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Oxford World's Classics: Heracles and Other Plays Euripides Oxford University Press

Alcestis * Heracles * Children of Heracles * Cyclops Euripides wrote about timeless themes, of friendship and enmity, hope and despair, duty and betrayal. The first three plays in this volume are filled with violence or its threat, while the fourth, Cyclops, is our only surviving example of a genuine satyr play, with all the crude and slapstick humour that characterized the genre. There is death in Alcestis, which explores the marital relationship of Alcestis and Admetus with pathos and grim humour, but whose status as tragedy is subverted by a happy ending. The blood-soaked Heracles portrays deep emotional pain and undeserved suffering; its demand for a more humanistic ethics in the face of divine indifference and callousness makes it one of ...
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This selection of plays shows Euripides transforming the titanic figures of Greek myths into recognizable, fallible human beings. Medea, in which a spurned woman takes revenge upon her lover by killing her children, is one of the most shocking of all the Greek tragedies. Medea is a towering figure who demonstrates Euripides' unusual willingness to give voice to a woman's case. Alcestis is based on a magical myth in which Death is overcome, and The Children of Heracles examines conflict between might and right, while Hippolytus deals with self-destructive integrity
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 770 руб.
Four devastating Greek tragedies showing the powerful brought down by betrayal, jealousy, guilt and hatred • The first playwright to depict suffering without reference to the gods, Euripides made his characters speak in human terms and face the consequences of their actions. In Medea, a woman rejected by her lover takes hideous revenge by murdering the children they both love, and Hecabe depicts the former queen of Troy, driven mad by the prospect of her daughter's sacrifice to Achilles. Electra portrays a young woman planning to avenge the brutal death of her father at the hands of her mother, while in Heracles the hero seeks vengeance against the evil king who has caused bloodshed in his family
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 967 руб.
Through their sheer range, daring innovation, flawed but eloquent characters and intriguing plots, the plays of Euripides have shocked and stimulated audiences since the fifth century BC. Phoenician Women portrays the rival sons of King Oedipus and their mother's doomed attempts at reconciliation, while Orestes shows a son ravaged with guilt after the vengeful murder of his mother. In the Bacchae, a king mistreats a newcomer to his land, little knowing that he is the god Dionysus disguised as a mortal, while in Iphigenia at Aulis, the Greek leaders take the horrific decision to sacrifice a princess to gain favour from the gods in their mission to Troy. Finally, the Rhesus depicts a world of espionage between the warring Greek and Trojan camps
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 995 руб.
Оскар Уайльд уже был одним из самых громких имён британской литературы, когда он решил найти своему удивительному таланту применение в мире театра. С 1891-го по 1895-й годы он написал ряд самобытных пьес, ставших авангардом драматургического ренессанса девяностых годов девятнадцатого века и не утративших за прошедшее время способность увлекать аудиторию. На страницах книги вы найдёте новую редакцию "Веера леди Уиндермир", "Женщины, не стоящей внимания", "Саломеи", "Идеального мужа" и "Искусства быть серьёзным" - возможно, величайшего комедийного фарса в истории англоязычной драматургии, в честь которого и назван настоящий сборник • Книга на английском языке • Oscar Wilde was already one of the best-known literary figures in Britain when he was persuaded to turn his extraordinary talents to the theatre
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 606 руб.
Marrying deft social commentary to a rich, earthy comedy, the three comedies collected in Aristophanes' The Frogs and Other Plays offers a unique insight into one of the most turbulent periods in Ancient Greek history. This Penguin Classics edition is translated by David Barrett with revisions, an introduction and notes by Shomit Dutta • The master of ancient Greek comic drama, Aristophanes combined slapstick, humour and cheerful vulgarity with acute political observations. In The Frogs, written during the Peloponnesian War, Dionysus descends to the Underworld to bring back a poet who can help Athens in its darkest hour, and stages a great debate to help him decide between the traditional wisdom of Aeschylus and the brilliant modernity of Euripides
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 164 руб.
With three plays focusing on the family and how it struggles to stay together by telling lies - and exposing them, Henrik Ibsen's Ghosts and Other Plays is translated with an introduction by Peter Watts in Penguin Classics • In Ghosts, Osvald Alving returns home only to discover the truth about the father he always looked up to, and learns the horrific effect his father's debauchery has had on him. It was Ibsen's most provocative drama, stripping away the surface of a middle-class family to expose layers of hypocrisy and immorality. A Public Enemy sets two brothers against each other when one wishes to make public the facts about the polluted water in the public baths of their home town. And When We Dead Wake tells of an artist meeting an old lover by chance and rejecting his wife, in a symbolic exploration of Ibsen's own literary life and the sacrifices he made in his work
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 557 руб.
Four of Ibsen's most important plays in superb modern translations, part of the new Penguin Ibsen series • In these four unforgettably intense plays, Henrik Ibsen explores the complex nature of truth, the tension between freedom and responsibility, and the terrible pull that the past exerts over the present. In The Wild Duck, an idealist destroys a family by exposing the lie behind his friend's marriage. In Rosmersholm, a respectable man is driven to extremes by guilt over his wife's death, while in The Lady from the Sea a woman is caught between her family and the enticement of the wild sea. And in Hedda Gabler, one of Ibsen's most famous and vivid anti-heroines struggles to break free from the conventional life she has created for herself, with tragic results
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 557 руб.
Мы должны относиться ко всем тривиальным вещам в жизни очень серьезно, а ко всем серьезным вещам жизни – с искренней и продуманной тривиальностью. – Оскар Уайлд • Впервые выпущенная в 1895, «Как важно быть серьезным» – пьеса, полная путаниц, неожиданных поворотов сюжета, перепутанных личностей и неординарных искрометных острот • Сесилия Кардью и Гвендолин Феирфакс обе влюблены в мужчину по имени Эрнест, которого не существует. Потому что он – изобретение Джека Ворфинга, которому был нужен брат черная овца, которого можно обвинить в своем плохом поведении. Ситуация усложнилась, когда Джек влюбился в Гвендолин, а его друг Альгернон в Сесилию и никто не знает кто есть кто, а сюжет идет к катастрофе • Это самая популярная пьеса Уайлда, незабываемые персонажи, включая грозную Леди Брекнелл
My-shop.ru г. Москва
914 руб.
An essential-nor to mention crucial, vital, and indispensable-point of reference for anyone wanting to find exactly the right word to communicate their meaning, The Oxford Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms puts more than 120,000 alternative and opposite-words at your fingertips • 3-е издание
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 009 руб.
Put on a play in the Middle Ages, find out what happens to Floppy in Ancient Egypt and join Nadim and Anneena as they help invent a flying machine! • This collection contains four Read with Oxford Stage 5 stories that are ideal for children who are beginning to read independently. There are tips for parents and fun activities throughout the book for you and your child to enjoy together • Biff, Chip, Kipper and Floppy the dog are the well-loved characters from Oxford Reading Tree, used in schools around the world. With exciting stories, humorous illustrations, tips for parents and after-reading activities, this series is the perfect companion from your child’s very first steps in phonics all the way to reading independence • Featuring much-loved characters, great authors, engaging storylines and fun activities, Read with Oxford offers an exciting range of carefully-levelled reading books to build your child’s reading confidence
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 142 руб.
Эбенизер Скрудж ненавидит Рождество. Для него все это вздор. Но изменит ли он свои привычки после знакомства с тремя духами в Сочельник? Мы представляем вам величайшую из когда-либо рассказанных рождественскую историю в волшебном подарочном издании, которое содержит не только полный текст «Рождественской песни», но и другие святочные рассказы, написанные Чарльзом Диккенсом • Книга на английском языке • Ebenezer Scrooge hates Christmas. It's all humbug to him. But will he change his ways after a series of ghostly visits one Christmas Eve? • Oxford Children's Classics presents the greatest Christmas story ever told in this eye-catching new edition which not only contains the complete and unabridged text of A Christmas Carol but also features other Christmas stories written by Charles Dickens
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 370 руб.
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