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Harpercollins Daughters of Cornwall Britton Fern

Harpercollins Daughters of Cornwall Britton Fern

цена 953 руб.
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Love can last a lifetime. But can it last three? • 1918 • World War One is over. But Clara’s fight for her family is only just beginning… • 1947 • Clara’s daughter, Hannah, is in love for the first time – but like her mother before her, she realises that everything comes at a price. In the devastating wake of World War Two, she must protect her baby, Caroline… • 2020 • Caroline lives a quiet life on the Cornish coast. But a devastating discovery threatens everything she holds dear… This secret could break her family, but only if they let it • Are the daughters of Cornwall ready to tell the truth? • From the Sunday Times bestselling author comes a sweeping, epic novel of mothers and daughters, secrets and lies, and a love that lasts a lifetime… подробнее
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You will love this best-selling novel by Sunday Times best-selling author Fern Britton. The perfect escape to Cornwall, for fans of Katie Fforde and Celia Imrie • Helen Merrifield decides to start afresh and put her old life behind her in the picture-postcard Cornish village of Pendruggan. Throwing herself into the local scene, Helen finds herself at the mercy of the rather desperate Vicar, but she is secretly drawn to the brooding local historian, Piran • Meanwhile, Helen’s best friend, Penny, decides that the village is the perfect setting for her new TV series. When the cast and crew descend, the village is thrown into a tizzy, but Helen has her hands full fending off her philandering ex-husband, who seems determined to charm his way back into her bed
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When the only place you want to be is home… • When Ella’s beloved grandmother dies, she comes back to the beautiful Cornish coast to heal her heart. There she finds her home again and discovers a new life, and new love … But she also opens a treasure trove of secrets • Sennen left Cornwall a young single mum but unable to cope. She left her children, her family and part of her. She’s spent the years hiding from her past, hiding from herself • Now it’s time to come back. To Cornwall. To face her mistakes. To pray for forgiveness. To hope for a future with her daughter
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A warm, witty and wise debut about the ups and downs of life as a TV presenter • Christie Lynch’s life is about to change – for ever • A journalist and single mother of two, she can’t believe her luck when she is spotted by a talent agent during an appearance on daytime TV show, Tart Talk • Soon the nation’s sweetheart, Christie can’t help but love her new job and, for the first time in years, she can mend her leaking roof and buy her kids, Libby and Freddie, a few treats. But as her career soars, Christie’s forced to spend more and more time away from her kids and from Richard – the gorgeous single dad she recently met at the school gate • Can Christie find a way to balance her role as a mother with her increasingly demanding job? And will she make it in the cut-throat world of TV? Whatever happens, Christie's going to give it all she's got… • Warm, witty and wise, New Beginnings is a behind-the-scenes look at the ups and downs in the life of a daytime TV presenter
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