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Macmillan Education The New Baby

Macmillan Education The New Baby

цена 986 руб.
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Холи и Том с нетерпением ждут появления в своей семье братика или сестренки. Вместе с бабушкой они готовят для малыша множество подарков подробнее
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The new Macmillan Cultural Readers are factual Readers focusing on countries of the world, and include chapters on history, traditions, daily life, cities, nature and sport. These colour-rich, photographic titles encourage the reader to interact with and explore the text through handy fact boxes. The new 2013 titles are England, The United States of America and Brazil. The Macmillan Graded Readers series is one of the most popular simplified readers for learners of English. The series is published at six levels - Starter, Beginner, Elementary, Pre-intermediate, Intermediate and Upper Intermediate. The information, structure and vocabulary are controlled at each level to suit the students' ability. The Macmillan Readers provide a choice of enjoyable reading materials for learners of English from a range of prestigious authors from around the world
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 206 руб.
Macmillan English Explorers is an exciting new reading programme developed specifically for children learning English in kindergartens and primary schools. Written with second language learners in mind, these books expose children to real language and develop their reading and vocabulary skills • Key features • Stories have been written using high-frequency words, plus story-specific words which as far as possible are clarified by illustrations • High-frequency words have been taken from the UK National Literacy Strategy and correlated with the Ladybird Key Words list and the words most commonly used by L1 children in their own writing • Phonetically-regular words are included where they can be used in a meaningful and contextualized way, but not to the detriment of the storyline • There are eight levels in the Macmillan English Explorers series, each consisting of several genres, including traditional tales, contemporary real-life stories, and comic characters
My-shop.ru г. Москва
899 руб.
Macmillan English Explorers is an exciting new reading programme developed specifically for children learning English in kindergartens and primary schools. Written with second language learners in mind, these books expose children to real language and develop their reading and vocabulary skills
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 105 руб.
The Macmillan Children's Readers bring together a variety of enjoyable fiction and non-fiction titles. Six colour coded levels, designed for children aged 6-12, stimulate the pupils' interest in reading and learning English. The Readers include activity pages and a picture dictionary or wordlist. The upper levels also have fact-files and non-fiction tales to grab the interest of both boys and girls
My-shop.ru г. Москва
845 руб.
The Macmillan Children’s Readers Level 6 will capture a child’s interest in reading and learning English with fun and informative subject matter. The wide range of fiction and non-fiction titles provides reinforcement of basic structures and vocabulary and can be used alongside any primary course. Accompanying audio is available for each title
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 367 руб.
The Macmillan Children’s Readers Level 3 will capture a child’s interest in reading and learning English with fun and informative subject matter. The wide range of fiction and non-fiction titles provides reinforcement of basic structures and vocabulary and can be used alongside any primary course. Accompanying audio is available for each title
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 367 руб.
In this Holly and Tom story about bullying and friendship, Holly and Tom go to the park with Mum and Dad to ride their bikes. They meet Jake and he challenges Tom to a bike race. They race too fast and get hurt and break their bikes. They agree that it is better to be friends • Macmillan English Explorers have been written specifically for young learners of English. They bring first language teaching methods to reading lessons in international classrooms
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 005 руб.
1547 год. Лондон. Два абсолютно разных мальчика из разных семей. Первый - Эдвард Тюдор, принц и будущий король Англии; другой - Том Канти, сын вора. Однажды они встречаются и их жизнь меняется навсегда. Что может произойти, если два мальчика поменяются своей одеждой? Почему принцу может понадобиться помощь бедного человека? Кто станет королем, когда умрет Генрих VIII? И как красивый золотой предмет может спасти принца? Классическая история Марка Твена о двух мальчиках, которые поменялись жизнями, даст ответы на все вопросы. Книга сопровождается аудиодиском • The Prince and the Pauper is a classic story written by Mark Twain and has been adapted for Elementary Level readers. The story explains what happens when two boys - Edward Tudor, a prince and future King of England, and the poor son of a thief meet and swap lives
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1 564 руб.
Маленький мальчик по имени Маугли живёт в джунглях со стаей волков. Не все животные этому рады. Тигр Шер-Хан знает, что однажды человеческий детёныш вырастет и станет опасен, поэтому хочет его убить. Чтобы уберечь Маугли, Медведь Балу и пантера Багира учат его жить по законам джунглей. Сможет ли он одолеть свирепого Шер-Хана, или погибнет в тигриных когтях? • Сюжет оригинального сборника рассказов представлен в виде повести, и адаптирован для изучающих английский язык • «Книга джунглей» от одного из самых популярных авторов классической британской литературы Редьярда Киплинга станет великолепным подарком для детей • Книга на английском языке • Little Mowgli lives in the jungle with wolves. But not all the animals are happy. Shere Khan the tiger knows that one day the man cub will be a man, and he wants to kill him
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876 руб.
Teaching phonics is recognised educationally as an essential part of the teaching of reading and writing. This reading scheme teaches children how to sound out words and blend sounds to read words and to segment the sounds in the words in order to accurately spell them
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1 305 руб.
A fact and fiction primary Reader about the Wild West, with back-of-book activities and Bilingual Dictionary
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 367 руб.
Рабочая тетрадь к каждой книге содержит задания на проверку понимания прочитанного, лексические упражнения, задания на формирование и развитие умений письменной речи – составление рецензии прочитанной книги и характеристики героев
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 427 руб.
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