г. Москва, Московская область

Just Business. Multinational Corporations and Human Rights John Gerard Ruggie W.W.Norton & Company

One of the most vexing human rights issues of our time has been how to protect the rights of individuals and communities worldwide in an age of globalization and multinational business. Indeed, from Indonesian sweatshops to oil-based violence in Nigeria, the challenges of regulating harmful corporate practices in some of the world's most difficult regions long seemed insurmountable. Human rights groups and businesses were locked in a stalemate, unable to find common ground. In 2005, the United Nations appointed John Gerard Ruggie to the modest task of clarifying the main issues. Six years later, he had accomplished much more than that. Ruggie had developed his now-famous "Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights", which provided a road map for ensuring responsible global corporate practices
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Пол: Женский • Объем: 30 мл • Год выпуска: 2017 • Семейство: фруктовые, цветочные • Верхние ноты: грейпфрут, мандарин, ноты бергамота • Средние ноты: пион, роза, фрезия • Базовые ноты: амбра, древесные ноты, мускус • Доставка духов в Москву - Just Essence Dream Far and Wide. Аромат оригинален. В случае претензий возможен возврат. Качественный парфюм Джастэссенс Дрим Фар И Вайд
SpellSmell.ru г. Москва
1 890 руб.
Business Result. Starter. Teacher's Book and DVD - Книга для учителя с диском серии «Business Result Second Edition» • Шестиуровневый практический курс делового английского языка обеспечивает эффективное развитие навыков для свободного общения в сфере бизнеса на уровнях A1-C2 • Во втором издании обновлено содержание пособий с учетом новейших реалий делового мира • Удобная модульная структура учебника позволяет выбирать наиболее актуальные уроки и адаптировать программу с учетом индивидуальных особенностей • Современная бизнес-лексика, понятия, терминология, подробное объяснения грамматических структур, применяемых в бизнес-контексте позвовляют учащимся сразу начать использовать язык в реальной жизни • Особое внимание уделено коммуникативным навыкам и беглости произношения
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 649 руб.
Now shortlisted for the 2012 Financial Times Business Book of the Year Award and the Wellcome Trust Book Prize, The Hour Between Dog and Wolf is a resonant exploration of economic behaviour and its consequences • Shortlisted for the 2012 Financial Times and Goldman Sachs Business Book of the Year Award and the Wellcome Trust Book Prize, this startling and unconventional book from neuroscientist and former Wall Street trader John Coates shows us the bankers in their natural environment, revealing how their biochemistry has a lasting and significant impact on our economy • We learn how risk stimulates the most primitive part of the banker's brain and how making the deals our bank balances depend on provokes an overwhelming fight-or-flight response
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 699 руб.
In The Running Book, John Connell vividly describes a marathon through County Longford, Ireland, where he lives and farms. Because running is as much about the mind as the body, the book is about more than the physical experience. What John sees on his journey prompts him to contemplate a wide range of things: he's as likely to think about local Irish history, the legacy of colonialism in Australia or the story of Haile Gebrselassie as he is to remember his own past runs in Arizona or Ibiza • After a mental health crisis, John found the simple act of putting one foot in front of another helped him to regain his sense of self and better appreciate the world around him. At its core, The Running Book is a life-affirming read about the nature of happiness - and how for one man it came through the feet
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 678 руб.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a condition that is often misunderstood and misdiagnosed. Despite common perceptions, only 50% of cases are related to diet and the causes of the other 50% of cases are rarely examined and sufferers are unable to find suitable treatment • In this groundbreaking new book, Professor John Hunter reveals how you can solve the causes of your IBS. Using his carefully-constructed questionnaire, find out the reasons for your symptoms then turn to the appropriate chapter to learn how to treat them. Irritable Bowel Solutions also answers all the other questions that might be causing concern, such as • -What if I don't fit any of the types described? • -What do probiotics really do and are they helpful? • -Will my disease always affect me or can I manage it effectively?
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 992 руб.
In Feral, George Monbiot, one of the world's most celebrated radical thinkers offers a riveting tale of possibility and travel in the wild • How many of us sometimes feel that we are scratching at the walls of this life, seeking to find our way into a wider space beyond? That our mild, polite existence sometimes seems to crush the breath out of us? Feral is the lyrical and gripping story of George Monbiot's efforts to re-engage with nature and discover a new way of living. He shows how, by restoring and rewilding our damaged ecosystems on land and at sea, we can bring wonder back into our lives. Making use of some remarkable scientific discoveries, Feral lays out a new, positive environmentalism, in which nature is allowed to find its own way
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 136 руб.
The clearest and sharpest recognition guide to over 500 butterfly and moth species from around the world • Authoritative text, crystal-clear photography, and a systematic approach make this the most comprehensive and concise pocket guide to the butterflies and moths of the world. Packed with more than 600 full-colour photographs of over 500 species, this handy reference book is designed to cut through the process of identification and help you to recognize a species quickly and easily • Expertly written and thoroughly vetted, each entry combines a precise description with annotated photographs to highlight the characteristics and distinguishing features of each butterfly or moth, while also providing at-a-glance facts for quick reference. The introduction explains the difference between butterflies and moths, details the life cycle from egg to adult, rearing your own specimens, and offers guidance for finding and observing live specimens in the wild
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 126 руб.
A fantastic first book on what happens in the sky, this book is the perfect companion for children eager to understand why it rains or shines • Discover how a weather forecast is predicted, what makes a rainbow, and the difference between a warm and cold front • With exciting activities such as cloud-spotting and building your own barometer, and plenty of facts, Nature Explorers: Weather is essential for children curious about the weather and keen to explore the world • About the series • The Nature Explorers series is a fantastic first set of books on the great outdoors for children aged 6 to 8 • From birds, to weather, to the seashore, and more, the key topics of each subject are explained with plenty of fun activities to do along the way, encouraging kids to investigate and record everything they see
My-shop.ru г. Москва
643 руб.
Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization, and helped make us who we are
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 197 руб.
Книга Ричарда Бенталла "Объяснение безумия. Психоз и человеческая природа" объяснит, что такое безумие, покажет, что его можно понять в психологических терминах и что, изучая его, мы можем получить важные сведения о нормальном состоянии ума. В книге будет утверждаться, что традиционные подходы к безумию должны быть отброшены в пользу нового подхода, который более соответствует тому, что мы сейчас знаем о человеческом разуме. За последнее столетие или около того стало настолько обычным рассматривать безумие просто как медицинское состояние, что стало трудно думать о нем как-либо по-другому. Вместо этого Бенталл утверждает, что бред, галлюцинации и другие необычные формы поведения лучше всего поддаются психологическому пониманию и что такие переживания по большей части представляют собой преувеличение психических недостатков, к которым мы все склонны
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 914 руб.
в "Убийце по ту сторону стола" легендарный специалист ФБР по составлению криминальных профилей и автор бестселлеров номер один Джон Дуглас углубляется в жизнь и преступления четырех сложных убийц-хищников,предлагая никогда ранее не раскрывавшиеся подробности о процессе составления его профилей и раскрывая стратегии,используемые для раскрытия некоторых из его самых сложных дел • В этой захватывающей работе о настоящем преступлении Дуглас рассказывает о четырех совершенно разных преступниках,с которыми он сталкивался на протяжении своей карьеры,и объясняет,как они помогли ему собрать воедино головоломку о том, как мыслят психопаты и хищники • Проводя нас в комнату для допросов и демонстрируя уникальные методы,которые он использует,чтобы понять работу самых страшных и непостижимых умов, "Убийца напротив" - это незабываемое путешествие в самые темные уголки криминалистики и поведенческой науки от человека,который знает серийных убийц лучше,чем кто-либо другой
My-shop.ru г. Москва
893 руб.
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