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Hodder & Stoughton The French House Bloese Jacquie

Hodder & Stoughton The French House Bloese Jacquie

цена 1 626 руб.
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In Nazi-occupied Guernsey, the wrong decision can destroy a life • Left profoundly deaf after an accident, Emile is no stranger to isolation - or heartbreak. Now, as Nazi planes loom over Guernsey, he senses life is about to change forever • Trapped in a tense, fearful marriage, Isabelle doesn't know what has become of Emile and the future she hoped for. But when she glimpses him from the window of the French House, their lives collide once more • Leutnant Schreiber is more comfortable wielding a paintbrush than a pistol. But he has little choice in the role he is forced to play in the occupying forces - or in his own forbidden desires • As their paths entwine, loyalties are blurred and dangerous secrets forged. But on an island under occupation, courage can have deadly consequences подробнее
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Could one rare plant hold the key to a thousand riches? • It's the summer of 1822 and Edinburgh is abuzz with rumours of King George IV's impending visit. In botanical circles, however, a different kind of excitement has gripped the city. In the newly-installed Botanic Garden, the Agave Americana plant looks set to flower - an event that only occurs once every few decades • When newly widowed Elizabeth arrives in Edinburgh to live with her late husband's aunt Clementina, she's determined to put her unhappy past in London behind her. As she settles into her new home, she becomes fascinated by the beautiful Botanic Garden which borders the grand house and offers her services as an artist to record the rare plant's impending bloom. In this pursuit, she meets Belle Brodie, a vivacious young woman with a passion for botany and the lucrative, dark art of perfume creation
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Sadie Nicholls has been found dead, brutally and strangely murdered, in her South East London flat. Her little boy is missing • DI Alex Finn and DC Mattie Paulsen know that, in the case of a missing child, it's the first 24 hours that count. They don't have many left to find out where Sadie's son might be and the identity of her killer. Why would anyone want a struggling single mother, loved by many, dead? • But when they realise a similar crime was committed at the same house nearly 20 years ago, a question is on everyone's lips: is this more than just a coincidence?
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The terrifying thriller from the acclaimed and bestselling author of The Lovers • The Black Angel is not an object. The Black Angel is not a myth. The Black Angel lives • A young woman goes missing from the streets of New York. Those who have taken her believe that nobody cares about her, and that no one will come looking for her. They are wrong. She is 'blood' to the killer Louis, the man who stands at the right hand of private detective Charlie Parker, and Louis will tear apart anyone who stands in the way of his attempts to find her • But as Louis's violent search progresses, Parker comes to realize that the disappearance is part of an older mystery, one that is linked to an ornate church of bones in Eastern Europe, to the slaughter at a French monastery in 1944, and to the quest for a mythical prize that has been sought for centuries by evil men: the Black Angel
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The new thrilling instalment of John Connolly's popular Charlie Parker series. It is spring, and the semi-preserved body of a young Jewish woman is discovered buried in the Maine woods. It is clear that she gave birth shortly before her death. But there is no sign of a baby. Private detective Charlie Parker is engaged by the lawyer Moxie Castin to shadow the police investigation and find the infant, but Parker is not the only searcher. Someone else is following the trail left by the woman, someone with an interest in more than a missing child, someone prepared to leave bodies in his wake. And in a house by the woods, a toy telephone begins to ring. For a young boy is about to receive a call from a dead woman
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The murder was meant as a punishment - but what sin could justify the method? • The only person who might have answers is the victim's seven-year-old daughter, found hiding in the room where her mother died. And she's not talking • Newly promoted, out of his depth, detective Huldar turns to Freyja and the Children's House for their expertise with traumatised young people. Freyja, who distrusts the police in general and Huldar in particular, isn't best pleased. But she's determined to keep little Margret safe • It may prove tricky. The killer is leaving them strange clues: warnings in text messages, sums scribbled on bits of paper, numbers broadcast on the radio. He's telling a dark and secret story - but how can they crack the code? And if they do, will they be next?
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The first title in the number one bestselling Cherub series! James hits rock bottom before he's offered a new start in an intriguing organisation • A terrorist doesn't let strangers in her flat because they might be undercover police or intelligence agents, but her children bring their mates home and they run all over the place. The terrorist doesn't know that one of these kids has bugged every room in her house, made copies of all her computer files and stolen her address book. The kid works for Cherub • Cherub agents are aged between ten and seventeen. They live in the real world, slipping under adult radar and getting information that sends criminals and terrorists to jail • For official purposes, these children do not exist
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The Secret Seven are siblings Peter and Janet, and Jack, Barbara, Pam, Colin and George. Together they are The Secret Seven – ready to solve any mystery, any time – in Enid Blyton’s classic series of 15 mystery novels • When the gang go star-gazing, they soon get bored and spy on the town – and see someone setting a haystack on fire • Will the Seven act fast enough to save the barn? • In addition to the Secret Seven novels, Enid Blyton wrote six short stories based on the characters which are published in The Secret Seven Short Story Collection (Hodder). The stories are also available in individual volumes, divided into chapters to make them ideal for newly confident readers. They have been illustrated in full colour by Tony Ross
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