г. Москва, Московская область

Harper Collins UK Virusphere. The Hidden World of the Virus Ryan Frank

A virologist's insight into how viruses evolve and why global epidemics are inevitable In 1993 a previously healthy young man was drowning in the middle of a desert, in fluids produced by his own lungs. This was the beginning of the terrifying Sin Nombre hantavirus epidemic and the start of a scientific journey that would forever change our understanding of what it means to be human • After witnessing the Sin Nombre outbreak, Dr Frank Ryan began researching viral evolution and was astonished to discover that it's inextricable from the evolution of all life on Earth. From AIDS and Ebola to the common cold, Ryan explores the role of the virus within every ecosystem on the planet. His gripping conclusions shed new light on the natural world, proving that what doesn't kill you really does make you (and your species) stronger
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A magnificent work of original research, unwinding history through cloth - how we make it, use it and what it means to us • Bestselling author Victoria Finlay spins us round the globe in a vibrant exploration of cloth through the ages. She beats the inner bark of trees into cloth in Papua New Guinea, fails to handspin cotton in Guatemala, visits tweed weavers at their homes in Harris, and has lessons in patchwork-making in Gee's Bend, Alabama. And through it all she uncovers the hidden histories of fabric: how and why people have made it, worn it, invented it and made symbols of it • Interlaced with Victoria's own story of grief and recovery, Fabric is a lush patchwork of travel, history, memoir and culture - an unforgettable look into how we have made fabric, and how it has made us
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 628 руб.
In this eloquent, intimate exploration of the delights and demands of the piano, world-renowned concert pianist and music writer Charles Rosen draws on a lifetime's wisdom to consider every aspect of the instrument: from what makes a beautiful sound to suffering from stage fright, from the physical challenges of playing to tales of great musicians, including Vladimir Horowitz's recording tricks, Rachmaninov's hands and why Artur Rubenstein applied hairspray to the keys. Gracefully blending anecdote, history, expertise and memoir, Piano Notes will enchant anyone with a passion for music
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 996 руб.
#1 New York Times bestselling author Dava Sobel returns with a captivating, little-known true story of women in science • Before they even had the right to vote, a group of remarkable women were employed by Harvard College Observatory as ‘Human Computers’ to interpret the observations made via telescope by their male counterparts each night • The author of Longitude, Galileo’s Daughter and The Planets shines light on the hidden history of these extraordinary women who changed the burgeoning field of astronomy and our understanding of the stars and our place in the universe
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 314 руб.
A virologist's insight into how viruses evolve and why global epidemics are inevitable In 1993 a previously healthy young man was drowning in the middle of a desert, in fluids produced by his own lungs. This was the beginning of the terrifying Sin Nombre hantavirus epidemic and the start of a scientific journey that would forever change our understanding of what it means to be human • After witnessing the Sin Nombre outbreak, Dr Frank Ryan began researching viral evolution and was astonished to discover that it's inextricable from the evolution of all life on Earth. From AIDS and Ebola to the common cold, Ryan explores the role of the virus within every ecosystem on the planet. His gripping conclusions shed new light on the natural world, proving that what doesn't kill you really does make you (and your species) stronger
My-shop.ru г. Москва
926 руб.
'Extraordinary... Cozzens has stripped the myth from these stories, but he is such a superb writer that what remains is exquisite' The Times • At the end of the Civil War, the American nation continued its expansion onto tribal lands, setting off a struggle that would last nearly three decades. Peter Cozzens chronicles the conflict from both sides in comprehensive and singularly intimate detail, bringing together a pageant of fascinating characters, including Custer, Sherman and Grant, as well as great native leaders such as Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull and Red Cloud. This is the tale of how the West was won... and lost
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 037 руб.
Мы все видели лису • Мелькание ее пушистого хвоста, исчезающего в проеме забора, оранжевое сияние в свете фар, когда она перебегает дорогу. Мы тоже слышали ее, ее странный лай эхом отдавался в ночном городе. Возможно, мы даже столкнулись с ней лицом к лицу, встретившись взглядами на несколько мгновений, прежде чем он снова исчез в темноте. Но куда она направляется и каков ее мир на самом деле? • В книге "Скрытый мир лис" эколог Адель Бранд проливает свет на одно из самых знакомых и в то же время загадочных животных Британии, показывая нам, как удивительные чувства, интеллект и поведение, которые позволяли лисам процветать в древнем диком лесу, теперь помогают им выживать на бетонных автостоянках и грохочущих железнодорожных линиях наших городов и города
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 390 руб.
От бунтовщиков до писателей, от спортсменов до астронавтов — присоединяйтесь к Кейт Фокс в увлекательном и поучительном путешествии по жизни этих необыкновенных женщин, чьи жизни и достижения слишком долго были скрыты • От Картимандуа, забытой королевы Севера железного века, до курящей Вудбайн футболистки Лили Парр, Кейт с ее фирменным остроумием и чувством юмора показывает, как эти удивительные первопроходцы заложили основу для современных звезд от Виктории Вуд до Little Mix. Никола Адамс, Бетти Бутройд и Хелен Шарман должны поблагодарить этих невоспетых чемпионов севера за то, что они проложили этот путь • Забавная, поучительная и призывающая к оружию, эта книга идеально подходит для нации, готовой заново открыть для себя своих скрытых героев
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 317 руб.
The second book by the bestselling author of Extraordinary Insects • Trees clean air and water; hoverflies and bees pollinate our crops; the kingfisher inspired the construction of high-speed trains. In Tapestries of Life, bestselling author Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson explains how closely we are all connected with the natural world, highlighting our indelible link with nature’s finely knit system and our everyday lives • In the heart of natural world is a life-support system like no other, a collective term that describes all the goods and services we receive – food, fresh water, medicine, pollination, pollution control, carbon sequestration, erosion prevention, recreation, spiritual health and so much more. In this utterly captivating book, Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson sets out to explore these wonderful, supportive elements – taking the reader on a journey through the surprising characteristics of the natural world
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 545 руб.
Across the planet, the futures of young people hang in the balance as they face the harsh realities of the environmental crisis. Isn't it time we made their voices heard? • The Children of the Anthropocene, by conservationist and activist Bella Lack, chronicles the lives of the diverse young people on the frontlines of the environmental crisis around the world, amplifying the voices of those living at the heart of the crisis • Advocating for the protection of both people and the planet, Bella restores the beating heart to global environmental issues, from air pollution to deforestation and overconsumption, by telling the stories of those most directly affected. Transporting us from the humming bounty of Ecuador's Choco Rainforest and the graceful arcs of the Himalayan Mountains, to the windswept plains and vibrant vistas of life in Altiplano, Bella speaks to young activists from around the world including Dara McAnulty, Afroz Shah and Artemisa Xakriaba, and brings the crisis vividly to life
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 996 руб.
For the marine biologist, every sea is like an open book, filled to the brim with incredible stories. We head underwater to search for these stories, to find a new one and tell it to you. In this book, you will read about the creatures which inhabit the icy waters of the White, Barents, Pechora and Okhotsk Seas, the Northern part of the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan. These creatures are unique, and very few people have been lucky enough to see them. The long polar night, freezing temperatures, the surface of the sea which clasp up under sheets of ice, strong water currents, difficult weather conditions - all these factors mean that field work is only possible for a few short months per year, and only after very rigorous technical and physical training
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 664 руб.
Signatures Of The Sun Lily of the Valley Парфюмированная Вода Спрей Цитрусовый цветочный аромат для женщин и мужчин Свежий, пряный, сладкий, яркий, зеленый и восхитительный Верхние ноты: бергамот, грейпфрут и черная смородина Ноты сердца: петигрен и ландыш Базовые ноты: кедр и мускус Выпущен в 2021 году Подходит для повседневного применения и теплых сезонов
Strawberrynet.com доставка из г. Гонконг, Китай
931 292 руб.
Signatures Of The Sun Lily of the Valley Парфюмированная Вода Спрей Цитрусовый цветочный аромат для женщин и мужчин Свежий, пряный, сладкий, яркий, зеленый и восхитительный Верхние ноты: бергамот, грейпфрут и черная смородина Ноты сердца: петигрен и ландыш Базовые ноты: кедр и мускус Выпущен в 2021 году Подходит для повседневного применения и теплых сезонов
Strawberrynet.com доставка из г. Гонконг, Китай
692 255 руб.
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