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Headline Stay in Your Own Back Yard Jonker Joan

Headline Stay in Your Own Back Yard Jonker Joan

цена 1 882 руб.
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In her terraced house in Liverpool, Molly Bennett struggles to bring up four children on her husband's meagre wage. But Molly doesn't complain; she has an abundance of things money can't buy - and a home filled with love and laughter. When her eldest daughter, Jill, is offered a place at high school, Molly is racked with guilt. She needs Jill working to relieve their poverty. But Jill eases Molly's conscience by getting herself a job in a baker's shop while signing up for night school. Molly's best mate is Nellie McDonough; they spend hours laughing, gossiping and lending a helping hand to others. And when they discover one of their neighbours is being beaten by her violent husband, the friends roll up their sleeves and take action. Meanwhile, Jill starts dating Nellie's son, Steve, and both families are delighted подробнее
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Beautiful, blonde-haired Sadie Wilson suffers abuse from her slovenly mother and lecherous father in order to protect her younger siblings from a similar fate. The neighbours avoid her parents like the plague and Sadie has no friends to turn to for help. But when Harry, the kind-hearted boy next door, sees Sadie crying because her father has lost all their money, he offers to pay her sixpence for a kiss. With coins in her pocket, Sadie goes to Paddy's market to buy underclothes she so desperately needs and it is there that she meets Mary Ann and a lively bunch of Liverpudlian stallholders who are to be her salvation. Even though she is rescued by Mary Ann's friends and starts a new life, Sadie's thoughts still return to her brothers and sisters back at home
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Molly Bennett and Nellie McDonough are as close as can be. They sort out all the neighbours' problems, care for seven children between them, and still have time for a giggle and a gossip. So imagine the excitement when Nellie's son, Steve, proposes to Molly's daughter, Jill. But it's not long before unsettling events turn their attention again to friends in need. The Bradley family, who have moved in up the street, are a bad lot, and Molly and Nellie find their hands full with sorting out the troubles that ensue. Meanwhile, Molly's teenage daughter, Doreen, has fallen head over heels in love with a young lad named Philip. She hasn't been with anyone quite like him before, and she's in for a terrible shock when she finds out whose family he comes from
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Whispers haunt the walls and treachery darkens the shadows in this captivating historical novel for readers of C.J. Sansom, Andrew Taylor's Ashes of London and Kate Mosse • Winter, 1607. A man is struck down in the grounds of Battle Abbey, Sussex. Before dawn breaks, he is dead • Home to the Montagues, Battle has caught the paranoid eye of King James. The Catholic household is rumoured to shelter those loyal to the Pope, disguising them as servants within the abbey walls. And the last man sent to expose them was silenced before his report could reach London • Daniel Pursglove is summoned to infiltrate Battle and find proof of treachery. He soon discovers that nearly everyone at the abbey has something to hide - for deeds far more dangerous than religious dissent
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За свою выдающуюся карьеру Энн Грэнджер написала множество чрезвычайно занимательных и захватывающих рассказов. В ознаменование ее тридцатилетия в качестве автора детективных романов 18 из этих захватывающих историй были собраны вместе, чтобы порадовать и увлечь поклонников детективов во всем мире • Рассказы Энн — от любопытного соседа, который никому не доверяет, до ревнивого племянника, защищающего свое наследство, и от призрака на круизном лайнере до студента Оксфорда, который не может убежать от своего прошлого, — переносят читателей с высокогорья Шотландии на скалистое побережье Корнуолла, из викторианской эпохи в наши дни • В каждой истории есть интригующая тайна, способная увлечь самого заядлого любителя криминала, что делает эту коллекцию достойной внимания! • Книга-сборник рассказов "Mystery in the Making" — отличный подарок для тех, кто любит триллеры и детективы
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