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Nosy Crow My Great Success and Other Failures Wilkins Catherine

Nosy Crow My Great Success and Other Failures Wilkins Catherine

цена 1 602 руб.
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Jess’s cartoons are actually beginning to take off. A local comic store wants to use them in a campaign and she is in danger of becoming really rather famous (at school). This leads to some tensions with her friends. Why can’t people be happy for her? It’s not as if success is going to her head, or anything. Or actually that it’s anything like success at all… подробнее
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Luke and his brother have swapped bodies by accident. Zack’s got Luke’s weird feet while Luke has Zack’s SUPERPOWERS! Now he needs another world-threatening adventure to try them out. Could a family mini-break at Great Minds Leisure Park be his chance? Probably, because that’s where his super-clever arch-enemy lurks, fermenting dastardly plans and bubbling gently… • My Arch-Enemy Is a Brain In a Jar is the fourth instalment of Luke’s laugh-out-loud adventures. From the author of My Brother Is a Superhero, winner of the Waterstones Children’s Book Prize and the British Book Industry Awards Children’s Book of the Year, and My Gym Teacher Is an Alien Overlord, winner of a Lollies Laugh Out Loud 2017 Book Award • Books don’t come much funnier than these! Packed with heart and soul, this series is perfect for fans of David Baddiel and David Walliams
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1 602 руб.
Luke’s dad has bought a lot of gadgets recently and not one of them works as it’s supposed to. Maybe it’s because a machine-from-the-future is stalking Bromley, playing havoc with all the tech and trying to stop Star Lad going on a date. Could this be the Rise of the Machines? Luke knows what he must do – he just needs his fellow SCARF members to help, or it will be the end of everything… • My Cousin is a Time-Traveller is the fifth instalment of Luke’s laugh-out-loud adventures. From the author of My Brother Is a Superhero, winner of the Waterstones Children’s Book Prize and the British Book Industry Awards Children’s Book of the Year, and My Gym Teacher Is an Alien Overlord, winner of a Lollies Laugh Out Loud 2017 Book Award • Books don’t come much funnier than these! Packed with heart and soul, this series is perfect for fans of David Baddiel and David Walliams
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 602 руб.
Luke is a comic-mad eleven-year old who shares a treehouse with his geeky older brother, Zack. Luke’ s only mistake is to go for a wee right at the wrong time. While he’s gone, an alien gives his undeserving, never-read-a-comic-in-his-life brother superpowers and then tells him to save the universe. Luke is massively annoyed about this, but when Zack is kidnapped by his arch-nemesis, Luke and his friends have only five days to find him and save the world… • Books don’t come much funnier than these! Packed with heart and soul, this series is perfect for fans of David Baddiel and David Walliams
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"Грубый Викинг и Игры Великого Гулпа" - книжка Одина Рэдберна • Каждый год деревня Ворвань соревнуется с соседним городом Гулп в Играх викингов, и каждый год ворваньщики терпят поражение. Убежденный, что на этот раз он справится лучше, Вульгарный начинает тренироваться – с комично катастрофическими результатами, – но худшее еще впереди, когда он прибывает на Игры и обнаруживает, что его и его друзей по ошибке включили в бег с барьерами на козлах! И когда на том же мероприятии появляется заклятый враг Вульгара Гуннар, все готово для самого вспыльчивого и хаотичного забега на козлах с барьерами в истории викингов • Книга на английском языке • Every year, the village of Blubber competes against the neighbouring town of Gulp in the Viking Games, and every year, the Blubberers get thrashed
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"Моя кошачья жизнь" Карли Соросяк - мудрая, смешная и трогательная история о том, что значит обрести семью • У Леонарда никогда не было имени. Или тела. Или лучшего друга. Но он хотел бы попробовать быть человеком • В свой трехсотый день рождения каждый пришелец из родной галактики Леонарда получает возможность провести месяц в теле земного существа. Леонард должен был стать лесничим в Йеллоустонском национальном парке, но произошла путаница • И теперь он застрял в теле бездомного кот • К счастью для Леонарда, ему встречается Олив – и вместе они отправляются в путешествие, чтобы найти дом • Книга на английском языке • A wise, funny and moving story of what it means to find a family, from the best-selling author of I, Cosmo • Leonard has never had a name
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 829 руб.
This side-splitting spin on a favourite fairy tale is full of wit and humour • So, you think you know the story of Cinderella? Well, you’d better think again because in this hilarious laugh-out-loud tale, nothing is what it seems. Did you know that Cinderella wasn’t actually very nice? And that there were THREE ugly sisters? And that the youngest sister, Gertie, was absolutely the nicest person you could ever hope to meet? Surprising, isn’t it? Come and make friends with Gertie, and find out if she will EVER get to the ball . . . and, watch out, you might just meet a few favourite fairy tale characters along the way, too • Smart, funny and brilliant to read aloud, this beautifully illustrated picture book is sure to draw children back again and again
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1 602 руб.
It’s the end of summer and Vulgar is miserable. He has to go back to school, and school is one of the most un-Viking inventions ever. However, his gloom turns to excitement when he discovers that the famous Viking hunter, explorer and survival expert, Otto the Bone-Cruncher, has joined the school to teach hunting. Vulgar can’t wait to get out into the wild! But, having been dragged into the high mountains above Blubber, Vulgar, Freya and Knut are forced to sleep on rocks, wash in freezing streams and eat raw slugs. Vulgar is also sure a Troll is following them! Life as a hunter isn’t quite what Vulgar expected and suddenly school looks quite cool
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 602 руб.
From singing and dancing to doing things with pickled herring – the villagers of Blubber are gifted in many ways. And they’ve decided to have a talent contest to prove it. Vulgar knows it’s his time to shine. Will he perform his armpit ‘music’ or juggle some elk poo? No! He will act out a Viking legend, with fighting and dragons and giants and all that stuff. And he will win! Won’t he?
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 602 руб.
Vulgar is a Viking boy who longs for the glory days of raiding, pillaging and enormous beards. Life in the village of Blubber is so dull, it’s all knitting and goat-herding and yawwwnnn. Vulgar feels it’s up to him to introduce a bit of mayhem and chaos, and just as soon as he’s finished juggling with elk manure, he’s going to relish the challenge
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An adorable Sing-Along board book story, with five robust board sliders – easy for little hands to use! • Each board book comes with a free instrumental and vocal version of the nursery rhyme – simply scan the QR code for little ones to listen and sing along! • With bright illustrations this series make the perfect gift for a baby or toddler! • It’s a beautiful sunny day, and a visit to the swimming pool is a brilliant chance for little ones to join in with this classic action rhyme!
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 602 руб.
The story of the title deals with a little boy named Larry and his feelings towards his father. When his father returns home from World War II, Larry is resentful and jealous of losing his mother's undivided attention, and finds himself in a constant struggle to win back her affections
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Серия книг «Зарубежная классика — читай в оригинале» — это бессмертные произведения великих мастеров пера, написанные ими на их родном языке и наречии. Книги из этой серии помогут читателю углубленно изучать иностранные языки, обогатят его внутренний мир и по-новому откроют произведения известных классиков
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