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HQ The Girl from Ballymor McGurl Kathleen

HQ The Girl from Ballymor McGurl Kathleen

цена 1 845 руб.
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What would you sacrifice for your children? • Ballymor, Ireland, 1847 • As famine grips the country Kitty McCarthy is left widowed and alone. Fighting to keep her two remaining children alive against all odds, Kitty must decide how far she will go to save her family • Present day • Arriving in Ballymor, Maria is researching her ancestor, Victorian artist Michael McCarthy – and his beloved mother, the mysterious Kitty who disappeared without a trace • Running from her future, it’s not only answers about the past that Maria hopes to find in Ireland. As her search brings her closer to the truth about Kitty’s fate, Maria must make the biggest decision of her life подробнее
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