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Hodder & Stoughton Sing You Home Пиколт Джоди

Hodder & Stoughton Sing You Home Пиколт Джоди

цена 1 944 руб.
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Zoe and Max Baxter spent ten years trying to get pregnant, until the heartbreak of their failure finally broke their marriage apart • After the dissolution of their marriage, each seems on their own path to healing, as Max turns himself towards an evangelical church whilst Zoe finds solace in a new relationship with a woman, Vanessa. But when Zoe and Vanessa approach Max to ask to use the frozen embryos left from their marriage, these paths come hurtling face to face • In Max’s eyes, Zoe and Vanessa’s desire to raise a child together is an aberration • And Zoe is not prepared to let her desire for a child go without a fight • International bestselling author Jodi Picoult draws a touching and sensitive portrait of what it truly means to be a family in our society today in this compelling bestseller подробнее
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The best books make you see differently. This is one of them. The eye-opening new novel from Jodi Picoult, with the biggest of themes: birth, death, and responsibility • When a newborn baby dies after a routine hospital procedure, there is no doubt about who will be held responsible: the nurse who had been banned from looking after him by his father • What the nurse, her lawyer and the father of the child cannot know is how this death will irrevocably change all of their lives, in ways both expected and not • Small Great Things is about prejudice and power; it is about that which divides and unites us • It is about opening your eyes
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With one terrible, senseless act, Shay Bourne transformed the life of the Nealon family forever, leaving June Nealon widowed and alone to care for her daughter Claire • Now, as he sits on death row, Shay has one final request. He wishes to donate his heart to Claire and save the young girl’s life • To June, accepting such an offer would mean allowing Shay to stay with them forever • But refusing means risking the life of the only person she has left • From internationally bestselling author Jodi Picoult comes this brilliantly thought-provoking novel, beautifully written and impossible to put down
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1 944 руб.
Diana O’Toole’s life is going perfectly to plan. At twenty-nine, she’s up for promotion to her dream job as an art specialist at Sotheby’s and she’s about to fly to the Galapagos where she’s convinced her surgeon boyfriend, Finn, is going to propose • But then the virus hits New York City and Finn breaks the news: the hospital needs him, he has to stay. But you should still go, he insists. And reluctantly, she agrees. Once she’s in the Galapagos, the world shuts down around her, leaving Diana stranded – albeit in paradise. Completely isolated, with only intermittent news from the outside world, Diana finds herself examining everything that has brought her to this point and wondering if there’s a better way to live • But not everything is as it seems
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Words sting. Songs kill • he Cruel Prince meets To Kill a Kingdom in this seductive YA fantasy debut, in which a siren must choose between protecting her family and following her heart in a prejudiced kingdom where her existence is illegal • Saoirse Sorkova survives on secrets. As the last siren in her kingdom, she can sing any man to an early grave - but her very existence is illegal, and if her true identity were ever discovered, it would be her life on the line • By day, Saoirse disguises herself as a fae, pretending to be the perfect soldier-in-training. By night, she satisfies her darker urges working as an assassin for dangerous mercenaries. And all the while, she keeps the biggest secret of all: that she is not always in control of her Siren powers, or her desire to kill
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Их отпускная брошюра гласит, что им 18-30… Но им недавно исполнилось по 35 • После десяти лет вместе, Чарли Манселла бросила его девушка-сожительница Сара. Все, что он хочет – погрязнуть в своих страданиях, но его друзья Энди и Том придумали идею получше: неделя солнца, моря и сулваки в Малия – столице вечеринок на Греческих островах. Но Чарли и его друзьям больше не восемнадцать. И даже не меньше тридцати. И это видно. Проблема не в дешевом пиве, не в фастфуде. Это девушки. И жизнь. И больше всего… все вместе. Хочу, чтобы ты была здесь – это греющая душу мудрая сказка о любви, отношениях и о том, как семь дней на солнце могут могут изменить жизнь навсегда • Their holiday brochure said 18-30… But they've just turned 35 • After ten years together Charlie Mansell has been dumped by his live-in girlfriend, Sarah
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1 944 руб.
Как живут люди с разбитым сердцем? • Грейс была совсем юной, когда Джими растоптал её сердце. Но она уже отправилась и встретила Спенсера, идеального жениха, с которым она счастлива. Хотя он давненько не заводил разговор о свадьбе • Некоторые люди очерняют любовь • Тем временем всё ближе свадьба самого Джими. Он уверен, что нашёл свою вторую половинку. Но так ли это? Ведь когда он вновь встречается с Грейс, его жизнь принимает неожиданный оборот • Неужели этих двоих ждёт что-то большее? • Они всё-таки могут быть созданы друг для друга. Но стоит ли им рискнуть всем ради этого шанса? • Ясно одно: ночное радио может сколько угодно играть любовные песни, но одна девушка скоро поймёт, что лучшие слова люди пишут для себя сами • Книга на английском языке
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 021 руб.
We first met Flavia Albia, Falco's feisty adopted daughter, in The Ides of April • Albia is a remarkable woman in what is very much a man's world: young, widowed and fiercely independent, she lives alone on the Aventine Hill in Rome and makes a good living as a hired investigator. An outsider in more ways than one, Albia has unique insight into life in ancient Rome, and she puts it to good use going places no man could go, and asking questions no man could ask • Even as the dust settles from her last case, Albia finds herself once again drawn into a web of lies and intrigue. Two mysterious deaths at a local villa may be murder and, as the household slaves are implicated, Albia is once again forced to involve herself. Her fight is not just for truth and justice, however; this time, she's also battling for the very lives of people who can't fight for themselves
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 021 руб.
Can a trip away lead you home? • After a bad break-up, eternal optimist Evie has moved to the small village of Willowbrook to finally pursue her dream of opening a craft shop. Unfortunately, with money worries and an ex-boyfriend determined to track her down, her fresh start isn’t going entirely to plan • Jake is also looking to escape his past. Haunted by the loss of his wife, he’s determined not to get close to anyone again – and the last thing he wants is to be celebrating this December • Hoping to avoid the festivities, Evie and Jake arrange to escape Christmas together as friends in Provence. But will the magic of the season change things between them? • And what happens if one of them starts to feel something more?
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1 692 руб.
Вошедшие в данный сборник рождественские рассказы Энид Блайтон по праву считаются нестареющей классикой детской литературы. Эта книга - отличный подарок для тех, кто насладился этими историями в детстве и хочет познакомить с ними новое поколение читателей • Книга «Enid Blyton`s Christmas Stories» оказалась столь популярной, что издательство Hodder & Stoughton по просьбам читателей выпустило второй праздничный сборник, и именно его вы держите в руках! Энид Блайтон передаёт атмосферу Рождества с несравненным мастерством, какой бы аспект праздника она ни описывала: колядки, ожидание подарков, праздничный стол и, конечно, посиделки с родными и близкими… Да, в историях Блайтон, как обычно, нашлось место для озорства и хаоса, но добро и веселье в них всегда на первом месте! • Рассказы из этой книги ранее не публиковались в «Enid Blyton`s Christmas Stories»
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1 257 руб.
You don't need talent to join this group of actors. The ability to remember lines or stay awake throughout a performance is appreciated, but not essential. The only mandatory is a terminal diagnosis • But Adam Campbell is less than enthusiastic about this eccentric form of group therapy. He has under one year to live, and a heck of lot to get done. Like explaining mortality to his six-year-old daughter. And making amends with the woman who should have been his wife • The last thing Adam needs is a part in an amateur production of 'Shakespeare's Greatest Deaths'. But help and hope can be found where we least expect them. And perhaps camaraderie, and a shared purpose, will turn out to be the best medicine after all • As Shakespeare, didn't quite put it: Shuffling off this mortal coil is a drag; but it's no reason to stop living
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 944 руб.
You must know that your fate and my own are inextricably intertwined • Todd Bowden is an apt pupil. Good grades, good family, a paper route. But he is about to meet a different kind of teacher, Mr. Dussander, and to learn all about Dussander's dark and deadly past ... a decades-old manhunt Dussander has escaped to this day • Yet Todd doesn't want to turn his teacher in. Todd wants to know more. Much more. He is about to face his fears and learn the real meaning of power - and the seductive lure of evil • A classic story from Stephen King Apt Pupil reveals layers upon layers of deception and horror as the boy and old man hold each other in a mutual deathgrip. Each knows something the other wants kept secret
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1 626 руб.
Who would you be, if you hadn’t turned out to be the person you are now? • Dawn is a death doula, and spends her life helping people make the final transition peacefully • But when the plane she’s on plummets, she finds herself thinking not of the perfect life she has, but the life she was forced to abandon fifteen years ago – when she left behind a career in Egyptology, and a man she loved • Against the odds, she survives, and the airline offers her a ticket to wherever she needs to get to – but the answer to that question suddenly seems uncertain • As the path of her life forks in two very different directions, Dawn must confront questions she’s never truly asked: What does a well-lived life look like? What do we leave behind when we go? And do we make our choices, or do our choices make us? • Two possible futures
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 197 руб.
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