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Harpercollins Lonely Girl Cox Josephine

Harpercollins Lonely Girl Cox Josephine

цена 1 660 руб.
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The new novel from Sunday Times bestselling author Josephine Cox gets straight to the hope and heartbreak of family drama • One fateful night changes the course of a child’s life forever… • Rosie’s mother is a cruel woman and has Rosie’s kind and loving father wrapped around her finger. Though John Tanner does his best to protect her, Rosie often bears the brunt of her mother’s rage • And his protection can’t last forever • In one tragic moment Rosie’s fragile world is shattered. Grieving and alone, Rosie is thrust into a harsh reality, and she must face the obstacles that fate has set in her path • But secrets will out, and Rosie must uncover the shocking truth behind her mother’s cruelty before she can hope for the love and happiness she deserves подробнее
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The brand new dramatic novel about the power of a father's love, a little boy's journey, and the desperate search for a place to call home, from Number 1 best-selling author Josephine Cox • Eight year old Casey's mother Ruth is a cruel woman, with a weakness for other women's husbands • Casey's father is gentle and hard-working and, though Tom Denton has long suspected his wife of having sordid affairs, he has chosen to turn a blind eye to keep the peace. But then, out of the blue, Tom's world is cruelly shattered when he receives two bits of devastating news. Because of this, Tom realises that from now on their lives must change, forever • Tom is made to fight for his son, determined to keep him safe. But, when fate takes a hand, life can be unbearably cruel, and Casey is made to remember his father's prophetic words
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The new No. 1 Sunday Times bestseller from the master storyteller, Josephine Cox • Family secrets can weigh the heaviest… • Although she's surrounded by a loving family, Marie is lonely. The secret she has been carrying for many years is a burden - it's telling could ruin the lives of those she loves most • Marie's granddaughter, Cathy, is a cheerful young woman and in the first flush of love. Her grandmother's secret will not only change Cathy's future but rewrite her past • Sister-in-law Beth seems to have a happy life and a good • marriage but behind closed doors she's heartbreakingly sad. Will she be brave enough to speak out and run away? • These three women are at the beginning of a journey - one that will change their lives forever
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The new novel from Sunday Times bestselling author Josephine Cox – the master storyteller • With her family’s fate resting on her shoulders, Evie learns her lessons in life fast. It’s going to take a woman’s courage to find a new beginning… • One night, after her father gambles everything away, Evie and her family are forced to do a moonlight flit. It’s a fresh start in the South, where no-one knows their name, and Evie desperately misses all they’ve left behind. Yet Evie’s troubles are just beginning. Her mother, worn down by life, deserts them for a new man, and with her grandmother’s sight failing, Evie must carry the burden of earning their keep. Holding the family together becomes harder when tragedy strikes at its heart, but there is hope on the horizon
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У сестер Валентайн – Хоуп, Фейт и Мерси – есть все: слава, успех, деньги и красота. Но больше всего Хоуп мечтает о любви, и ради нее девушка готова пойти на что угодно • Вот только реальная жизнь совсем не похожа на кино. Но не у сестер Валентайн… • «Девочка счастья и удачи» – это первый роман в новом цикле Холли Смейл «Валентайны» • Книга на английском языке • Introducing The Valentines - Happy Girl Lucky, the first book in the hilarious new romantic-comedy series by Holly Smale, author of the bestselling and critically acclaimed Geek Girl books • Fame - it runs in the family! • The Valentine sisters - Hope, Faith and Mercy - have everything: fame, success, money and beauty. But what Hope wants most of all is love, and it doesn't matter how far she has to go to find it
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Arlyne Brickman dated the wiseguys but she was wiser than them all… • Born in 1934, the daughter of a Jewish mobster, Arlyne Brickman (then Weiss) grew up on Manhattan’s Lower East Side. She idolised gangster’s moll Virginia Hill and apsired to the same glamorous life • Addicted to the rush of danger and lawlessness, Brickman became involved with a succession of wiseguys, including Joe Colombo and Bonanna hitman Tony Mirra. But when a crew of loan sharks threatened her daughter, she turned informant • Wearing a wire for the FBI, she emerged as a key witness in the case against the Colombo crime family and ultimately brought down one of its top lieutenants, Anthony Scarpati • Mob Girl, by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Teresa Carpenter, is a gripping insider account of a woman’s life in the New York underworld that reveals how you get out when you’re in too deep
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Ранним утром юная эксцентричная особа по имени Норма Рестарик постучалась в дом к знаменитому сыщику Эркюлю Пуаро и попросилась к нему на прием. Выглядела барышня неважно: испуганная, нервная, неуравновешенная. Из ее невнятных объяснений понять можно было лишь одно: девушка не исключает, что совершила убийство. Правда, она не может вспомнить ни имени жертвы, ни обстоятельств убийства, ни места преступления. Убийца - есть, а само убийство - не обнаружено. Поиском преступления и придется заняться Эркюлю Пуаро • Захватывающий роман Агаты Кристи "Третья девушка" • Книга на английском языке • A perplexed girl thinks she might have killed someone • Three single girls shared the same London flat. The first worked as a secretary; the second was an artist; the third who came to Poirot for help, disappeared convinced she was a murderer
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В окрестностях Фьельбаки без вести пропадает четырехлетняя девочка. Местные жители напуганы до смерти, ведь тридцать лет назад на этом же месте пропал еще один ребенок. Через какое-то время был найден его труп… • Тогда виновными были признаны две девочки-подростка. Неужели одна из них ответственна и за это убийство? Детектив Патрик Хедстрём берется за расследование вместе со своей женой, писательницей Эрикой Фальк • Однако со временем они понимают, что каждый житель этого маленького городка что-то скрывает. И один из них – убийца • Роман «Ведьма» Камиллы Лэкберг – это продолжение цикла «Фьельбака» об Эрике Фальк и Патрике Хедстрёме • Книга на английском языке • A missing child • When a four-year-old girl disappears in the woods outside Fjallbacka, people are horror-struck
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Like a ghost from the past, she walked along the platform towards them • It has been over twenty years since Vicky Maitland set foot on English soil. Twenty years since she left Liverpool with her three children, bound for a new life in America, leaving her beloved husband Barney behind • But this long journey home is the hardest of all. She is here in search of the truth, afraid of what she may find. Why did Barney turn against his family so suddenly, so cruelly? Only her old friend Lucy Baker knows what happened. And Lucy promised Barney she would never tell his secret. Is it time she broke her silence and explained the events of so long ago?
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No-one thought she had the courage… • Those looking in from the outside think Lucy Lovejoy’s life is like any other, but at the centre of her family there is a big empty hole where all the love and warmth should be. Over the years, her children have watched while their father chipped away at Lucy’s self-confidence. Now the children are following their own paths, and Lucy has never felt more alone • When tragedy strikes at the heart of the family, it’s a wake-up call for Lucy. Everyone has taken a little piece of her, and she isn’t sure who she is anymore. So when Lucy faces a betrayal from those she loves deepest, she knows that it’s time to make a choice • Is she brave enough to find herself again?
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1 660 руб.
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