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Hodder & Stoughton Generation Next White Oli

Hodder & Stoughton Generation Next White Oli

цена 2 021 руб.
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Things haven't been easy for Jack recently - life as a teenager has its ups and downs. But when he meets a new group of friends, who are every bit as geek as they are chic, his luck seems to be changing. Each of the group is talented and when they pool together to create Generation Next, an incredible new kind of social media platform, it's clear that they're on to something special • What if your Instagram account grew by hundreds of thousands of followers overnight, and big companies were fighting each other to offer you photoshoots? When GenNext suddenly goes viral, Jack and his friends are thrust into a crazy world of fame which is as terrifying as it is awesome • Because someone out there is determined to trip Jack up at every step. If he doesn't stop them, soon everyone he cares about - his friends, his family, and the girl he's falling for - will be in danger подробнее
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School has finished for good, and Jack and his friends - Ella, Austin, Ava and Sai - are giving their online social media platform, Generation Next, the ultimate relaunch: a stage takeover at the world's biggest music festival • When you're interviewing famous stars and streaming the footage all over the globe, what could possibly go wrong? The takeover is the gang's most epic task yet, and when they meet TV producer Ethan, he seems like the perfect person to help out • Everyone loves Ethan: he's smart, talented and a natural addition to the group. But Jack isn't so sure. Ethan seems to be hiding something... and why can't the rest of GenNext see it? • If Jack isn't careful, his dreams for Generation Next - and his relationships with Ella and his closest friends - are about to go up in smoke
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 021 руб.
Вошедшие в данный сборник рождественские рассказы Энид Блайтон по праву считаются нестареющей классикой детской литературы. Эта книга - отличный подарок для тех, кто насладился этими историями в детстве и хочет познакомить с ними новое поколение читателей • Книга «Enid Blyton`s Christmas Stories» оказалась столь популярной, что издательство Hodder & Stoughton по просьбам читателей выпустило второй праздничный сборник, и именно его вы держите в руках! Энид Блайтон передаёт атмосферу Рождества с несравненным мастерством, какой бы аспект праздника она ни описывала: колядки, ожидание подарков, праздничный стол и, конечно, посиделки с родными и близкими… Да, в историях Блайтон, как обычно, нашлось место для озорства и хаоса, но добро и веселье в них всегда на первом месте! • Рассказы из этой книги ранее не публиковались в «Enid Blyton`s Christmas Stories»
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A Lincolnshire village on a glorious summer's morning in 1940 • Following Dunkirk, the fate of the whole war will soon rest with the RAF and their desperate effort to win the Battle of Britain. If they fail, Hitler's next step will be invasion • And as the scene comes to life before us over the next six months, this shadow of war will not disappear • From the pub to the church, struggling single mother to the lady of the manor, the paper boy to a traumatised bomb disposal volunteer, this superb jewel of a novel portrays a community of people and weaves together their stories with passion, betrayal, intrigue and suspense • There Was a Time is a triumph of the storyteller's art
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Welcome to Horror Heights: can the children who live here conceal the strange goings on behind closed doors? Goosebumps for a new generation, by award-winning comedian and CITV presenter, Bec Hill • Connie hasn't found her talent yet, but at least she has her slime collection - if it's gooey, she's got it! She hopes that by adding a few extra ingredients to a simple recipe she will uncover a talent for slime-making, but alas, all she uncovers is a hot, stinky mess which ends up in the bin. It's shaping up to be another uneventful weekend ... until her failed slime experiment wakes her up the next morning. It's alive! And can talk! And is named... Big • Big adores Connie and wants to protect her from everything at all times, which is very sweet
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A heart-warming animal tale of bravery and friendship between a lost boy, a daring girl and the dog next door - from an author celebrated for her honest, heartfelt and inclusive stories. Perfect for fans of Hannah Gold's The Last Bear and Carlie Sorosiak's I, Cosmo • Marcus and Delilah couldn't be more different • He is as big as she is tiny. As angry and lost as she is tremendous and brave • But they share a dream: to own a dog of their own • So when a mystery pup turns up in the empty house next door, Marcus can't believe his luck. He visits him every night and names him Moon Dog • But it's soon clear that Moon Dog is in danger, and when Marcus and Delilah discover a dark secret it will test their bravery and their friendship • Can they work together to save their dream dog?
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Get ready to meet some hair-raisingly horrid children in these 30 classic stories from Enid Blyton. Perfect for children aged 5 and up! • From temper tantrums and telling tales to bickering and boasting, these bratty boys and ghastly girls are up to no good! Read on if you dare • Ranging from the light-hearted to the deliciously dark, these cautionary tales will delight young readers as much today when they first appeared in the mid-twentieth century. This collection is inspired by Enid Blyton's A Book of Naughty Children, first published in 1944 • Ideal for younger children being read to and for newly confident readers to enjoy independently, each story stands alone and is the perfect length for reading at bedtime or in the classroom • Enid Blyton remains one of Britain's favourite children's authors and her bumper short story collections are the perfect way to introduce her work to a new generation of readers
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Adventure of the Goblin Dog is a stand-alone Magic Faraway Tree adventure by the world's best-loved children's author, Enid Blyton • Discover the magic! Travel to the top of the Magic Faraway Tree with Peter and Mary on their quest to rescue a princess • Back in print for the first time in a generation, this is a wonderful introduction to the world of the Magic Faraway Tree. Explore Fairyland in this magical story, where you'll encounter the Goblin Dog, rescue a princess and visit the Land of Storytellers • This story first appeared in 1936 and was made part of the Magic Faraway Tree world in 1952, featuring different children discovering the Faraway Tree. The Magic Faraway Tree series is one of Enid Blyton's best-loved and most enduring creations
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1912-1940 • A generation fallen • A country that will never be the same again • Nowhere in England avoids the searing loss of young men during the First World War and the remote Devon village of Shallowford is no exception. Many never return and the lives of those who do come back are changed forever • Paul Craddock must try to rebuild the estate and, with more difficulty, the bonds broken between the people who belong there. It is a time of huge social change and there are challenges in peace as hard to surmount as those of war. And before they are met, Germany once again threatens the stability of Europe and a way of life so hard won
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With his compelling Centurions trilogy complete, Anthony Riches returns to his bestselling Empire sequence of novels with his storytelling skills polished to perfection • Set in the second century AD, The Scorpion's Strike continues the story of Marcus Aquila's fight for justice for a family ripped asunder by imperial assassins • Still seeking revenge, Marcus finds himself thrown back into the heart of the chaos that is shaking the Roman Empire to its roots • Fresh from their close escape from imperial betrayal in the German forest, Marcus and the Tungrians are ordered to Gaul, where an outlaw called Maturnus is wreaking havoc. Havoc that may be more than mere banditry, as deserters and freed slaves flock to his cause: rebellion is in the air for the first time in a generation
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America spins into chaos as the last remnants of political consensus break apart. Against a background of environmental disaster and opioid addiction, debate descends into violence and militias roam the streets - while teenagers across the world seem driven to self-destruction, communicating by memes only they can understand • Yet the markets still tick up and the super-rich, like Ty Oliver, fly above the flames in private jets • After the death of his daughter, Ty dispatches his son Simon to an Anxiety Abatement Center. There he encounters another boy called the Prophet. And the Prophet wants him to join a quest • Before long, Simon is on the road with a crew of new comrades on a rescue mission as urgent as it is enigmatic. Suddenly heroes of their own story, they are crossing the country in search of a young woman held in a billionaire's retreat - and, just possibly, the only hope of escape from the apocalypse bequeathed to them by their parents' generation
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The feisty, tough and shrewd heroine is back in her fourth adventure in the V I Warshawski series, beautifully repackaged for a new generation • Consuelo is sixteen, heavily pregnant and married to an unemployed gangster. The last thing she needs is a negligent doctor. When she is rushed into the Friendship private hospital, the staff are reluctant to treat her. Fortunately she has Vic Warshawski, family friend and ex-lawyer, with her. But Consuelo and her baby are the tragic victims of a system so corrupt that it pays her husband to keep quiet. Anyone who can discover anything about the unorthodox dealings of the Friendship is in danger. And Vic's investigations are just about to begin
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With the great sword Caliburn in his hand and Merlin the enchanter at his side, Arthur comes out of hiding to claim the crown he was born to wear. Merlin, Arthur's protector, sees the glories and horrors that await the new king . . . and to save him Merlin musters all his power to weave one last enchantment. He is showing signs of age and he gradually realises he is losing his powers of prophecy and clairvoyance to a younger generation. But he is able to accept this because he knows that they will be at the service of his beloved monarch whose fabled victories, marriage and the building of Camelot shine through these pages
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