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Hodder & Stoughton Another View Пилчер Розамунда

Hodder & Stoughton Another View Пилчер Розамунда

цена 1 944 руб.
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Emma had been at school in Europe since she was fourteen, then found a job in Paris, always wondering what her famous artist father was doing in Japan or America or at their cottage in Cornwall. Even after she meets Robert Morrow, the handsome gallery owner, and rediscovers her step-brother, Christo, she still feels compelled to probe into the truth about her past. But Emma might learn too late that it is the truth about herself she has to find and that letting go is the first step to keeping love подробнее
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A heartwarming novel by the much-loved Rosamunde Pilcher • Born in Colombo, Judith Dunbar spends her teenage years at boarding school, while her beloved mother and younger sister live abroad with her father • When her new friend Loveday Carey-Lewis invites Judith home for the weekend to Nancherrow, the Carey-Lewises' beautiful estate on the Cornish coast, it is love at first sight • She falls in love too with the generous Carey-Lewises themselves. With their generosity and kindness, Judith grows from naive girl to confident young woman, basking in the warm affection of a surrogate family whose flame burns brightly. But it is a flame soon to be extinguished in the gathering storm of war. And Judith herself has far to travel before at last . . . coming home
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Вошедшие в данный сборник рождественские рассказы Энид Блайтон по праву считаются нестареющей классикой детской литературы. Эта книга - отличный подарок для тех, кто насладился этими историями в детстве и хочет познакомить с ними новое поколение читателей • Книга «Enid Blyton`s Christmas Stories» оказалась столь популярной, что издательство Hodder & Stoughton по просьбам читателей выпустило второй праздничный сборник, и именно его вы держите в руках! Энид Блайтон передаёт атмосферу Рождества с несравненным мастерством, какой бы аспект праздника она ни описывала: колядки, ожидание подарков, праздничный стол и, конечно, посиделки с родными и близкими… Да, в историях Блайтон, как обычно, нашлось место для озорства и хаоса, но добро и веселье в них всегда на первом месте! • Рассказы из этой книги ранее не публиковались в «Enid Blyton`s Christmas Stories»
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1 944 руб.
"День бури" - роман Розамунды Пилчер • В последний день жизни своей матери Ребекка узнает, что у нее есть семья. Полная решимости найти родных, Ребекка отправляется в Босварву, красивый особняк в Корнуолле, чтобы встретиться со своей семьей, раздираемой страстью и жадностью. От своего дедушки Гренвилла Бейлисса, который скрывает опасный секрет, до красивого кузена, чьи поцелуи опасно соблазнительны, и чувственного мастера Джосса Гарднера, в прошлом которого были интригующие секреты, все втягивают Ребекку в семейные тайны... и разгадка этих тайн - ключ к ее будущему и к ее сердцу • Книга на английском языке • On the last day of her mother's life, Rebecca learns she has a family in Cornwall, and sets out to find the grandfather and cousin she has never known
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1 944 руб.
В книге "Синяя спальня и другие рассказы" перед нами оживают люди разного возраста и положения. Восьмилетний мальчик, впервые столкнувшийся со смертью. Одинокая старая дева, с радостью понимающая, что она кому-то нужна. Девочка, помогающая нелюбимой мачехе перед родами. Молодая женщина, оставшаяся после гибели мужа с двумя детьми и нуждающаяся в поддержке. Юная пара, впервые устраивающая у себя званый ужин. И еще многие другие герои, о которых с такой любовью рассказывает здесь Розамунда Пилчер, открывают для себя что-то новое, делают свой, пусть маленький, но очень важный для них шаг в познании мира, людей, собственных возможностей • Книга на английском языке • The big bedroom was lovely: all pale blue and white, satin and muslin, cool and airy, the windows looking out over the garden to the creek
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Set partly in Florence, partly in the Surrey hills, A ROOM WITH A VIEW depicts the struggle for the soul of its enchanting heroine, Lucy Honeychuch. Forster's brilliant social comedy examines the English abroad and at home in the country as Lucy's sincere and passionate feelings are contrasted with her prudish cousin Charlotte, her supercilious fiance and the unconventional Emersons • A Room with a View, originally published in 1908, was made into a Merchant/Ivory film starring Denholm Elliot, Maggie Smith, Helena Bonham-Carter, Judi Dench and Daniel Day Lewis
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Secret lives and new loves emerge in the bright Caribbean sunlight • A year ago, Irene Steele had the shock of her life: her loving husband, father to their grown sons and successful businessman, was killed in a plane crash. But that wasn't Irene's only shattering news: he'd also been leading a double life on the island of St. John, where another woman loved him, too • Now Irene and her sons are back on St. John, determined to learn the truth about the mysterious life - and death - of a man they thought they knew. Along the way, they're about to learn some surprising truths about their own lives, and their futures • Lush with the tropical details, romance and drama, What Happens in Paradise is another immensely satisfying page-turner from one of the world's most beloved and engaging storytellers
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In 1863 the authorities send Irish orphans Ismay and Mara to Australia against their will. Worse, on arrival they're separated from one another. While Ismay is forced to take a job as a maid, miles away in the country, Mara must stay in the care of the catholic mission. Desperate to be reunited, they both run away but Ismay soon runs into danger out in the bush. She is saved by Malachi Firth, but although he's attracted to her, he doesn't want to be encumbered with a wife • Meanwhile, their elder sister Keara has not forgotten them. However, she has had her own struggles to face and by the time she reaches Melbourne she finds that the trail is cold. Danger continues to threaten all three sisters. Will they ever find one another again
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Stockholm 1856 • Geologist Magnus has been sent by the Minister to survey the distant Lapland region around Blackasen Mountain. It is the perfect cover for another mission: Magnus must investigate why one of the nomadic Sami people, native to the region, has apparently slaughtered in cold blood a priest, a law officer and a settler in their rectory • But the Minister has more than a professional tie to Magnus, and at the last moment, he adds another responsibility. Disgusted by the wayward behaviour of his daughter Lovisa - Magnus's sister-in law - the Minister demands that Magnus take her with him on his arduous journey • Together the two must venture out of the sophisticated city, up the coast and across country, to the rough-hewn religion and politics of the settler communities, the mystical, pre-Christian ways of the people who have always lived on this land, and the strange, compelling light of the midnight sun
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From the creators of the bestselling Oi Frog and Friends series comes another laugh-out-loud picture book, with a special fold-out surprise, that is jam-packed with fun, silliness and crazy creatures. The perfect riotous read for all Oi! fans! • The team behind the bestselling favourite Oi Frog! is back with another hilarious picture book that is guaranteed to get little ones laughing out loud. Join in with the fun and silliness, and meet a whole host of crazy creatures from aardvarks to zebras, along the way. The perfect riotous read for all OI! fans - the laughter never ends with Oi Frog and Friends
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