г. Москва, Московская область
Headline A Gathering of Ghosts Мейтленд Карен

Headline A Gathering of Ghosts Мейтленд Карен

цена 2 442 руб.
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1316. On the wilds of Dartmoor stands the isolated Priory of St Mary, home to the Sisters of the Knights of St John. People journey from afar in search of healing at the holy well that lies beneath its chapel • But the locals believe Dartmoor was theirs long before Christianity came to the land. And not all who visit seek miracles. When three strangers reach the moor, fear begins to stir as the well's waters run with blood • What witchcraft have the young woman, the Knight of St John and the blind child brought with them? • The Sisters will need to fight for everything they hold dear as the ghosts of the Old World gather in their midst подробнее
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By the pricking of my thumbs • Lincoln, 1380. A raven-haired widow is newly arrived in John of Gaunt's city, with her two unnaturally beautiful children in tow • The widow Catlin seems kind, helping wool merchant Robert of Bassingham care for his ill wife. Surely it makes sense for Catlin and her family to move into Robert's home? • But when first Robert's wife - and then others - start dying unnatural deaths, the whispers turn to witchcraft. The reign of Richard II brings bloody revolution, but does it also give shelter to the black arts? • And which is more deadly for the innocents of Lincoln?
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Наступил 1348 год, и первая жертва чумы достигла берегов Англии. По всей стране вспыхивает паника, и небольшая группа путешественников собирается вместе, чтобы спастись от смертельной болезни, не подозревая, что на самом деле с ними путешествует нечто гораздо более смертоносное • Разношерстная компания - покрытый шрамами торговец святыми реликвиями, фокусник, два музыканта, целитель и уродливый рассказчик - все они скрывают секреты и ложь. И в их сердце живет странное, холодное дитя - Наригорм, которая читает руны • Но по мере того, как закон и порядок нарушаются по всей стране, а битва за выживание становится все более ожесточенной, Наригорм безжалостно заставляет каждого из своих попутчиков раскрыть правду... и каждого, в свою очередь, обрекает на жестокую и неестественную смерть
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Роман Карен Роуз "Без четверти полночь" - это история о крутой команде частных детективов высокого класса, которые стремятся к справедливости - и неважно, какой ценой • Одной Новоорлеанской ночью, без четверти полночь, Рокки Хеберт встречает свою смерть • Его сын Гейб не может смириться с официальным вердиктом о самоубийстве и обращается за помощью в частное детективное агентство Берка Бруссарда, чтобы выяснить истинную причину смерти • Частный детектив Молли Саттон знает, каково это - потерять отца при трагических обстоятельствах, и пойдет на все, чтобы раскрыть дело • Вскоре они понимают, что Рокки работал над собственным расследованием, которое грозило разоблачить глубокую коррупцию, доходящую до самого верха полицейского управления. И что ключ к разгадке лежит у молодого свидетеля убийства, произошедшего несколькими годами ранее: Ксавье Морроу
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Vincent is an apprentice librarian who stumbles upon a secret powerful enough to destroy his master. With the foolish arrogance of youth, he attempts blackmail but the attempt fails and Vincent finds himself on the run and in possession of an intricately carved silver raven's head • Any attempt to sell the head fails ... until Vincent tries to palm it off on the intimidating Lord Sylvain - unbeknown to Vincent, a powerful Alchemist with an all-consuming quest. Once more Vincent's life is in danger because Sylvain and his neighbours, the menacing White Canons, consider him a predestined sacrifice in their shocking experiment • Chilling and with compelling hints of the supernatural, The Raven's Head is a triumph for Karen Maitland, Queen of the Dark Ages
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We have all heard the story of Cinderella, the beautiful child cast out to slave amongst the ashes. But what of her stepsisters, the homely pair exiled into ignominy by the fame of their lovely sibling? What fate befell those untouched by beauty ... and what curses accompanied Cinderella's looks? • Set against the backdrop of seventeenth-century Holland, Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister tells the story of Iris, an unlikely heroine who finds herself swept from the lowly streets of Haarlem to a strange world of wealth, artifice, and ambition. Iris's path quickly becomes intertwined with that of Clara, the mysterious and unnaturally beautiful girl destined to become her sister. While Clara retreats to the cinders of the family hearth, Iris seeks out the shadowy secrets of her new household - and the treacherous truth of her former life
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Spring, 1312. Edward II of England is absorbed with his favourite, Peter Gaveston, while his young wife, Isabella, is with child. Isabella's father, the ruthless Philip of France, dreams of a grandson wearing the Crown of the Confessor and starts to meddle - even if that means murder • Amaury de Craon, Philip's Master of Secrets, is despatched to carry out his deadly deeds and Edward II summons Sir Hugh Corbett, Keeper of the Secret Seal, to intercept. Both master spies lodge at the Benedictine abbey of St Michael's in the forest of Ashdown. Supposedly a house of prayer, the abbey holds sinister secrets and treasures which include the world's most exquisite diamond, The Glory of Heaven. However, shortly after their arrival, the diamond is stolen and its guardian murdered
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The marvellous land of Oz is knotted with social unrest: The Emerald City is mounting an invasion of Munchkinland, Glinda is under house arrest, and the Cowardly Lion is on the run from the law. And look who’s knocking at the door. It’s none other than Dorothy. Yes, that Dorothy • Amid all this chaos, Elphaba’s granddaughter, the tiny green baby born at the close of Son of a Witch, has come of age. Now, Rain will take up her broom in an Oz wracked by war • Out of Oz is a magical journey rife with revelations and reversals, reprisals and surprises – the hallmarks of the brilliant and unique imagination of Gregory Maguire
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The largely untold story of the rise and fall of one of the most powerful, opulent and glittering dynasties in history • It is 1494 when the tragic death of the ruler of Ferghana leaves his only son, twelve-year-old Babur, facing a seemingly impossible challenge: to live up to the example of his great ancestor, Tamburlaine, whose conquests stretched from Delhi to the Mediterranean, from wealthy Persia to the wildernesses along the Volga. But Babur is dangerously young to inherit a kingdom and, from that moment, his precarious reign will be fraught with danger, in a world of tribal rivalries, rampaging armies and ruthlessly ambitious enemies
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Ireland AD 672. The abbey of Muman at Imleach Iubhair is being renovated when its guests' hostel burns to the ground. There is one fatality: Bishop Brodulf of Luxovium, a distinguished visitor and cousin to the King of Franks. Sister Fidelma is asked by Abbot Cuan to investigate the unfortunate incident and soon finds that the bishop had been stabbed to death before the fire had even started • Thrown into a world of treachery and jealousy, where religious beliefs are vehemently disputed, Fidelma and her companions, Eadulf and Enda, face a barrier of deceit. The abbey, a leading ecclesiastical teaching institution as well as a conhospitae, housing both men and women, is divided into factions. Can Abbot Cuan trust Prioress Suanach, who is in charge of the sisterhood? Can the professors trust each other as well as their students? Moreover, can suspicion be levelled at the builders working on the abbey under their dominant Master Builder, Sitae? As more deaths follow, Fidelma must use her wit and ingenuity to unravel the complexities of this intricate mystery
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