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Headline Rivers of Treason Maitland K. J

Headline Rivers of Treason Maitland K. J

цена 3 651 руб.
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London, 1607. As dawn breaks, Daniel Pursglove rides north, away from the watchful eye of the King and his spies • He returns, disguised, to his childhood home in Yorkshire - with his own score to settle. The locals have little reason to trust a prying stranger, and those who remember Daniel do so with contempt • When a body is found with rope burns about the neck, Daniel falls under suspicion. On the run, across the country, he is pursued by a ruthless killer whose victims all share the same gallows mark. Are these the crimes of someone with a cruel personal vendetta - or has Daniel become embroiled in a bigger, and far more sinister, conspiracy? • A new river of treason is rising, flowing from the fields of Yorkshire right to the heart of the King's court подробнее
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