detail with his characteristic flair for language • A fascinating, deeply personal account of how a movement gave up its ideals in pursuit of a victory that never came, the Homage to Catalonia is a remarkable chronicle of the Spanish Civil War
My-shop.ru г. Москва
914 руб.
В 1936 году Джордж Оруэлл пошел добровольцем на гражданскую войну в Испании. В книге "Дань уважения Каталонии", впервые опубликованной незадолго до начала Второй мировой войны, Оруэлл документирует хаос и кровопролитие того исторического момента и голоса тех, кто боролся против растущего фашизма • Его опыт гражданской войны вызвал значительные изменения в его собственных политических взглядах, которые читатели сегодня узнают по большей части его поздних литературных работ; ярость против угрозы тоталитаризма и контроля • Книга на английском языке • In 1936, George Orwell volunteered as a soldier in the Spanish Civil War. In Homage to Catalonia, first published just before the outbreak of World War II, Orwell documents the chaos and bloodshed of that moment in history and the voices of those who fought against rising fascism
My-shop.ru г. Москва
280 руб.
Follows the text of the first edition published by Secker & Warburg in 1938. Contains over 20 pages of notes • After travelling to Spain at the end of 1936 with the intention of working as a correspondent for a British socialist newspaper, thirty-three-year-old George Orwell decided to join the Republican efforts to overturn Franco’s Nationalists in the Spanish Civil War. Having enrolled in the POUM militias, the young writer was soon forced to experience first-hand the hardships and dangers of trench warfare, before becoming involved in the Barcelona May Day street fighting and nearly being killed by a bullet on his return to the front line. Orwell’s initial idealistic dreams of a victorious fight against fascism were gradually tainted by doubt and disillusionment as the divisions and infighting within the Republican coalition became apparent
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 631 руб.
Издание на английском языке • Эпидемии, войны, корумпированные элиты? Всё это было и у Оруэлла! • Джордж Оруэлл — британский писатель и публицист, социалист, воевавший в Испании против Франко. В эту книгу вошли несколько его произведений. Автобиографическая повесть "Памяти Каталонии" рассказывает от первого лица об участии Оруэлла в Гражданской войне в Испании. Роман "Глотнуть воздуха", наполненный предчувствиями грядущей войны, посвящен тоске по уходящей эпохе, которая наверняка теперь знакома и вам, дорогой читатель. Наконец, "Скотный двор" едва ли нуждается в представлении. Эта повесть аллегорически описывает противостояние Сталина и Троцкого в СССР. Этот конфликт напрямую затронул и самого Оруэлла, обвиненного в троцкзиме в Испании, и вынужденного спасаться бегством
My-shop.ru г. Москва
630 руб.
"Памяти Каталонии" остается одним из самых известных рассказов о гражданской войне в Испании. С присущей ему тщательностью Оруэлл подвергает сомнению действия и мотивы всех сторон, сохраняя при этом свою твердую веру в человеческое мужество и необходимость радикальных социальных перемен • Когда Джордж Оруэлл прибыл в Испанию в 1936 году, он записался воевать в республиканскую армию против фашизма. "Памяти Каталонии" - это его личный рассказ о своем опыте участия в гражданской войне в Испании. С передовой он с жестокой честностью описывает разочарования и неэффективность сражений; он оказывается втянутым в жестокие уличные бои в Барселоне и вынужден спасаться бегством, когда республиканские группировки ополчаются друг на друга • Книга на английском языке
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 047 руб.
In 20 short books, Penguin Classics brings you the new canon of great environmental works • Over the past 75 years, a new canon has emerged. As humans have driven the living planet to the brink of collapse, visionary thinkers around the world have raised their voices to defend it. Their words have endured, becoming the classics that define the environmental movement today • Here, James Lovelock draws on decades of wisdom to lay out the history of our remarkable planet, to show that it is not ours to be exploited - and warns us that it is fighting back
My-shop.ru г. Москва
998 руб.
George Orwell's searing account of working-class life in the bleak industrial heartlands of Yorkshire and Lancashire in the 1930s, The Road to Wigan Pier is a brilliant and bitter polemic that has lost none of its political impact over time • Orwell's graphically unforgettable descriptions of social injustice, cramped slum housing, dangerous mining conditions, squalor, hunger and growing unemployment are written with unblinking honesty, fury and great humanity. It crystallized the ideas that would be found in his later works and novels, and remains a powerful portrait of poverty, injustice and class divisions in Britain • Includes illustrations, explanatory footnotes, and an introduction by Richard Hoggart
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 799 руб.
'We are mistaken when we say that 'It isn't the same for them as it would be for us', and that people bred in the slums can imagine nothing but the slums. For what I saw on her face was not the ignorant suffering of an animal • A searing account of George Orwell's observations of working-class life in the bleak industrial heartlands of Yorkshire and Lancashire in the 1930s, The Road to Wigan Pier is a brilliant and bitter polemic that has lost none of its political impact over time. His graphically unforgettable descriptions of social injustice, cramped slum housing, dangerous mining conditions, squalor, hunger and growing unemployment are written with unblinking honesty, fury and great humanity. It crystallized the ideas that would be found in Orwell's later works and novels, and remains a powerful portrait of poverty, injustice and class divisions in Britain
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 795 руб.
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