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Harpercollins A Darker Domain Макдермид Вэл

Harpercollins A Darker Domain Макдермид Вэл

цена 1 660 руб.
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Второй захватывающий криминальный роман из серии Карен Пири, автор бестселлера № 1 Sunday Times Вэл Макдермид • Двадцать пять лет назад женщина и ее маленький сын были похищены и удерживались с целью получения выкупа. Катриона Грант погибла, и с тех пор судьба маленького Адама остается загадкой • Когда на заброшенной тосканской вилле обнаруживается новая улика – наряду с ужасающими уликами недавнего убийства, – эксперту по нераскрытым делам Ди Карен Пири поручается пойти по следу • Она уже работает над делом того же года. Во время забастовки шахтеров в 1984 году исчез рабочий шахты Мик Прентис. Куда он на самом деле делся? И есть ли здесь связь с тайной Гранта? • Правда более странна – и гораздо мрачнее – чем вымысел • Книга на английском языке • The second riveting crime novel in the Karen Pirie series, from No подробнее
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On a freezing winter morning, fishermen pull a body from the sea. It is quickly discovered that the dead man was the prime suspect in a decade old investigation, when a prominent civil servant disappeared without trace. DCI Karen Pirie was the last detective to review the file and is drawn into a sinister world of betrayal and dark secrets • But Karen is already grappling with another case, one with even more questions and fewer answers. A skeleton has been discovered in an abandoned campervan and all clues point to a killer who never faced justice - a killer who is still out there • In her search for the truth, Karen uncovers a network of lies that has gone unchallenged for years. But lies and secrets can turn deadly when someone is determined to keep them hidden for good
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- Кто-то побывал здесь до нас. И он все еще здесь • Когда в отдаленных уголках Высокогорья обнаруживают тело, старший инспектор Карен Пири оказывается в нужном месте в нужное время. Обнаруженная вместе с чьим-то давно похороненным наследством, жертва, кажется, принадлежит далекому прошлому - до тех пор, пока новые улики не свидетельствуют об обратном, и Карен вызывают, чтобы распутать дело, в котором все не так, как кажется • Однако вскоре подслушанный разговор втягивает Карен в суть другого дела - шокирующего преступления, которое, как ей казалось, она уже предотвратила. По мере того, как она приближается к извращенной правде, лежащей в основе этих убийств, становится ясно, что она имеет дело с версией правосудия, ужасающе отличной от ее собственной
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'Murdered people don't kill themselves . . .' • A quiet night on a country road. The stillness shattered by a car engulfed in flames, and a burned body discovered in the driver's seat. As the investigation unfolds, DCI Carol Jordan and psychological profiler Tony Hill quickly realise that this is more than just a tragic accident. And so begins the hunt for a truly terrifying killer, someone who believes he is invisible, untraceable and untouchable • As other victims are found to have met the same terrible fate, and with more women at risk, Tony and Carol are drawn into a dark and twisted web of fear and revenge that will force them to question their own ideas of justice • A pulse-pounding mystery from the number one bestseller
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'That day, waiting had been almost unbearable. He wanted something more spectacular, something that couldn't be ignored. These deaths needed to make a mark ...' Psychological profiler Tony Hill is trained to see patterns, to decode the mysteries of human behaviour, and when he comes across a series of suicides among women tormented by vicious online predators, he begins to wonder if there is more to these tragedies than meets the eye. Similar circumstances, different deaths. Could it be murder? But what kind of serial killer wants his crimes to stay hidden? Former DCI Carol Jordan has her own demons to confront, but with lives at stake, Tony and Carol begin the hunt for the most dangerous and terrifying kind of killer - someone who has nothing to fear and nothing to lose
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HarperCollins с гордостью представляет свою новую линейку самых любимых и незаменимых классических товаров • - На самом деле феи превратили его в водяного младенца. Водяной младенец? Вы никогда не слышали о водяном ребенке. Возможно, и нет. Именно по этой причине была написана эта история • Бедный Том - сирота, нанятый коварным Граймсом трубочистом. Однажды, чистя дымоход, Том заблудился и появился в спальне Элли. Она принимает его за вора, и он в испуге убегает к берегу ручья, где засыпает. В своем сказочном мире он становится водяным младенцем, плавает с другими водяными младенцами и открывает для себя водную игровую площадку, полную странных и чудесных персонажей • Книга на английском языке • HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics
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HarperCollins с гордостью представляет свой невероятный ассортимент самой любимой и незаменимой классики • "Исповедь" описывает обращение святого Августина в христианство и является основой его репутации одного из самых влиятельных мыслителей христианства • Книга на английском языке • HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics • Confessions describes Saint Augustine's conversion to Christianity and is the basis for his reputation as one of Christianity's most influential thinkers
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HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics. LADY CHATTERLEY'S LOVER was banned on its publication in 1928, creating a storm of controversy. Lawrence tells the story of Constance Chatterley's marriage to Sir Clifford, an aristocratic and an intellectual who is paralyzed from the waist down after the First World War. Desperate for an heir and embarrassed by his inability to satisfy his wife, Clifford suggests that she have an affair. Constance, troubled by her husband's words, finds herself involved in a passionate relationship with their gamekeeper, Oliver Mellors. Lawrence's vitriolic denunciations of industrialism and class division come together in his vivid depiction of the profound emotional and physical connection between a couple otherwise divided by station and society
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329 руб.
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. '!for her, life was as cold as an attic with a window looking to the north, and ennui, like a spider, was silently spinning its shadowy web in every cranny of her heart.' Married to Charles, a provincial doctor, Emma Bovary yearns for a more glamorous life. Disenchanted with her husband and seeking an escape from their dull marriage she is soon tempted into a brief romantic liaison with another man. Although short-lived, she remains desirous of passion and the finer things in life and embarks on another affair, destroying her reputation. Considered scandalous at the time, Emma Bovary's superficial and immoral behaviour shocked readers and caused moral outcry. Flaubert holds up to ridicule not only Madame Bovary herself, but the society that dares to judge her
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HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. 'Welcome, O life! I go to encounter for the millionth time the reality of experience and to forge in the smithy of my soul the uncreated conscience of my race.' Autobiographical in tone, Joyce's tale of Stephen Dedalus' journey into adulthood explores the intellectual and moral development of an artist as he struggles to overcome the ingrained Catholic consciousness of his childhood - a family life governed by Irish history, religion and politics. Realistic and innovative in its approach, the style of writing proved controversial upon publication in 1916 and the character of Stephen on a quest for his identity did not appeal to readers.However, Joyce expertly encapsulates the development of individual consciousness and the role of the artist in society in what is considered one of his greatest works
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HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. 'The movements of his mind seemed to tend to the thought that some power was working against him.' When Henchard, an out-of-work hay-trusser gets drunk and sells his wife at a country fair, his life will never be the same. Eighteen years later, his wife and daughter return to Casterbridge to find that Henchard has become Mayor. Although he's spent most of his life attempting to repent for his actions, he remains a rash and impetuous man. Hardy portrays Henchard as a tragic hero, searching for love and acceptance from the community around him, posing the overarching question of whether we shape our own fate, or whether life deals us an inevitable hand
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