г. Москва, Московская область

How to Write and Illustrate a Scientific Paper Gustavii Bjorn Cambridge University Press

This second edition of How to Write and Illustrate a Scientific Paper will help both first-time writers and more experienced authors, in all biological and medical disciplines, to present their results effectively. Whilst retaining the easy-to-read and well-structured approach of the previous edition, it has been broadened to include comprehensive advice on writing compilation theses for doctoral degrees, and a detailed description of preparing case reports. Illustrations, particularly graphs, are discussed in detail, with poor examples redrawn for comparison. The reader is offered advice on how to present the paper, where and how to submit the manuscript, and finally, how to correct the proofs. Examples of both good and bad writing, selected ...
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You can do it! Here’s everything you need to write your best story EVER! • Set the scene, create charismatic characters, find the perfect words, and wrap your story up with an exhilarating ending-all with the help of this essential guide to writing that you won’t be able to put down!
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
1 285 руб.
Take a tour through Hilton's own apartment and other lush spaces, filled with a huge array of thriving plants, and learn all you need to know to create your own urban jungle. As the owner of over 200 plants, Hilton feels strongly about the role of plants in one's home - not just for the beauty they add, but for health benefits as well: 'having plants in your home not only adds life, but changes the airflow throughout. It's also a key design element when styling your place. For me, it wasn't about just having greenery, but having the right variety of greenery. I like to see the different textures of foliage all grouped together. You take a fiddle leaf fig and sandwich it between a birds of paradise and a monstera and.... yes!' You will be armed with the know-how you need to care for your plants, where to place them, how to propagate, how to find the right pot, and much more, and most importantly, how to arrange them so that they look their best
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 750 руб.
The bestselling co-author of the legendary The One Minute Manager® and a former Twitter executive join forces to create the ultimate guide to creating powerful mentoring relationships • The past decade has seen the dramatic rise of a word now well known in corporate hallways: mentoring. But a new awareness about mentoring hasn’t necessarily meant an increased understanding of how to implement the practice • While most people agree that having a mentor is a good thing, they don’t know how to find one or use one. And despite widespread approval for the idea of being a mentor, most people don’t think they have the time or skills to do so • Positive mentoring relationships can change the way we lead and help us succeed. In One Minute Mentoring, legendary management guru Ken Blanchard and Claire Diaz-Ortiz, a former Twitter executive and early employee, combine their knowledge to provide a systematic approach to intergenerational mentoring, giving readers great insight into the power and influence of mentoring and encouraging them to pursue their own mentoring relationships
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 236 руб.
The third book from the CEO of the Happiness Research Institute and internationally bestselling author of The Little Book of Hygge, Meik Wiking • Why is it that a piece of music, a smell, a taste can take us back to something we had forgotten? How is it that we remember our first kiss in detail, but barely remember anything of a fortnight's holiday from five years ago? Memories are the cornerstones of our identity, shaping who we are, how we act, and how we feel. But how do we make and keep the memories that bring us lasting joy? • Happiness expert Meik Wiking has the answers. In The Art of Making Memories he brings together his extensive research drawn from the world's biggest study on happy memories (which involved 1000 people from 75 countries), conducted at the Happiness Research Institute, along with data and diaries, interviews, global surveys and studies, and real-life behavioural science and happiness experiments, to explain the nuances of nostalgia, the different ways we form memories around our experiences, and how we can become better at recalling them
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 557 руб.
In her bestselling follow-up to Grief Works and This Too Shall Pass, much-loved psychotherapist Julia Samuel invites us into her sessions as she explores the relationships that have the power to touch us and hurt us most: those with our family • Through eight beautifully told case studies, covering a variety of families across multiple generations, she analyses common issues from losing a parent to children leaving home, and from separation to step-relationships. In doing so she shows how much is, in fact, inherited -- and how much can be healed when it is faced together • Every Family Has A Story provides the tools that will help with this work of improving our relationships. Its twelve touchstones for family well-being show how to communicate effectively, set boundaries, fight productively and allow change
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 163 руб.
Futureproof Your Career is the essential guide to improving your career and taking full advantage of opportunities for progression. With a major focus on the changing business, economic and technological landscape, it explores the new challenges of job retention and career progression • With the impact of the pandemic, the ongoing fourth industrial revolution, the broadening awareness of institutionalized discrimination and the concerns around an economic recession, it is an understatement to say that we're entering a 'new normal' in which working patterns and career trajectories have irreversibly changed. From two leading academics, this is both a practical guide to success and an enlightening insight into the future of work. It draws upon both the authors' academic research and an international array of case studies and interviews to provide engaging and illuminating insights • Futureproof Your Career features key insights into how jobs and networking are dramatically transforming, and provides readers with the ability to develop a stronger awareness of new opportunities and become better prepared to safeguard their jobs and bolster their career in this new landscape
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 886 руб.
Как справиться, когда мир захлестывает тебя с головой? • Для тех людей, которые обладают острым воображением; которых считают слишком застенчивыми или слишком чувствительными; которые плохо справляются, когда за ними наблюдают, хотя обычно они компетентны; видят яркие сны; для которых важно проводить время в одиночестве каждый день; и обнаруживают, что их быстро утомляют шум и неразбериха, многолюдные вечеринки, суматошный офис, - Элейн Эйрон написала книгу "Высокочувствительный человек. Как выжить и процветать, когда мир подавляет тебя" Эта книга поможет понять самих себя и то, как лучше всего справляться с различными ситуациями • Книга на английском языке • How to cope when the world overwhelms you. For those people who: have a keen imagination; are labelled too shy or too sensitive; who perform poorly when being observed even though they are usually competent; have vivid dreams; for whom time alone each day is essential; and find they are quickly overwhelmed by noise and confusion, crowded parties, hectic office life… this is the book to help them understand themselves and how best to cope in various situations
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 214 руб.
This book is a masterclass in the craft of writing and poetry from one of Britain's most celebrated poets and educators, T.S. Eliot Prize nominee Anthony Anaxagorou • Taking readers on a personal journey through his early life and school years, through to his relationship with literature, education poetry and writing, this book is filled with tips, anecdotes and publishing advice for anyone interested in getting their work seen. From Anthony's first slam win to the evolving British poetry scene, this book will provoke readers into thinking about their writing more carefully - be it a poem, short story or novel - and help them finally get their book out into the world • This book is essential reading for taking your work to the next level, and is introduced with an inspirational foreword by Sunday Times bestselling author, Candice Carty-Williams
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 401 руб.
Язвительные и забавно полные отчаяния электронные письма автора коллегам из "The Daily Telegraph" о грамматических ошибках и стилистических промахах с годами привлекают все больше ярых поклонников. В книге "Строго по-английски. Правильный Способ Написания... И почему это так важно" Саймон Хеффер страстно призывает покончить с неряшливостью, которая стала такой характерной чертой повседневной речи и письма • Книга на английском языке • Издание полностью на английском языке • The author's incisive and amusingly despairing emails to colleagues at the "The Daily Telegraph" about grammatical mistakes and stylistic slips have attracted a growing band of ardent fans over the years. In this book, he makes an impassioned case for an end to the sloppiness that has become such a hallmark of everyday speech and writing
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 953 руб.
Значительная часть зарубежных журналов и все больше российских изданий требуют, чтобы структура исследовательских статей соответствовала структуре IMRAD, т.е. чтобы статья содержала введение (возможно, с включением обзора литературы), описание методов исследования, анализ результатов исследования и их обсуждение. Каждый из перечисленных элементов исследовательской статьи подразумевает определенное содержание, структуру и использование определенного языка. Овладение ими позволяет ускорить и упростить работу над статьей. В пособии мы рассматриваем требования к содержанию и структуре отдельных элементов исследовательской статьи на английском языке. Мы анализируем язык, используемый для осуществления целей, диктуемых содержательными и структурными особенностями элементов статьи
My-shop.ru г. Москва
213 руб.
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