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Hodder & Stoughton How The Light Gets In Penny Louise

Hodder & Stoughton How The Light Gets In Penny Louise

цена 1 626 руб.
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Луиза Пенни — обладательница премии Агаты за лучший детективный роман года, она пять раз подряд получала премию Энтони. Её романы были переведены на 22 языка и получили экраницаю в сериале «Три сосны» с Альфредом Молина в главной роли • По мере того как жестокая, безжалостная зима захватывает Квебек, над старшим инспектором Арманом Гамашем сгущаются тучи. Когда он получает сообщение о загадочном деле в Трех Соснах, он вынужден начать расследование - пропала женщина, которая когда-то была одной из самых известных людей в мире • Расследование набирает обороты, и Гамаш оказывается втянутым в паутину убийств, лжи и невообразимой коррупции в самом центре города. Столкнувшись со своим самым сложным и личным делом на сегодняшний день, сможет ли он спасти репутацию тех, кто ему дорог, и защитить самого себя? • Суровый и завораживающий роман Луизы Пенни «Время предательства» — 9-я из книг серии о старшем инспекторе Армане Гамаше подробнее
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Луиза Пенни — обладательница премии Агаты за лучший детективный роман года, она пять раз подряд получала премию Энтони. Её романы были переведены на 22 языка и получили экраницаю в сериале «Три сосны» с Альфредом Молина в главной роли • В свой первый вечер в Париже Гамаши собираются на семейный ужин с крестным отцом Армана, миллиардером Стивеном Горовицем. Но вечер заканчивается ужасом, когда Стивена сбивают с ног и он получает тяжелые травмы, что, по убеждению Армана, является не несчастным случаем, а преднамеренным покушением на жизнь пожилого человека • Когда у Стивена находят странный ключ, Арман отправляется на отчаянные поиски истины, которые приведут его с вершины Эйфелевой башни в недра парижских архивов • И когда Арман начинает раскрывать секреты, которые его крестный скрывал десятилетиями, он обнаруживает, что запутался в паутине лжи и коварства, которая угрожает уничтожить все — и всех, — кто ему дорог
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Sometimes the cracks in your heart can be mended in unexpected ways • If Lorna's learned one thing, it's that courage is something you paint on like red lipstick, even when you're panicking inside. And right now, with the keys to the town's gallery in her hand, Lorna feels about as courageous as the anxious little dachshund trembling beside her • Sick of life in the big city, Lorna's come home to fulfil her dream of running a successful art gallery. Desperate for change, Lorna just wants a fresh start but can she find it in Longhampton? This is where her tight-knit family shattered into pieces. It's where her doubts about herself took root and where she first fell in love and had her heart broken. It's everything she was running away from
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The dream chooses the dreamer • Since he was five years old, Lazlo Strange has been obsessed with the mythic lost city of Weep, but it would take someone bolder than he to go in search of it. Then a stunning opportunity presents itself - in the person of a hero called the Godslayer and a band of legendary warriors, and he has to seize his chance or lose his dream forever • What happened in Weep to cut it off from the world? What did the Godslayer slay that went by the name of god? And what is the mysterious problem he now seeks help in solving? • The answers await in Weep, but so do many more mysteries - including the blue-skinned goddess who visits Lazlo's dreams
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Sunday Times bestseller • 'Laini Taylor set my imagination on fire so hard that it spontaneously combusted . . . This is the kind of story that paves dreams' - Roshani Chokshi, author of The Star Touched Queen • '5*s: This whimsical and diverse tale reads like a dream' - Heat • The dream chooses the dreamer • Since he was five years old, Lazlo Strange has been obsessed with the mythic lost city of Weep, but it would take someone bolder than he to go in search of it. Then a stunning opportunity presents itself - in the person of a hero called the Godslayer and a band of legendary warriors, and he has to seize his chance or lose his dream forever • What happened in Weep to cut it off from the world? What did the Godslayer slay that went by the name of god? And what is the mysterious problem he now seeks help in solving? • The answers await in Weep, but so do many more mysteries - including the blue-skinned goddess who visits Lazlo's dreams
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A fiercely told survivorship novel about one girl's determination to push her body to win gold at the Olympics, and the power of uniting as women to speak out • The only thing seventeen-year-old Audrey Lee dreams about is swinging her way to Olympic glory. Nothing is going to stop her, not even the agony in her back. Every spasm and ache will be worth it once she has that gold medal around her neck • But none of her training prepares her for her coach being led away in handcuffs, accused by a fellow gymnast of the unthinkable. No one knows what, or who to believe and Audrey's teammates go into meltdown • As the Olympic torch closes in, Audrey has no idea who to trust, let alone what life holds after her final dismount. The only thing she can do is hope that in the end, belief in herself and what's left of her team, will be enough for gold
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Project Runway meets Mulan in this sweeping fantasy about a young girl who poses as a boy to compete for the role of imperial tailor and embarks on an impossible journey to sew three magic dresses, from the sun, the moon, and the stars • On the fringes of the Great Spice Road, Maia Tamarin dreams of becoming the greatest tailor in the land - but as a girl, the best she can hope for is to marry well. Then a royal messenger summons her ailing father to court, and Maia seizes her chance. Disguised as a man, she travels to the Summer Palace in her father's place to compete for the emperor's favour, and the coveted position of imperial tailor • If Maia's ruse is discovered, her life will be forfeit. But if she wins, she will achieve her greatest dream
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Arcturus is just an orphaned stable boy when he accidentally summons a demon. As Hominum's first common summoner, he becomes the key to a secret that the powerful nobility would do anything to keep hidden • He is immediately whisked away to Vocans Academy where the lost arts of summoning, spell craft and demonology are taught to the noble children of the Empire. In no time, Arcturus finds himself surrounded by enemies as noble teachers and students question his right to be there • But before he can even attempt to make friends, his life is turned upside down once again, for the Empire is in turmoil. Rebellion is simmering among the masses, and it will not be long before it boils over. Arcturus must choose a side . . . or watch the Empire crumble
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In phone calls to his daughter in Australia, widower Hubert Bird paints a picture of the perfect retirement, packed with fun and friendship • But Hubert Bird is lying • Something has made him turn his back on people, and he hardly sees a soul • So when his daughter announces she's coming to visit, Hubert faces a race against time: to make his real life resemble his fake life before he's found out • Along the way Hubert renews a cherished friendship, is given a second chance at love and even joins an audacious community scheme. But with the secret of his earlier isolation lurking in the shadows, is he destines to always be one of the lonely people?
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In a Croatian village near Vukovar, no one who survived will ever forget the night they waited for the weapons they needed to make a last-ditch fight against the advancing Serbs. The promised delivery never came, and the village was overrun. Eighteen years later, a body is unearthed from a field, and with it the identity of the arms dealer who betrayed them. Now the villagers can plot their revenge • In leafy England, arms dealer Harvey Gillott regards himself as a man of his word. There is only one blemish on his record, and that was long ago. But Gillott, his family, his friends and his enemies are about to be pitched into a sequence of events that will unfold across Europe with breath-taking drama and almost biblical power • Harvey Gillott is about to find out what happens when the hand of the past suddenly reaches out to the present - and it's holding a gun
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In the untamed outback of Western Australia, the Blake sisters are together again despite what seemed like unsurmountable odds • For Cassandra - reunited again with the man she loves - the Swan River Colony is a refuge that seems like a miracle after her ordeals. And two of her sisters have fallen in love with their new way of life. But then a messenger arrives from faraway England, and it is the fourth sister, Pandora, who jumps at the chance to make her way back to the Lancashire moors that she misses so badly • The way home, though, will be even harder than the voyage to Australia. The only ship that can take her and her new protector back to England lies many days' journey away, across country that would daunt even a hardened explorer • And when she reaches Outham, a devious, dangerous enemy will do anything to prevent her from taking charge of her family's inheritance
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1 944 руб.
The rich are different. But fate is blind • A private jet plunges into the sea • The only survivors are down-on his luck artist Scott Burroughs and JJ Bateman, the four year old son of a super-rich TV executive • For saving the boy, Scott is suddenly a hero • And then, as the official investigation is rapidly overtaken by a media frenzy, it seems he may also be a villain • Why was he on the plane in the first place, and why did it crash?
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From the award winning creators of Oi Frog! comes an hilarious counting picture book about our four-legged - and two-legged and eight-legged - friends! • How many legs would there be if a polar bear came for tea? How high would the leg count go if a squid rode in on a buffalo? As more and more animals join in the fun, count along if you can! • Praise for Oi, Frog! also by Kes Gray and Jim Field: 'An absolute treat.' - Daily Mail • Kes Gray is a bestselling, multi award-winning author of more than 70 books for children. He eats Ideaflakes for breakfast, spreads silliness on his toast and lives in a place called Different • Jim Field is a lead-driven, pencil-pushing, 25-frames-per-second Led Zeppelin fan. He is also a hugely talented illustrator and animation director
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1 513 руб.
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