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Orchard Book The Squirrels Who Squabbled Брайт Рэйчел

Orchard Book The Squirrels Who Squabbled Брайт Рэйчел

цена 1 513 руб.
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Greedy squirrels Cyril and Bruce both have their sights on a very special prize: the last pinecone of the season. Uh-oh! The race is on! • A laugh-out-loud tale about friendship and sharing by the bestselling duo behind The Lion Inside and The Koala Who Could, Rachel Bright and Jim Field! подробнее
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There's some-bunny new in Peggy the pug's family - and she's hopping mad! A funny new adventure from the bestselling author of THE PUG WHO WANTED TO BE A UNICORN • There's some-bunny new in Peggy's family - and she's hopping mad! A funny new pug-venture from the bestselling author of THE PUG WHO WANTED TO BE A UNICORN • Peggy the pug's family have adopted an adorable little bunny, just in time for Easter. Peggy used to be top dog, but now she has to share their attention with this long-eared newcomer. Jealous of the new pet, Peggy decides that she must become a rabbit to compete. Can every-bunny learn to get along and realise that there's more than enough love to go around? • A funny story with an uplifting message about sibling rivalry
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Peggy the pug is going on a mer-mazing summer holiday! A perfect beach read, from the bestselling author of The Pug Who Wanted To Be a Unicorn • Peggy the pug is going on holiday to the seaside! Her special friend Chloe is excited, too, and hopes that she'll see a mermaid. But even though Chloe and Peggy search the beach, they can't find a mermaid anywhere. Not wanting her friend to be disappointed, Peggy decides that she'll just have to become a mermaid herself! But that means that she's going to have to learn how to doggy paddle • A funny and heartwarming beach read for newly independent readers!
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When her family loses its Christmas spirit, Peggy heads to the North Pole to get it back! A festive adventure starring a loveable little pug with a heart of gold • The perfect Christmas gift for children aged 5 years and up! • Peggy's family has lost its Christmas spirit and Peggy is desperate to help them get it back. The little pug wishes she could turn into a reindeer so she could work some Christmas magic on her family. She tries eating carrots, giving herself antlers and a glowing red nose, but nothing works - and the messes she makes only create more problems at home! • Finally, the brave little pug decides that the only solution is to ask Santa for help. But the North Pole is far away, and Peggy gets lost in a snowstorm before she even makes it out of town
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Can two broken boys find their perfect home? By turns heartbreaking and heartwarming, this is a gorgeously told, powerful story • Sam is only fifteen but he and his autistic older brother, Avery, have been abandoned by every relative he's ever known. Now Sam's trying to build a new life for them. He survives by breaking into empty houses when their owners are away, until one day he's caught out when a family returns home. To his amazement this large, chaotic family takes him under their wing - each teenager assuming Sam is a friend of another sibling. Sam finds himself inextricably caught up in their life, and falling for the beautiful Moxie • But Sam has a secret, and his past is about to catch up with him
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Who says ballet is just for swans? A flamingo is tickled pink when she befriends a ballerina in this funny, heartwarming story about dance and determination • When Fifi crash-lands in a pond near a ballet school, she mistakes the ballerinas balancing on one leg for fellow flamingos. She longs to be a dancer, too, but the mean swans who rule the pond say she's not graceful enough. . . But when Fifi befriends Darcy, one of the young ballerinas, she learns that becoming a dancer isn't just about looking good in pink. It takes lots of hard work and training! • Will the ballet school's show give Fifi a chance to show the swans that flamingos CAN dance? And can she help her new friend Darcy to overcome her stage fright?
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My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 513 руб.
Однажды утром Стомпизавр просыпается счастливым в предвкушении нового дня, но все начинает идти немного не так. Его дразнит брат, его завтрак невкусный, и все идет не так, как надо. И вскоре накопившиеся в нем недовольство и раздражение взрываются! • Но плохое начало не обязательно означает плохой конец. Сможет ли Стомпизавр изменить свой день к лучшему? • "Стомпизавр" Рэйчел Брайт - идеальная книжка с картинками, которая поможет детям научиться преодолевать чувства гнева и досады, когда кажется, что все идет не так • Книга на английском языке • One morning, Stompysaurus wakes from a happy dream, feeling excited for the new day, until things start to go a bit wrong. His brother's being a tease, his breakfast isn't his usual favourite and nothing is going right
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One sunny morning, a happy little Hugasaurus waves goodbye to her Pappysaur and sets off into the world on her own for the very first time. When she finds a playground, some new friends welcome her to their games. But it isn't long before the other little dinosaurs start to squabble • Can Hugasaurus bring her new friends back together using the magical power of kindness? • The perfect picture book to help children learn to be kind to one another. For every hugasaurus - large or small
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It's a beautiful day and Worrysaurus has planned a special picnic • But it isn't long before a small butterfly of worry starts fluttering in his tummy • What if he hasn't brought enough to eat? • What if he gets lost in the jungle? • What if he trips and falls? • What if it rains?! • Can Worrysaurus find a way to chase his fears away and have fun? • The perfect book to help every anxious little dinosaur let go of their fears and feel happy in the moment
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A flamboyantly fun tropical tale of love, fame, friendship from the creators of the international bestseller The Lion Inside • Goldy wants one thing, and one thing only - to be a STAR. On the sunny island this gecko calls home, it's always The Goldy Show, morning 'til night • But when you're dazzled by the limelight, it's easy to lose sight of the world around you. And when Goldy's performance starts to go wrong, the little gecko discovers that friendship means so much more than fame. Because when you treat the world with love, then love will come echoing back • This funny and touching rhyming story is perfect for sharing, reminding us all that treating others with kindness makes the whole world a better and happier place
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1 300 руб.
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