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Harpercollins Big Nate - Big Nate Strikes Again Peirce Lincoln

Harpercollins Big Nate - Big Nate Strikes Again Peirce Lincoln

цена 1 199 руб.
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Big Nate is back starring in the second instalment of his own super-funny series. Big Nate is created by Lincoln Peirce, who inspired Jeff Kinney, author of "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" • Big Nate has got his heart set on leading his sports team to victory! But it won't be easy. He's stuck with Gina, his all time enemy and really rubbish player. Worse yet they have to work together on the class special project which means Gina's allowed to call Nate - at home! • Gina is at the top of Nate's list of Things I Can't Stand - but will she stand in the way of his greatness? • Will Nate win or lose? Pass or fail? Or fall asleep in science and end up in detention again? подробнее
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Big Nate is back! This companion activity book to the bestselling Big Nate series is packed with laughs, activities and fun. Big Nate is created by Lincoln Peirce, who inspired Jeff Kinney, author of 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid' • Big Nate is ready to rock, and with this fourth activity book in the series you can join the comic craziness and laugh along too! With 224 pages of Big Nate fun, including word puzzles, drawing games, brain-bending quizzes and lots and lots of hilarity, you'll never run out of Big Nate to enjoy
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Packed with laughs, this companion to the bestselling Big Nate series is 224 pages of activities and fun! Big Nate is created by Lincoln Peirce, who inspired Jeff Kinney, author of 'Diary of a Wimpy Kid' • The bestselling Big Nate is on a roll, and with this third activity book in the series you can rack your brain and join the comic craziness with 224 pages of Big Nate fun! Packed with word puzzles, drawing games, brain-bending quizzes and lots and lots of hilarity • You can create your own comics, do quizzes on the characters, and laugh at his weird and wacky world in this great value for money activity book based on the worldwide successful series
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The bestselling author of Fermat's Last Theorem and The Code Book tells the story of the brilliant minds that deciphered the mysteries of the Big Bang. A fascinating exploration of the ultimate question: how was our universe created? • Albert Einstein once said: 'The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible.' Simon Singh believes geniuses like Einstein are not the only people able to grasp the physics that govern the universe. We all can • As well as explaining what the Big Bang theory actually is and why cosmologists believe it is an accurate description of the origins of the universe, this book is also the fascinating story of the scientists who fought against the established idea of an eternal and unchanging universe
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Jack Ryan always wanted to play pro ball. But he couldn't hit a curveball, so he turned his attention to less legal pursuits. A tough guy who likes walking the razor's edge, he's just met his match and more in Nancy. She's a rich man's plaything, seriously into thrills and risk, and together she and Jack are pure heat ready to explode. But when simple housebreaking and burglary give way to the deadly pursuit of a really big score, the stakes suddenly skyrocket. Because violence and double-cross are the name of this game and it's going to take every ounce of cunning Jack and Nancy possess to survive... each other
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Large scale A-Z street mapping of London. This A4 street atlas offers the perfect combination of coverage and clarity, the area covered ranges from Heathrow Airport all the way to Chingford at a scale of 4.25 inches to 1 mile, while a detailed map of Central London is at a larger scale of 8.5 inches to 1 mile • The mapping features transport connections, places of interest, public buildings, postcode districts, one-way streets, Congestion and Low Emission Zones • This comprehensive street atlas of London also includes • An overview map of the Congestion Charging Zone • West End Theatre and Cinema maps • The London Rail & Tube Services Map • London Underground map • A comprehensive index lists streets, selected flats, walkways and places of interest, place, area and junction names
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Волшебством и (неправильными) приключениями изобилует "Макс и рыцари середины", веселый иллюстрированный роман от создателя бестселлера "Нью-Йорк таймс" Линкольна Пирса, создателя серии "Большой Нейт" • Макс хочет стать рыцарем - жаль, что эта мечта так же вероятна, как найти дружелюбного дракона. Но когда дядя Макса Будрик похищен жестоким королем Гастли, Макс должен действовать... и быстро! Присоединившись к группе отважных искателей приключений - рыцарям-середнякам - Макс отправляется в захватывающее путешествие: спасти дядю Будрика и вернуть королевству Байовия былую славу! • Книга на английском языке • Magic and (mis)adventures abound in Max and the Midknights, a hilarious illustrated novel from the New York Times bestselling creator of the Big Nate series, Lincoln Peirce
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