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Hodder & Stoughton Betrayal Stockwin Julian

Hodder & Stoughton Betrayal Stockwin Julian

цена 2 021 руб.
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Who will steal the greatest prize of empire? • Cape Colony is proving a tiresome assignment for Captain Kydd's daring commander-in-chief Commodore Popham. Rumours that South America's Spanish colonies are in a ferment of popular unrest and of a treasure hoard of silver spur him to assemble a makeshift invasion fleet and launch a bold attack on the capital of the Viceroyalty of the River Plate, Buenos Aires • Navigating the treacherous bars and mud flats of the river, the British invasion force lands and wins a battle against improbable odds, taking the capital and the silver. But nothing is as simple as it seems in this region of the world: the uprising that will see the end of Spanish rule never arrives and the locals begin to see dark conspiracies behind the invader's actions подробнее
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Kydd's first mission after the triumph of Trafalgar is to capture and protect a fragile new British colony: 19th century Cape Town • Victory at the Battle of Trafalgar removed the spectre of invasion and England is now free to seek conquests and colonies in the furthest reaches of the world • Captain Kydd joins an expedition to take Dutch-held Cape Town, a strategic imperative to secure the rich trade-route to India. But even if the British can defeat the enemy and take possession of the capital, there is still more fighting to be done • Kydd and his men must defend the fragile colony from attacks by the enemy from all sides, while braving the wild beasts and hostile environment of Africa's vast and savage hinterland
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 021 руб.
An Admiralty summons to England cuts short Thomas Kydd's service in the turquoise waters of the Caribbean. While the crew of L'Aurore can look forward to liberty and prize money, a shadow hangs over their captain: the impending court martial of his one-time commander, Commodore Popham, who led a doomed attack on South America • Following Nelson's death two years earlier, England is in desperate need of heroes and Kydd's Caribbean exploits are the talk of London. Feted by the king and a grateful country, Kydd is soon on detachment in a new and dangerous sphere of interest: the Dardanelles, connecting the Mediterranean Sea to the Black Sea and providing a route to India. The French have long coveted this route, knowing that it could be the key to toppling the British Empire in India
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 882 руб.
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 442 руб.
Вошедшие в данный сборник рождественские рассказы Энид Блайтон по праву считаются нестареющей классикой детской литературы. Эта книга - отличный подарок для тех, кто насладился этими историями в детстве и хочет познакомить с ними новое поколение читателей • Книга «Enid Blyton`s Christmas Stories» оказалась столь популярной, что издательство Hodder & Stoughton по просьбам читателей выпустило второй праздничный сборник, и именно его вы держите в руках! Энид Блайтон передаёт атмосферу Рождества с несравненным мастерством, какой бы аспект праздника она ни описывала: колядки, ожидание подарков, праздничный стол и, конечно, посиделки с родными и близкими… Да, в историях Блайтон, как обычно, нашлось место для озорства и хаоса, но добро и веселье в них всегда на первом месте! • Рассказы из этой книги ранее не публиковались в «Enid Blyton`s Christmas Stories»
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1 257 руб.
Despite sending him letters ever since she was thirteen, Taliah Abdallat never thought she'd ever really meet Julian Oliver. But one day, while her mother is out of the country, the famed rock star from Staring Into the Abyss shows up on her doorstep. This makes sense - kinda - because it turns out Julian Oliver is Taliah's father • When Julian asks her to go with him to his hometown to meet the family she has never known, Taliah embarks on a three-day voyage of discovery - of her father, of the past her mother has never shared with her, and of herself
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1 951 руб.
Original Blyton stories are paired with brand new colour illustrations by Jamie Littler in a new and exciting format • Borrowing some scissors is the beginning of an adventure for the Famous Five, as George manages to get mixed up with some burglars. Julian, Dick and Anne are too busy eating ice cream to realise that George is in trouble! • Will the Famous Five manage to catch up with the burglars and save the day? • In addition to the 21 novels in the Famous Five series, Enid Blyton wrote a clutch of short stories based on the characters. These were published in magazines and were collected in the Famous Five Short Story Collection (Hodder). For the first time, the complete text of George's Hair is Too Long appears in an individual volume, illustrated in full colour
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785 руб.
Introducing The Famous Five to younger readers, age 5+. In this full-colour, newly created adventure story, the children and Timmy find a special toy, hidden deep inside a cave • The Five have found a bottle with a message inside! It says that there's a hidden doll in the caves across from Kirrin Island, so the Five set off on a rescue mission. But the caves are dark and they soon lose their way • Set in the world of Enid Blyton's best-loved series, this newly created story follows Julian, Dick, Anne, George and Timmy the dog on a special new adventure. The story is broken down into short chapters with vibrant, full-colour illustrations on every page - perfect for shared reading or for newly confident readers to enjoy independently
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 083 руб.
Meet Julian, Dick, Anne, George and Timothy. Together they are The Famous Five - Enid Blyton's most popular adventure series. All 21 titles also available as audiobooks! • In book four, the Famous Five stay at the large old house at Smuggler's Top. They discover secret hiding places, underground tunnels, and one night they catch people signalling out to sea! • Are there still smugglers at Smuggler's Top? • Fantastic new cover art by Laura Ellen Anderson will draw young readers into this accessible timeless classic
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 415 руб.
Meet Julian, Dick, Anne, George and Timothy. Together they are The Famous Five - Enid Blyton's most popular adventure series. All 21 titles also available as audiobooks! • In book eleven, the Famous Five are on an adventurous holiday in horse-drawn caravans. They discover a ruined castle that looks deserted. But is that a face at the window? Or is it a trick of the light? • Just who is hiding in the castle? • Fantastic new cover art by Laura Ellen Anderson will draw young readers into this accessible timeless classic
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 415 руб.
Original Blyton stories are paired with brand new colour illustrations by Jamie Littler in a new and exciting format • The Famous Five - Julian, Dick, George, Anne and Timmy - have been delighting readers for over 70 years. After the Five see a boy being kidnapped at the beach, they set out to find him. But where have the kidnappers hidden the boy? Will Timmy lead them to the answer?
My-shop.ru г. Москва
787 руб.
A grieving woman • Yorkshire, 1890. Forced to exchange her childhood home for her uncle's vicarage after a tragic loss, Olwen Malkon finds herself trapped between her aunt's cruelty and the sinister advances of her cousin • A troubled past • When Olwen finds herself afflicted by strange dreams of a woman from a distant past, whose fate is overshadowed by menace and betrayal, those around her are determined to dismiss them as hysteria - except the local doctor, John, with whom she develops a connection • A long-buried secret • As the visions intensify, they begin to mirror reality, threatening to expose chilling secrets. What dangers lie ahead for Olwen, and does the past hold the key to her own future...?
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 626 руб.
1808. Parted from his new bride, Captain Sir Thomas Kydd is called away to join the Northern Expedition to Sweden, now Britain's only ally in the Baltic. Following the sudden declaration of war by Russia and with the consequent threat of the czar's great fleet in St Petersburg, the expedition must defend Britain's dearly-won freedom in those waters • However Kydd finds his popular fame as a frigate captain is a poisoned chalice; in the face of jealousy and envy from his fellow captains, the distrust of the commander-in-chief and the betrayal of friendship by a former brother-in-arms now made his subordinate, can he redeem his reputation? • In an entirely hostile sea Tyger ranges from the frozen north to the deadly confines of the Danish Sound - and plays a pivotal role in the situation ensuing after the czar's sudden attack on Finland
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 442 руб.
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