г. Москва, Московская область

Johnny and the Bomb Terry Pratchett Random House, Inc.

Johnny Maxwell and his friends have to do something when they find Mrs Tachyon, the local bag lady, semi-conscious in an alley... as long as it's not the kiss of life. But there's more to Mrs Tachyon than a squeaky trolley and a bunch of dubious black bags. Somehow she holds the key to different times, different ears - including the Blackbury Blitz in 1941. Suddenly now isn't the safe place Johnny once thought it was as he finds himself caught up more and more with then... SMARTIES PRIZE, SILVER MEDAL WINNERSHORTLISTED FOR THE CARNEGIE MEDAL AND THE CHILDREN'S BOOK AWARD.
Актуальные предложения интернет-магазинов
"Джонни и бомба" - роман Терри Пратчетта, написанный в 1996 году. Это третий роман о Джонни Максвелле и его друзьях, в котором рассказывается о правилах и последствиях путешествий во времени • Вот почему алгебре и физкультуре в школе учат, а действительно необходимым вещам - нет? Ведь ни на одном уроке не услышишь: "Время детям не игрушка! Если вы вдруг увидите на улице машину (или магазинную тележку) времени - тихонечко пройдите мимо. Иначе вас ждут Большие Неприятности. Например, встретите собственного дедушку в коротеньких штанишках, и он задразнит вас до слез. Или вас примут за шпиона и арестуют. Или вы до конца жизни застрянете в Былых Временах, когда даже чипсов еще не придумали". Никому и в голову не приходит предупредить об этом. Зато если из-за неосторожного обращения со временем взорвется Вселенная - кто будет виноват? Правильно, Джонни Максвелл
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 525 руб.
"Джонни и мертвецы" - второй роман Терри Пратчетта с участием персонажа Джонни Максвелла • Почему именно Джонни стал видеть мертвых? Ответа на этот вопрос никто не знает. Но как-то раз, проходя через кладбище, он постучал в дверь одного склепа - и дверь открылась. Так Джонни познакомился с Олдерменом (1822-1906). И этот призрак, то есть, простите, гражданин, перешедший в новое качественное состояние, оказался далеко не единственным! Жаль только, большинству живущих нет дела до старого кладбища и тех, кто на нем похоронен, - городские власти уже решили судьбу этого места, продав землю под застройку. Что тут может сделать двенадцатилетней мальчишка? • Книга на английском языке • Sell the cemetery? • Over their dead bodies • Not many people can see the dead (not many would want to)
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 525 руб.
The Untold History of the United States is filmmaker Oliver Stone and historian Peter Kuznick's riveting landmark account of the rise and decline of the American empire - the most powerful and dominant nation the world has ever seen. Probing the dark corners of the administrations of 17 presidents, from Woodrow Wilson to Barack Obama, they dare to ask just how far the US has drifted from its founding democratic ideals • Beginning with the bloody suppression of the Filipino struggle for independence and spanning the two World Wars, it documents how US administrations have repeatedly intervened in conflicts on foreign soil, taking part in covert operations and wars in Latin American, Asia and the Middle East. At various times it has overthrown elected leaders in favour of right-wing dictators, for both economic and political gain
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 262 руб.
The everything-you-need-to-know WIRED guide to the future of genomics • Genome sequencing is one of the most exciting scientific breakthroughs of the past thirty years. But what precisely does it involve and how is it developing? • In this brilliantly wide-ranging, one-stop guide WIRED journalist Rachael Pells explains the science behind genomics. She analyses its practical applications in medical diagnosis and the treatment of conditions that range from cancer to severe allergic reactions to cystic fibrosis. She considers its potential to help with advances in agriculture and environmental science. She explores the ethics of genetic modification and the dangers involved when humans 'play God'. And she addresses the fundamental question: to what extent will future advances transform human longevity and the quality of life
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 802 руб.
The new economics of culture and commerce • What happens when there is almost unlimited choice? When everything becomes available to everyone? And when the combined value of the millions of items that only sell in small quantities equals or even exceeds the value of a handful of best-sellers? • In this ground-breaking book, Chris Anderson shows that the future of business does not lie in hits - the high-volume end of a traditional demand curve - but in what used to be regarded as misses - the endlessly long tail of that same curve. As our world is transformed by the Internet and the near infinite choice it offers consumers, so traditional business models are being overturned and new truths revealed about what consumers want and how they want to get it
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 004 руб.
The newest instalment in the phenomenal Night Watch series. The streets of Moscow aren’t safe. Vampires are attacking innocent people, and the names of the victims are spelling out a message: ANTON GORODETSKY. Higher Light Magician Anton is one of the Others, possessed of magical powers and able to enter the Twilight, a shadowy world parallel to our own. Each Other must swear allegiance to one side: either the Light, or the Dark. But who is after Anton and what do they want? Anton’s investigation leads him to a Prophet, an Other with the gift of seeing the future. Her horrifying vision heralds the end of all life at the hands of an ancient threat – unless Anton can reunite a mysterious organisation known only as the Sixth Watch, before it’s too late
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 146 руб.
"Мгновение на экране" - сборник коротких рассказов Терри Пратчетта, охватывающий всю его писательскую карьеру от школьных лет до Плоского мира и наших дней • За четыре десятилетия, прошедшие с тех пор, как его первая книга появилась в печати, Терри Пратчетт стал одним из самых продаваемых и любимых авторов в мире. Здесь впервые представлены его рассказы и другая художественная литература в короткой форме, собранные в один том • Книга на английском языке • A collection of shorter fiction from Terry Pratchett, spanning the whole of his writing career from schooldays to Discworld and the present day • In the four decades since his first book appeared in print, Terry Pratchett has become one of the world's best-selling and best-loved authors. Here for the first time are his short stories and other short form fiction collected into one volume
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 897 руб.
Необыкновенная и необычайно забавная книга Терри Пратчетта "Дальнобойщики" впервые выходит в издании, прекрасно иллюстрированном Марком Бичем • Представьте, что вокруг вас, скрытые от посторонних глаз, находятся тысячи крошечных людей • Они четырехдюймового роста, храбрые, упрямые и находчивые • Это и есть номы • Номы в этой истории живут под половицами большого универмага и никогда не выходили наружу. На самом деле, они даже не верят во Что-то Внешнее • Но новые дома прибывают - откуда же еще? - и они приносят с собой ужасающие новости: магазин закрывается, и все должно быть распродано… • Книга на английском языке • Terry Pratchett's extraordinary, and extraordinarily funny, book, Truckers, available for the first time in an edition beautifully illustrated by Mark Beech
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 596 руб.
In sport, money is everything • Behind every victory lap, every goal celebration, every triumph against the odds and every dropped relay baton is a story of money • Why would someone pull the plug on a Premier League match? • What prompts an athlete to search for sponsorship on eBay? • How can the decision of a drinks brand CEO make or break an entire sport? • Why would a sprinter think they can’t afford not to dope? • Sport Inc. reveals the behind-the-scenes finances that drive sport - who gets rich and who gets left on the bench • Through investigations into a wide range of sports, including how football agents really work, the betting industry and corruption, esports, the NFL’s efforts to take over the world and the real cost of hosting events like the World Cup and the Olympics, the financial realities of our obsession with sport are exposed
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 941 руб.
Victor Serge is one of the great men of the 20th century —and one of its great writers too. He was an anarchist, an agitator, a revolutionary, an exile, a historian of his times, as well as a brilliant novelist, and in Memoirs of a Revolutionary he devotes all his passion and genius to describing this extraordinary—and exemplary—career. Serge tells of his upbringing among exiles and conspirators, of his involvement with the notorious Bonnot Gang and his years in prison, of his role in the Russian Revolution, and of the Revolution’s collapse into despotism and terror. Expelled from the Soviet Union, Serge went to Paris, where he evaded the KGB and the Nazis before fleeing to Mexico. Memoirs of a Revolutionary recounts a thrilling life on the front lines of history and includes vivid portraits not only of Trotsky, Lenin, and Stalin but of countless other figures who struggled to remake the world
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 108 руб.
Oscar-winning director Oliver Stone and historian Peter Kuznick examine the dark side of American history from the beginning of the twentieth century right up to the Obama administration. Looking at American intervention in foreign conflicts in Latin American, Asia and the Middle East, including taking part in covert operations and interfering to overthrow elected leaders in favour of right-wing dictators, they ask whether US involvement around the globe is about democratic ideals, or political and economic gain • From Hiroshima and Nagasaki to the Watergate scandal and the transformation of America into a national security state, The Concise Untold History lays bare how US presidents have ignored the constitution and international law to influence the course of world events for the interest of the few
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 970 руб.
Readers worldwide know the work of Stephen Hawking through his phenomenal bestseller A Brief History of Time • In this collection of essays and other pieces - on subjects that range from warmly personal to the wholly scientific- he is revealed variously as the scientist, the man, the concerned world citizen, and - as always - the rigorous and imaginative thinker. Whether remembering his first experience of nursery school; puncturing the arrogance of those who think science can best be understood only by other scientists and should be left to them; exploring the origins and the future of the universe; or reflecting on the phenomenon of A Brief History of Time, Stephen's wit, directness of style and absence of pomp are vital characteristics at all times
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 997 руб.
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