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Hodder & Stoughton Scare Me Terry Teri

Hodder & Stoughton Scare Me Terry Teri

цена 1 505 руб.
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Liv can't get on with her own life - not as long as the ghost of her twin sister, Molly, who died at birth, has been her constant companion: she is always there, a part of her that no one else can see or hear • Liv meets a boy called Echo, who is searching for the truth about his mother's death, and despite Molly's concerns, Liv is drawn to him. Echo believes that if he can just speak to his mother's ghost, he will finally learn the truth about what happened to her and be able to move on with his life • But he believes the way to reach her is through fear: to scare himself enough to lift the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead. Echo and Liv begin an increasingly dangerous game that tests their greatest fears: but how far is Echo willing to go to uncover the truth? And will Liv trust her senses подробнее
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The most hated woman in Savannah, Georgia, is about to be set free. Twenty years ago, Blondell O'Henry was convicted of murdering her eldest daughter and wounding her two other children. The prosecution said that beautiful, selfish Blondell wanted to be rid of them to be with her lover • Now Blondell's son, Niall, has recanted his testimony and demolished the case. Reporter Nikki Gillette is determined to get the true story, and not just for professional reasons. Blondell's murdered daughter, Amity, was Nikki's childhood friend. The night she died, Amity begged Nikki to meet with her, insisting she had a secret to tell, but Nikki didn't go. Her guilt is compounded by other complications--Nikki's favourite uncle, Alexander, was the attorney who helped save Blondell from execution
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Her life is a lie. The truth is in her blood...A stunning new psychological thriller from the bestselling author of Slated, Teri Terry • The stunning first novel in a new speculative thriller trilogy from the bestselling author of SLATED • Tabby lives a transient life with her mum Cate, never sticking in one place long enough to make friends • Until one day, an accident changes everything. Cate is arrested and Tabby realises her life has been a lie: Cate is not her mother • As she adjusts to her new life, Tabby finds herself drawn to the ocean - the only place she feels happy - and enrolls at a swimming summer school to help her heal • But all is not as it seems. She and her new friends are cut off from the outside world and she's plagued by a repeating symbol of interlocking circles that follows her everywhere
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The unputdownable first book in the New York Times bestselling series • Starting over sucks • When we moved to West Virginia right before my senior year, I'd pretty much resigned myself to thick accents, dodgy internet access, and a whole lot of boring... until I spotted my hot neighbor, with his looming height and eerie green eyes. Things were looking up • And then he opened his mouth • Daemon is infuriating. Arrogant. Stab-worthy. We do not get along. At all. But when a stranger attacks me and Daemon literally freezes time with a wave of his hand, well, something... unexpected happens • The hot alien living next door marks me • You heard me. Alien. Turns out Daemon and his sister have a galaxy of enemies wanting to steal their abilities, and Daemon's touch has me lit up like the Vegas Strip
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One hundred years. Seventeen assassins. One hell of a ride • Call me Seventeen. I have no other name, not any more • Sixteen killers have done this job before me. Officially, I don't exist, but every government uses me. I'm the most feared hitman in the world • But nobody gets to do this job for long. Because to be the best, you must beat the best, and there are rivals on my tail • My days are numbered. But until then, it's one hell of a ride
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"Корабль невест" - роман Джоджо Мойес • 1946 год. 650 невест отправляются в Англию, чтобы встретиться с мужчинами, за которых они вышли замуж в военное время. Но вместо роскошного лайнера, который они ожидали увидеть. они оказываются на борту авианосца. бок о бок с тысячей мужчин. На залитых солнцем палубах. старая любовь и прошлые обещания становятся далекими воспоминаниями. и напряженность накаляется до предела, когда невесты и женихи меняют свое мнение. И Фрэнсис Маккензи, в частности. Вскоре становится ясно, что иногда путешествие важнее пункта назначения • Книга на английском языке • Hodder Paperback From the bestselling author of Me Before You and two-time winner of the RNA Novel of the Year award Australia. 1946 650 brides are departing for England to meet the men they married in wartime
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Behind the events you know are the killers you don't • When diplomacy fails, we're the ones who gear up • Officially we don't exist, but every government in the world uses our services • We've been saving the world, and your ass, for 100 years • Sixteen people have done this job before me • I am 17. The most feared assassin in the world • But to be the best you must beat the best • My next target is 16, just as one day 18 will hunt me down • It's a dog-eat-dog world and it gets lonely at the top • Nobody gets to stay for long • But while we're here, all that matters is that we win • Visceral, cinematic and insanely addictive, 17 will keep you on the edge of your seat and live long in the memory. Until 18 comes along
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Alex Fox knows there are lots of thing she should be. She should be the perfect wife to her chronically ill husband Sam, and the perfect mother to their two daughters. She should be excelling in her high-stress job. And she should be completing the demanding to-do lists she makes to keep herself on track • Even if, just sometimes, she doesn't have time to breathe • When Sam's condition worsens and Alex donates a kidney to save his life, her carefully scheduled existence starts to unravel. The operation leads to unexpected complications, putting a strain on Alex's marriage and her relationship with her children - and eventually forcing her to face up to a past that she has buried for years • As the family she has fought so hard for threatens to fall apart, can Alex finally confront her imperfections and the mistakes that have shaped her - and rediscover what is most important in life? • The Rest of Me is an emotional and uplifting story which will make you laugh, cry and hug the people you love a little bit tighter
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Ballet dancer. Front man in an almost famous band. Judge on The Great Pottery Throwdown. How did all that happen? • By accident mostly. But I always say we make our own luck. What if an art teacher hadn't given me a lump of clay? What if the band had been really successful? What if I hadn't taken a photograph of a bowl to the buyer at Heals in London? What if she'd hated it? Or hadn't seen it... What if I hadn't agreed to dress up as Adele to make a crazy YouTube video? • Every chapter of my book is based around an object (usually a pot) that's been significant in my life. It's just a trigger to let me go off in a lot of different directions and tell a few stories. A lot of stories. Dyslexia. The art teacher who changed my life. My Mother. My Father
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