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Maths Age 6-8 HarperCollins Publishers

This practice book will build essential skills through activity-packed fun. The activities are designed to give children a real sense of achievement. This helps to boost their confidence and develop good learning habits for life.
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HarperCollins с гордостью представляет новую серию любимых классических произведений. Хотя это и безумие, но в нем есть метод. Считающаяся одной из самых богатых и долговечных пьес Шекспира, картина, в которой ее герой Гамлет клянется отомстить за убийство своего отца братом Клавдием, одновременно сильна и сложна. По мере того как Гамлет пытается докопаться до истины, на первый план выходят его непростые отношения с матерью, а также парадоксы его личности. Тщательно продуманные конфликты и трагедии, сложные диалоги Шекспира продолжают восхищать зрителей и по сей день. Книга на английском языке • HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. 'Though this be madness, yet there is method in't.' Considered one of Shakespeare's most rich and enduring plays, the depiction of its hero Hamlet as he vows to avenge the murder of his father by his brother Claudius is both powerful and complex
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HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics. But I am not like other boys! I always tell the truth. The story of Pinocchio has remained one of the best-loved children's tales for over a century. However, the original 1883 novel about the adventures of the mischievous marionette on his quest to become a real boy began as a sophisticated story for both adults and children, and includes political satire, slapstick humour and questions about the role of tradition and society. From the moment Geppetto decides to carve himself a son from a magical piece of wood, the tale lurches from one fantastical episode to another, in one of the most enchanting fables of all time
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HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. 'Welcome, O life! I go to encounter for the millionth time the reality of experience and to forge in the smithy of my soul the uncreated conscience of my race.' Autobiographical in tone, Joyce's tale of Stephen Dedalus' journey into adulthood explores the intellectual and moral development of an artist as he struggles to overcome the ingrained Catholic consciousness of his childhood - a family life governed by Irish history, religion and politics. Realistic and innovative in its approach, the style of writing proved controversial upon publication in 1916 and the character of Stephen on a quest for his identity did not appeal to readers.However, Joyce expertly encapsulates the development of individual consciousness and the role of the artist in society in what is considered one of his greatest works
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Сколько всего кошек в мире? • Каков шанс выиграть в лотерею дважды? • И сколько же времени требуется, чтобы сосчитать до миллиона? • Узнайте, как решать сложные математические задачи, не имея ничего, кроме обратной стороны конверта, карандаша и немного старомодных мозговых усилий • Присоединяйтесь к Робу Истэуэю, который интересно расскажет о том, как считать без калькулятора. Математика на обратной стороне конверта, наполненная забавными анекдотами, тестами и полезными советами по расчетам для любой ситуации, является бесценным введением в искусство оценки и приятным напоминанием о том, что иногда наш собственный мозг - лучший инструмент, с помощью которого мы имеем дело с числами • Книга на английском языке • How many cats are there in the world? • What's the chance of winning the lottery twice? • And just how long does it take to count to a million? • Learn how to tackle tricky maths problems with nothing but the back of an envelope, a pencil and some good old-fashioned brain power
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Shortlisted for the Samuel Johnson Prize and winner of the Royal Society Prize for Science Books, Richard Holmes’s dazzling portrait of the age of great scientific discovery is a groundbreaking achievement • The book opens with Joseph Banks, botanist on Captain Cook’s first Endeavour voyage, who stepped onto a Tahitian beach in 1769 fully expecting to have located Paradise. Back in Britain, the same Romantic revolution that had inspired Banks was spurring other great thinkers on to their own voyages of artistic and scientific discovery – astronomical, chemical, poetical, philosophical – that together made up the ‘age of wonder’ • In this breathtaking group biography, Richard Holmes tells the stories of the period’s celebrated innovators and their great scientific discoveries: from telescopic sight to the miner’s lamp, and from the first balloon flight to African exploration
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