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How to Train Your Dragon. The Hidden World. The Story of the Film Hodder&Stoughton

Everyone's favourite heroes Hiccup and Toothless are back for a brand new adventure! Read the story of the film in this fun, full-colour storybook! Look out for more Dragons books! How to Train Your Dragon is now a major DreamWorks franchise. How to Train Your Dragon 3 is scheduled for release in 2019 and the TV series Defenders of Berk can be seen on CBBC and Netflix
Актуальные предложения интернет-магазинов
Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third is a smallish Viking with a longish name • The Hairy Hooligan tribe think he’s totally useless, but Hiccup is about to face his destiny … with one tiny dragon.Can he prove his worth and become a HERO or will he be banished from his tribe for ever? • In celebration of 20 years of How to Train Your Dragon, this special commemorative edition features the original – now classic – How to Train Your Dragon story with exclusive content, including some rare Viking material (featuring Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III’s birth certificate!) and a hilarious brand new adventure called How to Train Your Hogfly starring fan favourites as well as exciting new dragons • Fully illustrated with Cressida Cowell’s artwork, this is a MUST HAVE for anyone who grew up reading and loving How to Train Your Dragon, as well as the perfect introduction for new readers to this beloved, classic series
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 988 руб.
How to Train Your Dragon's Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third tells us everything you need to know about dragons... With exclusive collector cards! • Long ago, the world was full of dragons. But what happened to them? Where are they now? These pages are taken from the notebooks of Viking Hero Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third when he was just a boy. A keen dragonwatcher, Hiccup paints a picture of the brilliance and fire and spirit of that lost dragon world • Featuring dragon profiles, dragon anatomy, dragon riding tips and lots more must know info e.g. how to spot the difference between an arsenic adderwing and a glow worm (you don't want to mix those two up) and what to do when confronted with a Hellsteether. This is a must for all keen dragonwatchers out there
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 362 руб.
Read the book that inspired the hit DreamWorks film How to Train Your Dragon: THE HIDDEN WORLD. With exclusive content, including Viking facts and a sneak peek of The Wizards of Once! • Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third is a smallish Viking with a longish name. Hiccup's father is chief of the Hairy Hooligan tribe which means Hiccup is the Hope and the Heir to the Hairy Hooligan throne - but most of the time Hiccup feels like a very ordinary boy, finding it hard to be a Hero • In the first How to Train Your Dragon book Hiccup must lead ten novices in their initiation into the Hairy Hooligan Tribe. They have to train their dragons or be BANISHED from the tribe FOR EVER! • But what if Hiccup's dragon resembles an ickle brown bunny with wings? And has NO TEETH? The Seadragonus Giganticus Maximus is stirring and wants to devour every Viking on the Isle of Berk
My-shop.ru г. Москва
723 руб.
Иккинг Ужасный Пикша Третий - невысокий викинг с длинноватым именем. Отец Иккинга - вождь племени Волосатых хулиганов, а это значит, что Иккинг - надежда и наследник трона Волосатых хулиганов, но большую часть времени Иккинг чувствует себя самым обычным мальчиком, которому трудно быть героем • В первой книге Крессиды Коуэлл "Как приручить дракона" Иккинг должен провести десять новичков через их посвящение в племя Волосатых Хулиганов. Они должны обучать своих драконов или быть изгнанными из племени навсегда! • Книга на английском языке • Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third is a smallish Viking with a longish name. Hiccup's father is chief of the Hairy Hooligan tribe which means Hiccup is the Hope and the Heir to the Hairy Hooligan throne - but most of the time Hiccup feels like a very ordinary boy, finding it hard to be a Hero
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 260 руб.
"Как приручить дракона"- книга Коуэлл Крессиды, которая вдохновила на создание знаменитого анимационного фильма • Иккинг, сын вождя племени Лохматых Хулиганов, был потрясающим бойцом на мечах, заклинателем драконов и величайшим героем викингов, который когда-либо жил • Но так было не всегда. На самом деле, поначалу Иккинг был недостаточно силен, чтобы победить своего главного соперника Сморкалу в бейсболе, не достаточно громок, чтобы его было слышно за ужином со своим отцом, и уж точно не настолько глуп, чтобы отправиться в пещеру, полную драконов, в поисках домашнего животного • Когда Иккинг отправился ловить своего дракона, он не надеялся, что пройти испытание будет легко. И не подозревал, что им с Беззубиком предстоит стать героями! • Книга на английском языке
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 260 руб.
Arlyne Brickman dated the wiseguys but she was wiser than them all… • Born in 1934, the daughter of a Jewish mobster, Arlyne Brickman (then Weiss) grew up on Manhattan’s Lower East Side. She idolised gangster’s moll Virginia Hill and apsired to the same glamorous life • Addicted to the rush of danger and lawlessness, Brickman became involved with a succession of wiseguys, including Joe Colombo and Bonanna hitman Tony Mirra. But when a crew of loan sharks threatened her daughter, she turned informant • Wearing a wire for the FBI, she emerged as a key witness in the case against the Colombo crime family and ultimately brought down one of its top lieutenants, Anthony Scarpati • Mob Girl, by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Teresa Carpenter, is a gripping insider account of a woman’s life in the New York underworld that reveals how you get out when you’re in too deep
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 390 руб.
СберМегаМаркет г. Москва
1 699 руб.
СберМегаМаркет г. Москва
1 699 руб.
Spanning thirteen centuries from the age of Trajan to the taking of Constantinople by the Turks, Decline & fall is one of the greatest narratives in European Literature. David Womersley's masterly selection and bridging commentary enables the readerto acquire a general sense of the progress and argument of the whole work and displays the full variety of Gibbon's achievement
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 595 руб.
From award-winning historian Saul David, an action-packed and powerful new narrative of the Battle of Okinawa - the last great clash of the Second World War, and one that had profound consequences for the modern world • For eighty-three blood-soaked days, the fighting on the island of Okinawa plumbed depths of savagery as bad as anything seen on the Eastern Front. When it was over, almost a quarter of a million people had lost their lives, making it by far the bloodiest US battle of the Pacific. In Okinawa, the death toll included thousands of civilians lost to mass suicide, convinced by Japanese propaganda that they would otherwise be raped and murdered by the enemy. On the US side, David argues that the horror of the battle ultimately determined President Truman's choice to use atomic bombs in August 1945
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 860 руб.
Edward Gibbon's six-volume History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1776-88) is among the most magnificent and ambitious narratives in European literature. Its subject is the fate of one of the world's greatest civilizations over thirteen centuries - its rulers, wars and society, and the events that led to its disastrous collapse. Here, in volumes one and two, Gibbon charts the vast extent and constitution of the Empire from the reign of Augustus to 395 ad. And in a controversial critique, he examines the early Church, with fascinating accounts of the first Christian and last pagan emperors, Constantine and Julian
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 994 руб.
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