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Hodder & Stoughton Gallows Rock Сигурдардоттир Ирса

Hodder & Stoughton Gallows Rock Сигурдардоттир Ирса

цена 2 021 руб.
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On a jagged, bleak lava field just outside Reykjavik stands the Gallows Rock. Once a place of execution, it is now a tourist attraction. Until this morning, when a man was found hanging from it • The nail embedded in his chest proves it wasn't suicide. But when the police go to his flat, a further puzzle awaits: a four-year-old boy has been left there. He doesn't seem to have any link with the victim, his parents cannot be found, and his drawings show he witnessed something terrible • As detective Huldar hunts the killer, and child psychologist Freyja looks for the boy's parents, the mystery unfolds: a story of violence, entitlement, and revenge подробнее
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All he wants is for them to say sorry • The police find out about the crime the way everyone does: on Snapchat. The video shows the terrified victim begging for forgiveness. When her body is found, it is marked with a number 2 • Detective Huldar joins the investigation, bringing child psychologist Freyja on board to help question the murdered teenager's friends. Soon, they uncover that Stella was far from the angel people claim - but even so, who could have hated her enough to kill? • Then another teenager goes missing, and more clips are sent. Freyja and Huldar can agree on two things at least: the truth is far from simple. And the killer is not done yet • A brilliantly suspenseful story about the dark side of social media, The Absolution will make you wonder what you should have said sorry for
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It was meant to be a quiet family fishing trip, a chance for mother and daughter to talk. But it changes the course of their lives forever • They catch nothing except a broken doll that gets tangled in the net. After years in the ocean, the doll a terrifying sight and the mother's first instinct is to throw it back, but she relents when her daughter pleads to keep it. This simple act of kindness proves fatal. That evening, the mother posts a picture of the doll on social media. By the morning, she is dead and the doll has disappeared • Several years later and Detective Huldar is in his least favourite place - on a boat in rough waters, searching for possible human remains. However, identifying the skeleton they find on the seabed proves harder than initially thought, and Huldar must draw on psychologist Freyja's experience to help him
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The murder was meant as a punishment - but what sin could justify the method? • The only person who might have answers is the victim's seven-year-old daughter, found hiding in the room where her mother died. And she's not talking • Newly promoted, out of his depth, detective Huldar turns to Freyja and the Children's House for their expertise with traumatised young people. Freyja, who distrusts the police in general and Huldar in particular, isn't best pleased. But she's determined to keep little Margret safe • It may prove tricky. The killer is leaving them strange clues: warnings in text messages, sums scribbled on bits of paper, numbers broadcast on the radio. He's telling a dark and secret story - but how can they crack the code? And if they do, will they be next?
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A murdered woman. A missing child. And a father intent on revenge • On a cold day in Reykjavik, a baby goes missing from her pram. When the child's blanket washes up on the beach, and the mother is found dead, everyone's worst fears seem to have been realised • Eleven years later, and detective Huldar and child psychologist Freyja are now working in the same police building, on the same team. Freyja believes that personal and professional relationships must remain separate, however hard that may be. But when a woman's dismembered body is found in a deserted car, her head missing, and Freyja and Huldar find themselves working on the same case, the secrecy around their affair threatens to crack. And when Freyja is accused of a serious breach of police protocol, will Huldar be able to help her? Meanwhile, their search to identify the body takes the case back into secrets of the past, and the unspoken crimes that bind three separate families
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A chilling note written by a thirteen-year-old predicting the deaths of six people is found in a time capsule, ten years after it was buried. Can it be a real threat? • Detective Huldar turns to psychologist Freyja to help understand the child who hid the message • But the discovery of the letter coincides with a string of murders. All of the victims match the initials from the note • Huldar and Freyja must race to identify the writer and the murderer, before the rest of the targets are killed
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Вошедшие в данный сборник рождественские рассказы Энид Блайтон по праву считаются нестареющей классикой детской литературы. Эта книга - отличный подарок для тех, кто насладился этими историями в детстве и хочет познакомить с ними новое поколение читателей • Книга «Enid Blyton`s Christmas Stories» оказалась столь популярной, что издательство Hodder & Stoughton по просьбам читателей выпустило второй праздничный сборник, и именно его вы держите в руках! Энид Блайтон передаёт атмосферу Рождества с несравненным мастерством, какой бы аспект праздника она ни описывала: колядки, ожидание подарков, праздничный стол и, конечно, посиделки с родными и близкими… Да, в историях Блайтон, как обычно, нашлось место для озорства и хаоса, но добро и веселье в них всегда на первом месте! • Рассказы из этой книги ранее не публиковались в «Enid Blyton`s Christmas Stories»
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1 257 руб.
Журналист, расследующий старое дело, пытается покончить с собой • Обычная супружеская пара возвращается после обмена домами в Штатах и обнаруживает, что их дом в беспорядке, а их гости, похоже, пропали без вести • Четверо незнакомцев изо всех сил пытаются найти убежище на продуваемом всеми ветрами выступе скалы посреди бушующего моря • У них есть одна общая черта: все они лгали. И кто-то полон решимости наказать их • Почему Ты солгал? это ужасающая история о долгожданном возмездии от исландской королевы неизвестности • Книга на английском языке • A journalist on the track of an old case attempts suicide • An ordinary couple return from a house swap in the states to find their home in disarray and their guests seemingly missing • Four strangers struggle to find shelter on a windswept spike of rock in the middle of a raging sea
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 944 руб.
London, 1728. A young, well-dressed man is driven through streets of jeering onlookers to the gallows at Tyburn. They call him a murderer. But Tom Hawkins is innocent and somehow he has to prove it, before the rope squeezes the life out of him • It is, of course, all his own fault. He was happy settling down with Kitty Sparks. He should never have told the most dangerous criminal in London that he was bored and looking for adventure. He should never have offered to help, the king's mistress. And most of all, he should never have trusted the witty, calculating Queen Caroline. She has promised him a royal pardon if he holds his tongue but then again, there is nothing more silent than a hanged man
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 944 руб.
Don't miss the last episode of international bestseller Robert Muchamore's Rock War series! • Jay, Summer and Dylan are fresh out of the biggest reality show there is. But they're about to discover what fame and fortune are really about • Jay's brother Theo is young, rich and famous: but is it making him happy? • Summer's got to weather her one-star reviews and take her career back into her own hands • And Dylan might soon be seeing the world of show-business from the four walls of a prison cell • They've got everything to play for
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 944 руб.
Something evil has swept into the small Maine town of Castle Rock on the heels of the latest winter storm. Sheriff Norris Ridgewick and his team are desperately searching for two missing girls, but time is running out to bring them home alive • In Washington D.C., thirty-seven-year-old Gwendy Peterson couldn't be more different from the self-conscious teenaged girl who once spent a summer running up Castle Rock's Suicide Stairs. That same summer, she was entrusted - or some might say cursed - with the extraordinary button box by a mysterious stranger in a black suit. The seductive and powerful box offered Gwendy small gifts in exchange for its care until the stranger eventually returned, promising Gwendy she'd never see the box again • Gwendy has never told a soul about the button box - not even her husband
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 885 руб.
Despite sending him letters ever since she was thirteen, Taliah Abdallat never thought she'd ever really meet Julian Oliver. But one day, while her mother is out of the country, the famed rock star from Staring Into the Abyss shows up on her doorstep. This makes sense - kinda - because it turns out Julian Oliver is Taliah's father • When Julian asks her to go with him to his hometown to meet the family she has never known, Taliah embarks on a three-day voyage of discovery - of her father, of the past her mother has never shared with her, and of herself
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The first title in the number one bestselling Cherub series! James hits rock bottom before he's offered a new start in an intriguing organisation • A terrorist doesn't let strangers in her flat because they might be undercover police or intelligence agents, but her children bring their mates home and they run all over the place. The terrorist doesn't know that one of these kids has bugged every room in her house, made copies of all her computer files and stolen her address book. The kid works for Cherub • Cherub agents are aged between ten and seventeen. They live in the real world, slipping under adult radar and getting information that sends criminals and terrorists to jail • For official purposes, these children do not exist
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994 руб.
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