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Harpercollins Number the Stars Лоури Лоис

Harpercollins Number the Stars Лоури Лоис

цена 1 257 руб.
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В оккупированной нацистами Дании десятилетнюю Аннемари Йохансен призывают к самоотверженному акту храбрости, чтобы помочь спасти ее лучшую подругу от ужасной участи • Обладатель медали Ньюбери, недавно переизданной в линейке Essential Modern Classics • “Они планируют арестовать всех датских евреев. Они планируют забрать их с собой. И нам сказали, что они могут прийти сегодня вечером” • На дворе 1943 год, и жизнь Аннемари в Копенгагене становится все сложнее. Здесь нехватка продовольствия, комендантский час и солдаты на каждом углу • Но еще хуже приходится ее лучшей подруге-еврейке Эллен, поскольку нацисты продолжают свою жестокую кампанию. Поскольку жизнь Эллен в опасности, Аннемари должна собрать все свое мужество, чтобы помочь организовать дерзкий побег подробнее
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One night Crazy Cat looks at the beautiful stars and decides that he wants to visit them. Over the next few days, Fred the Fox, Bert the Bat and Fat Old Rat tell him how to get to the stars. Crazy Cat gets very close, but then there's a problem • The Macmillan Explorers Phonics bring first language teaching methods to reading lessons in international classrooms. They focus on how reading works, so children are able to read new texts and pronounce new words more easily. The Macmillan Explorers Phonics complement the Macmillan English Explorers and can also be used alongside any other reading programme
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There was once a bear, a great, white bear - Queen of Beasts. But over the years the ice disappeared, slipping away like sand through an hourglass. Slowly, slowly, one by one, the other animals moved on.' • The great bear has no choice but to leave her snowy realm to search for food, friends and a new home • She soon discovers a world that is growing hotter whilst hearts grow colder - until one small act of kindness changes everything • The Bear in the Stars is a heartwarming and inspiring story about the power of kindness • A beautiful and inspirational tale of hope and change, perfect for younger readers
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"Достигая звезд" - это дерзкий сборник стихов, посвященный достижениям женщин и девочек на протяжении всей истории • "Достигая звезд" подготовлено послами Национального дня поэзии и включает стихи о Малале Юсуфзай, Розе Паркс, Маргарет Гамильтон, Аде Лавлейс, Хелен Келлер, Мэри Шелли, Эдит Кэвелл и многих других • Наполненный удивительно разнообразными стихами, это идеальный подарок для юных любителей истории или поэзии • Книга на английском языке • This feisty collection of poems is a celebration of the achievements of women and girls throughout history • Reaching the Stars is complied by national Poetry ADay Ambassadors and includes poems about Malala Yousafzai, Rosa Parks, Margaret Hamilton, Ada Lovelace, Helen Keller, Mary Shelley, Edith Cavell and many more
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Aleja and her fellow pirates are eager to embark on a new adventure to find the second piece of the missing magical map. But they soon find themselves panicking, bewildered by a series of confusing clues. And time is running out - fast • When she starts experiencing strange visions, Aleja realizes that someone is trying to tell her something. But can this new knowledge be trusted? And what will it cost her to find out? • With the crew's loyalties tested and more secrets to unlock than ever, Aleja must find a way to beat the clock and prove herself truly worthy of her place on the ship's crew
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The thrilling third volume in the bestselling middle-grade trilogy, beautifully illustrated throughout by Chris Riddell • Step through the door in the tree and into another breathtaking adventure • When Anneshka’s hunt for the greatest kingdom brings her into our world, Imogen and Marie know it’s bad news. But Anneshka isn’t their only problem. Mum’s boyfriend, Mark, is sick and getting sicker, thanks to the monsters he accidentally carried home • Can the girls escape Anneshka and find a cure for Mark before it’s too late? Their quest will take them through the door in the tree and further than ever before, into the magical lands of Nedobyt beyond • But there is more to this kingdom than meets the eye. Miro, Imogen and Marie must learn its secrets if they’re to save their families – and stop Anneshka once and for all
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The Burpee Bears are back in this glorious new picture book from #1 bestselling author Joe Wicks! • For this bear family, every day is a new day: a day for adventure and discovery, and true to Joe’s ethos, each book will feature a fun and positive story with added exercises and recipes – perfect for families to share and enjoy together! • The Burpee Bears is the first book in the series and is infused with Joe’s signature sense of fun. Join the bears as they explore the everyday ups and downs of family life. Children will fall in love with the Burpee Bear characters; they bring a little bit of Wicks magic and a whole lot of Joe energy to each and every page. The Burpee Bears will delight and engage children as they read, laugh and leap into action! • Created by Joe, with the story co-written with acclaimed author Vivian French, and gloriously illustrated by stellar artist Paul Howard
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The perfect story to open up conversations about war and migration with little ones, anywhere in the world • In a war-torn city, a little girl tends to the last garden. But everyone is leaving and soon the girl has to leave too. The garden is all alone now but soon the seeds scatter throughout and the roots take hold • Inspired by true events in Syria and war gardens around the world and throughout history, "The Last Garden" is a thoughtful, tender story of hope, touching on issues of conflict and migration, from a talented debut picture book pairing
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The brand new and final novel from the magical pen of 'the Godmother of Fantasy', Diana Wynne Jones; co-authored with her sister Ursula Jones. Now in paperback • How are you supposed to turn into a Wise Woman if your powers just won't show up? Aileen is convinced she'll never become as magical as her Aunt Beck • Then one day her aunt is set a seemingly impossible mission. She must go to the island of Logra and rescue the kidnapped High Prince from the enemy, and Aileen must go with her. They set off along with Ivar, Aileen's spoilt cousin, and Ogo his clophopping servant, recruiting on their way a huge and elusive cat, a monk with an uncannily wise parrot, and a boy inventor who keeps a pet lizard up his sleeve. But this is no band of mighty warriors, and the evil Lograns and their wizards have blocked their way with an invisible barrier in the sea
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