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Pan Books Wartime at Woolworths Everest Elaine

Pan Books Wartime at Woolworths Everest Elaine

цена 2 004 руб.
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The Woolworths girls have come a long way together • Fun loving Maisie, is devoted to her young family and her work at Woolworths. But her happy life with her RAF officer husband, their baby daughter leads her to think of the family she left behind . . . With the war now into its fourth year, what will she find when she sets about searching for them? • Sarah and her husband, Alan, are blissfully happy and long for a sibling for their daughter. But dark days lay ahead for this close family • Freda heads home to Birmingham, to go in search of her family, back to the life she fled - far from the safety of Woolworths and her new friends • With families' separated by war, will the Woolworths girls be able to pull together? подробнее
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A comforting story set against the nation's favourite holiday camp, from bestselling author of The Woolworths Girls • 'Molly Missons gazed around in awe. So this was Butlin's. Whitewashed buildings, bordered by rhododendrons, gave a cheerful feeling to a world still recovering from six years of war. The Skegness holiday camp covered a vast area, much larger than Molly expected to see.' • Molly Missons hasn't had the best of times recently. Having lost her parents, now some dubious long-lost family have darkened her door - attempting to steal her home and livelihood • After a horrendous ordeal, Molly applies for a job as a Butlin's Aunty. When she receives news that she has got the job, she immediately leaves her small home town - in search of a new life in Skegness
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The Patchwork Girls by Elaine Everest is a moving story about the ties of friends and family, set during the turbulence of the Second World War • 1939. After the sudden and tragic loss of her husband, Helen is returning home to her mother’s house in Biggin Hill, Kent – the one place she vowed she’d never go back to again • Alone and not knowing where to turn, Helen finds herself joining the local women’s sewing circle despite being hopeless with a needle and thread. These resourceful women can not only make do and mend clothes, quilts and woolly hats, but their friendship mends something deeper in Helen too. Lizzie is a natural leader, always ready to lend a helping hand or a listening ear. Effie has uprooted her life from London to keep her two little girls away from the bombing raids, and the sewing circle is a welcome distraction from worries about how to keep a roof over their heads and about her husband too, now serving in active duty overseas
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In Secrets at Bletchley Park by Margaret Dickinson, two young women from very different backgrounds meet in the Second World War and are plunged into a life where security and discretion are paramount. But both have secrets of their own to hide • In 1929, life for ten-year-old Mattie Price, born and raised in the back streets of Sheffield, is tough. With a petty thief for a father and a mother who turns to the bottle to cope with her husband's brutish ways, it is left to the young girl and her brother, Joe, to feed and care for their three younger siblings. But Mattie has others rooting for her too. The Spencer family, who live at the top of the same street, and Mattie's teachers recognize that the girl is clever beyond her years and they, and Joe, are determined that she shall have the opportunity in life she deserves
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From rural Scotland to the most glamorous cities in the world, Christmas at Tiffany's is an exciting, globetrotting story of friendship and romance from Karen Swan • Cassie settled down too young, marrying her first serious boyfriend. Now, ten years later, she is betrayed and broken. With her marriage in tatters and no career or home of her own, she needs to work out where she belongs in the world and who she really is • So begins a year-long trial as Cassie leaves her sheltered life to stay with each of her best friends in New York, Paris and London. Exchanging grouse moor and mousy hair for low-carb diets and high-end highlights, Cassie tries on each city for size as she attempts to track down the life she was supposed to have been leading, and with it, the man who was supposed to love her all along
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Семья Таррант уже много лет каждое лето проводит отпуск в большом доме на берегу моря в Девоне. Хотя дети, Фрейя и Роберт, уже выросли и обзавелись собственными семьями, традиция продолжилась • Но в этом году все душераздирающе изменилось: Алек скоропостижно скончался после сорока счастливых лет брака с Оливией. Теперь, выйдя на пенсию и овдовев, Оливия убеждена, что возвращение в Девон - это как раз то, что ей нужно, чтобы отвлечься • Фрейе тоже нужно уйти от всего этого. Она борется со своей работой, с потерей любимого папы, и ее муж отдалился от нее • Ее брат Роберт, похоже, лучше справляется с делами, у него новая семья и захватывающая карьера, которой можно похвастаться. Но истина далека от радужной • Проведя последнее лето в коттедже "Шелл", Тарранты, возможно, просто поймут, что семейная жизнь редко бывает идеальной, как на открытке, но достаточно ли они сильны, чтобы выдержать бури? • "Summer at Shell Cottage" - роман Люси Даймонд
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2 004 руб.
Июль 1947 года. В Британии всё ещё действует карточная система, хотя после новостей о помолвке принцессы Елизаветы настроение у страны приподнятое. Фреда, работающая на компанию Вулворт, тоже хочет встретить Прекрасного Принца. Но пока что в любви ей не везёт • И не только в любви: она попадает в аварию и сбивает велосипедиста по имени Энтони, сотрудника той же компании. А ещё он подающий надежды спортсмен, которому открыта дорога на Олимпийские игры. Ну, была открыта до аварии. Успеет ли его нога зажить до соревнований? И простит ли он Фреду? • Семейная жизнь Сары со стороны похожа на идиллию, но её муж, Алан, беспокоит её всё сильнее. Не разлюбил ли он её? • Двум подругам придётся вместе пройти через, возможно, тяжелейшие испытания в их жизни. Но несмотря на то, что их ждут утраты, трудности и потрясения, на горизонте девушек из "Вулворта" маячит счастье
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 789 руб.
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