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Harpercollins Eve Green Fletcher Susan

Harpercollins Eve Green Fletcher Susan

цена 1 845 руб.
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With the death of a mother and the abduction of a young girl, Susan Fletcher has written a vividly beautiful novel about the innocence and terror of childhood • Following the loss of her mother, eight-year-old Evie is sent to a new life in rural Wales – a dripping place, where flowers appear mysteriously on doorsteps and people look at her twice. With a sense of being lied to she sets out to discover her family’s dark secret – unaware that there is yet more darkness to come with the sinister disappearance of local girl Rosemary Hughes • Now many years later Eve Green is waiting for the birth of her own child, and when she revisits her past something clicks in her mind and her own reckless role in the hunt for Rosie’s abductor is revealed… • A truly beautiful and hypnotic first novel, this is both an engaging puzzle and an enchanting work of literature подробнее
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I can’t forgive myself. Not after what I did. Could you? • This is Claudia Winters’s last chance for a fresh start. Changing her name and leaving her old life behind, she has fled to the small town of Kesterly with her mother and daughter. Here, she hopes they can be safe for the first time in years • But the past can’t stay hidden forever. And even as Claudia makes new friends and builds a new life, she can’t help feeling it’s all about to catch up with her… Until one disastrous night changes everything forever • Tense, emotional and gripping, Susan Lewis’s latest novel is a spellbinding story of love, family, and the price of forgiveness
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How far would you go to keep your family safe? • The gripping new page-turner from the Sunday Times bestselling author of One Minute Later • Angie Watts used to have everything. A new home. A beloved husband. Three adored children • But Angie’s happy life is shattered when her son Liam falls in with the wrong crowd. And after her son’s bad choices lead to the murder of her husband, it’s up to Angie to hold what’s left of her family together • Her son is missing. Her daughter is looking for help in dangerous places. And Angie is fighting just to keep a roof over their heads • But Angie is a mother. And a mother does anything to protect her children – even when the world is falling apart… • If home is where the heart is, what happens when it breaks?
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The new novel from Susan Fletcher, author of the bestselling 'Eve Green' and 'Oystercatchers' • 1692. Corrag, a wild young girl from the mountains of Scotland, has been imprisoned as a witch. Terrified, in a cold, filthy cell, she awaits her fate of death by burning - until she is visited by Charles Leslie, a young Irishman, hungry to question her. For Corrag knows more than it seems: she was witness to the bloody and brutal Massacre of Glencoe • But to reveal what she knows, Corrag demands a chance to tell her true story. It is a tale of passion and courage, magic and betrayal, and the difference that a single heart can make to the great events of history
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June 1914 and a young woman - Clara Waterfield - is summoned to a large stone house in Gloucestershire. Her task: to fill a greenhouse with exotic plants from Kew Gardens, to create a private paradise for the owner of Shadowbrook. Yet, on arrival, Clara hears rumours: something is wrong with this quiet, wisteria-covered house. Its gardens are filled with foxgloves, hydrangea and roses; it has lily-ponds, a croquet lawn - and the marvellous new glasshouse awaits her. But the house itself feels unloved. Its rooms are shuttered, or empty. The owner is mostly absent; the housekeeper and maids seem afraid. And soon, Clara understands their fear: for something - or someone - is walking through the house at night. In the height of summer, she finds herself drawn deeper into Shadowbrook's dark interior - and into the secrets that violently haunt this house
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Прованс, май 1889 года. У подножия гор, среди пшеничных полей, трав и оливковых деревьев стоит старый монастырь, который служит больницей для душевнобольных. Уже многие годы люди с хрупким рассудком приходят сюда, чтобы жить тихой жизнью за высокими стенами под палящим солнцем • Пересуды о новом обитателе этого приюта - его диком характере, его живописи и рыжих волосах - вскоре доходят до жены руководителя больницы. Жанна Трабюк смотрит на него из своего маленького белого домика. Наблюдает за тем, как он выставляет свой мольберт среди деревьев, ирисов и пшеничных полей и предаётся искусству • Жанна знает правила, она знает, что приближаться к пациентам нельзя. Но этот пахнущий краской, грязный, беспокойный и такой яркий мужчина определённо заслуживает внимания
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HarperCollins с гордостью представляет свою новую линейку самых любимых и незаменимых классических товаров • - На самом деле феи превратили его в водяного младенца. Водяной младенец? Вы никогда не слышали о водяном ребенке. Возможно, и нет. Именно по этой причине была написана эта история • Бедный Том - сирота, нанятый коварным Граймсом трубочистом. Однажды, чистя дымоход, Том заблудился и появился в спальне Элли. Она принимает его за вора, и он в испуге убегает к берегу ручья, где засыпает. В своем сказочном мире он становится водяным младенцем, плавает с другими водяными младенцами и открывает для себя водную игровую площадку, полную странных и чудесных персонажей • Книга на английском языке • HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics
My-shop.ru г. Москва
329 руб.
HarperCollins с гордостью представляет свой невероятный ассортимент самой любимой и незаменимой классики • "Исповедь" описывает обращение святого Августина в христианство и является основой его репутации одного из самых влиятельных мыслителей христианства • Книга на английском языке • HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics • Confessions describes Saint Augustine's conversion to Christianity and is the basis for his reputation as one of Christianity's most influential thinkers
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311 руб.
EVE AUDIO SC203 - комплект маленьких мультимедиа мониторов. Идеальное решение для настольных компьютеров, ограниченного пространства и игровых потребностей. Каждый монитор снабжен подставкой FlexiPad, что позволяет выбрать необходимый уровень наклона мониторов - 0 °, 7,5 ° или 15 °. Эта 2-х полосная система по типу ведущий-ведомый имеет четыре усилителя. Каждый динамик получает отдельное усиление 30 Вт с отдельной секцией фильтра для точного управления
Оптомарт г. Москва
27 940 руб.
HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics. LADY CHATTERLEY'S LOVER was banned on its publication in 1928, creating a storm of controversy. Lawrence tells the story of Constance Chatterley's marriage to Sir Clifford, an aristocratic and an intellectual who is paralyzed from the waist down after the First World War. Desperate for an heir and embarrassed by his inability to satisfy his wife, Clifford suggests that she have an affair. Constance, troubled by her husband's words, finds herself involved in a passionate relationship with their gamekeeper, Oliver Mellors. Lawrence's vitriolic denunciations of industrialism and class division come together in his vivid depiction of the profound emotional and physical connection between a couple otherwise divided by station and society
My-shop.ru г. Москва
329 руб.
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. '!for her, life was as cold as an attic with a window looking to the north, and ennui, like a spider, was silently spinning its shadowy web in every cranny of her heart.' Married to Charles, a provincial doctor, Emma Bovary yearns for a more glamorous life. Disenchanted with her husband and seeking an escape from their dull marriage she is soon tempted into a brief romantic liaison with another man. Although short-lived, she remains desirous of passion and the finer things in life and embarks on another affair, destroying her reputation. Considered scandalous at the time, Emma Bovary's superficial and immoral behaviour shocked readers and caused moral outcry. Flaubert holds up to ridicule not only Madame Bovary herself, but the society that dares to judge her
My-shop.ru г. Москва
329 руб.
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. 'Welcome, O life! I go to encounter for the millionth time the reality of experience and to forge in the smithy of my soul the uncreated conscience of my race.' Autobiographical in tone, Joyce's tale of Stephen Dedalus' journey into adulthood explores the intellectual and moral development of an artist as he struggles to overcome the ingrained Catholic consciousness of his childhood - a family life governed by Irish history, religion and politics. Realistic and innovative in its approach, the style of writing proved controversial upon publication in 1916 and the character of Stephen on a quest for his identity did not appeal to readers.However, Joyce expertly encapsulates the development of individual consciousness and the role of the artist in society in what is considered one of his greatest works
My-shop.ru г. Москва
329 руб.
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. 'The movements of his mind seemed to tend to the thought that some power was working against him.' When Henchard, an out-of-work hay-trusser gets drunk and sells his wife at a country fair, his life will never be the same. Eighteen years later, his wife and daughter return to Casterbridge to find that Henchard has become Mayor. Although he's spent most of his life attempting to repent for his actions, he remains a rash and impetuous man. Hardy portrays Henchard as a tragic hero, searching for love and acceptance from the community around him, posing the overarching question of whether we shape our own fate, or whether life deals us an inevitable hand
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370 руб.
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