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History of Lowell and Its People, Volume 1 Coburn Frederick William Книга по Требованию

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A luminous journey through a thousand years of folklore and English history • Once upon a time in a Hertfordshire field, an ancient yew tree hid a dragon hunted by a giant named Piers Shonks. Today, the dragon and its slayer are the survivors of an 800-year battle between rural legend and national record, storytellers and sceptics • In this brilliant and lyrical history, Christopher Hadley journeys from churches to tombs to manuscript margins, to explore history, memory and legend, and the magical spaces where all three meet
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 699 руб.
Starting from the ocean and from the forgotten histories of ocean-facing communities, this is a new history of the making of our world • After revolutions in America and France, a wave of tumult coursed the globe from 1790 to 1850. It was a moment of unprecedented change and violence especially for indigenous peoples. By 1850 vibrant public debate between colonised communities had exploded in port cities. Yet in the midst of all of this, Britain struck out by sea and established its supremacy over the Indian and Pacific Oceans, overtaking the French and Dutch as well as other rivals • Cambridge historian Sujit Sivasundaram brings together his work in far-flung archives across the world and the best new academic research in this remarkably creative book
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 699 руб.
Владислав ПЬЯВКО - выдающийся русский тенор, народный артист Советского Союза, народный артист Кыргызстана, заслуженный деятель искусств Республики Монголия • В 1965-1989 годах солист Государственного академического Большого театра СССР. В 1967-1969 годах стажёр театра "Ла Скала", Милан. В 1989-1996 годах солист Государственной немецкой оперы (Штаатс-опер, Берлин) • С 1970-х годов постоянно публикуется в периодической печати по проблемам музыкального театра. В 1983 году снял на "Мосфильме" музыкальный фильм "Ты мой восторг, моё мученье..." как режиссёр, сценарист и исполнитель главной роли. В 1984 году в Италии награждён Золотой именной медалью города Ливорно "Владислав Пьявко - Великий Гульельмо Ратклифф" за исполнение архитрудной партии Гульельмо в опере П
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 487 руб.
Robin Lane Fox's The Classical World: An Epic History of Greece and Rome is a comprehensive and enthralling introduction to Ancient civilization • The classical civilizations of Greece and Rome dominated the world for centuries and continue to intrigue and enlighten us with their inventions, whether philosophy, politics, theatre, athletics, celebrity, science or the pleasures of horse racing. Robin Lane Fox's spellbinding history, spans almost a thousand years of change from the foundation of the world's first democracy in Athens to the Roman Republic and the Empire under Hadrian • Bringing great figures such as Homer, Socrates, Cicero, Alexander, Antony and Cleopatra, Julius Caesar, Augustus and the first Christian martyrs to life, exploring freedom, justice and luxury, this wonderfully exciting tour brings the turbulent histories of Greece and Rome together in a masterly study
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3 795 руб.
The first comprehensive and authoritative history of the Koh-i-Noor, arguably the most celebrated and mythologised jewel in the world • On 29 March 1849, the ten-year-old maharaja of the Punjab was ushered into the magnificent Mirrored Hall at the centre of the great fort in Lahore. There, in a public ceremony, the frightened but dignified child handed over great swathes of the richest country in India in a formal Act of Submission to a private corporation, the East India Company. He was also compelled to hand over to the British monarch, Queen Victoria, perhaps the single most valuable object on the subcontinent: the celebrated Koh-i Noor diamond. The Mountain of Light • The history of the Koh-i-Noor that was then commissioned by the British may have been one woven together from gossip of Delhi bazaars, but it was to become the accepted version
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The Hermitage is a great museum that belongs both to Russia and the whole world. Millions of people come to St Petersburg to visit it, but it still retains the meaning of its name given by Catherine the Great, its founder. Even nowadays the Hermitage continues to be a "place of retreat". In all ages and under all regimes people have used to withdraw here from everyday concerns of the outside world
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Most of what we say about books is really about the words inside them: the rosy nostalgic glow for childhood reading, the lifetime companionship of a much-loved novel. But books are things as well as words, objects in our lives as well as worlds in our heads. And just as we crack their spines, loosen their leaves and write in their margins, so they disrupt and disorder us in turn. All books are, as Stephen King put it, 'a uniquely portable magic'. Here, Emma Smith shows us why • Portable Magic unfurls an exciting and iconoclastic new story of the book in human hands, exploring when, why and how it acquired its particular hold over us. Gathering together a millennium's worth of pivotal encounters with volumes big and small, Smith reveals that, as much as their contents, it is books' physical form - their 'bookhood' - that lends them their distinctive and sometimes dangerous magic
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3 996 руб.
Ни одна другая книга на английском языке не объясняет всю хаотичность итальянской истории так, как эта • В книге «В поисках Италии» прослеживается вся история итальянского полуострова в прекрасном читабельном стиле. В ней полно хорошо подобранных историй и наблюдений из личного опыта, а также представлены истории многих великих деятелей прошлого, от Цицерона и Вергилия до Данте и Медичи, от Кавура и Верди до противоречивых политических деятелей двадцатого века. Книга дает ясное представление о Рисорджименто, ключевом событии в современной итальянской истории, развеивая мифы ,некогда казавшиеся убедительными, которые выросли вокруг него • Гилмор показывает, что слава Италии всегда заключалась в ее регионах с их самобытным искусством, гражданской культурой, кухней, и жители, которые считали себя не просто итальянцами, а скорее тосканцами и венецианцами, сицилийцами и лангобардами, неаполитанцами и генуэзцами
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 559 руб.
From the foremost historian of 20th century Spain, A People Betrayed is the story of the devastating betrayal of Spain by its political class, its military and its Church • This comprehensive history of modern Spain chronicles the fomenting of violent social division throughout the country by institutionalised corruption and startling political incompetence. Most spectacularly during the Primo de Rivera and Franco dictatorships, grotesque and shameless corruption went hand-in-hand with inept policies that prolonged Spain's economic backwardness well into the 1950s • A People Betrayed looks back to the years prior to 1923 when electoral corruption excluded the masses from organized politics and gave them a choice between apathetic acceptance and violent revolution
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 918 руб.
Our wild places and wildlife are disappearing at a terrifying rate. This is a story about going in search of the people who are trying to save our birds, as well as confronting the enormity of what losing them would really mean • In this beautiful and thought-provoking blend of nature and travel writing Patrick Galbraith sets off across Britain on a journey that may well be his last chance to see some of our disappearing birds. Along the way, from Orkney to West Wales, from the wildest places to post-industrial towns, he meets a fascinatingly eclectic group of people who in very different ways are on the front line of conservation, tirelessly doing everything they can to save ten species teetering dangerously close to extinction • In Search of One Last Song mixes conservation, folklore, history, and art
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 936 руб.
From a long-term planning lead for the Mars Exploration Rover Project comes this vivid insider account of some of NASA’s most vital and exciting missions to the Red Planet, illustrated with full-colour photographs—a wondrous chronicle of unprecedented scientific discovery and the search for evidence of life on Mars • ‘There are probably just a few of moments in human history when a small group of humans stood on the margins of a vast new world, and it is no stretch of the romantic imagination that the arrival of two rovers on the surface of another planet was surely one of them.’ • Human exploration of Mars is the most ambitious and exciting scientific goal of the 21st century, and few people on earth know as much about this fascinating planet as Dr Larry Crumpler
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3 864 руб.
See history as it happened - from the evolution of early humans to the space race - with 130 detailed maps that bring pivotal episodes of world history to life.Including a foreword by renowned broadcaster and historian Peter Snow, this history atlas shows you the history of the world in thrilling action. Follow Napoleon as he conquers Europe, explore the rise of the Roman Empire, or chart the progress of the Russian Revolution as each map presents an overview of the story then takes you, step by step, through how it developed, leaving its mark on land and ocean.With cutting-edge design and breathtaking scope, History of the World Map by Map charts ancient, medieval, and modern history in all corners of the world. Discover how patterns of global trade, exploration, conflict, and technological advances shaped key moments in human civilization, such as the success of ancient Egypt, the conquest of Peru, the decolonization of Africa and Asia, the American Civil War, and the energy and environmental challenges of the 21st century
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1 878 руб.
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