г. Москва, Московская область

Harper Collins UK Outlaw. The story of Robin Hood Морпурго Майкл

After a fierce storm, a boy discovers a human skull, buried beneath the roots of an ancient tree. A skull with a legendary story… • Vivid re-imagining of the legendary hero Robin Hood by bestselling author of War Horse • “Tell the sheriff, tell Sir Guy of Gisbourne, tell everyone in Nottingham, that the Outlaws rule here in Sherwood, that we rule in the king’s name… I am Robin Hood.” • Homeless and lost in a dark, strange forest, young Robin is rescued by a motley crew of misfits. He yearns to avenge his father and seek justice against cruel oppressors, to finally defeat the Sheriff of Nottingham, once and for all • And through his friends, Robin Hood finds the courage to become a legendary hero
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После жестокой бури мальчик обнаруживает человеческий череп, погребенный под корнями древнего дерева. Череп с легендарной историей… • Роман Майкла Морпурго "Преступник. История Робин Гуда" - яркое переосмысление истории легендарного героя • Бездомного и заблудившегося в темном, незнакомом лесу юного Робина спасает разношерстная команда неудачников. Он жаждет отомстить за своего отца и добиться справедливости против жестоких угнетателей, чтобы, наконец, раз и навсегда победить шерифа Ноттингема • И благодаря своим друзьям Робин Гуд находит в себе мужество стать легендарным героем • Книга на английском языке • After a fierce storm, a boy discovers a human skull, buried beneath the roots of an ancient tree. A skull with a legendary story… • Vivid re-imagining of the legendary hero Robin Hood by bestselling author of War Horse
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The Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker) returns to Sherwood Forest in this incredible new crossover of Doctor Who and the legend of Robin Hood • Gold had come to the greenwood • Robin Hood is disenchanted. Maid Marion has disappeared, and the legend of the Doctor has retreated into the shadows of Sherwood Forest • But the Doctor is back! (Although this is his first visit - time travel does strange things to a story.) • And the timing couldn't be better. A new Sheriff of Nottingham is in town, out to get the Outlaws, and behind the scenes, the mythical Mother Maudlin has designs on the realm that are not of this earth • With the Kingdom in peril, it's time for the return of the Lionheart
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1 573 руб.
A collection of four special Puffin Classics designed to raise awareness of world environmental issues • This is the classic story of social justice and outrageous cunning • Robin Hood, the legendary outlaw hero, steals from the rich to save the poor with his band of Merry Men in the vast Sherwood forest. He regularly outwits his evil enemies Guy of Gisborne and the immoral Sheriff of Nottingham, but wicked King John and his henchmen are never far behind • Entrenched in the winding paths and secret glades of the forest, this special edition of The Adventures of Robin Hood is inspired by Earth Day, and introduced by actor and environmental activist Bonnie Wright
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1 526 руб.
The classic story of social justice and outrageous cunning • Robin Hood, champion of the poor and oppressed, stands against the cruel power of Prince John and the brutal Sheriff of Nottingham. Taking refuge in the vast Sherwood Forest with his band of men, he remains determined to outwit his enemies • Brilliantly introduced by bestselling author John Boyne
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The classic story of social justice and outrageous cunning • Robin Hood, champion of the poor and oppressed, stands against the cruel power of Prince John and the brutal Sheriff of Nottingham. Taking refuge in the vast Sherwood Forest with his band of men, he remains determined to outwit his enemies
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A heart-warming tale of courage and warmth, set against the backdrop of the second world war, about an abandoned village, a lifelong friendship and one very adventurous cat! • 'Classic Morpurgo brilliance' - Publishing News • "Something's up. Something big too, very big. At school, in the village, whoever you meet, it's all anyone talks about. It's like a sudden curse has come down on us all. It makes me wonder if we'll ever see the sun again." • It's 1943, and Lily Tregenze lives on a farm, in the idyllic seaside village of Slapton. Apart from her father being away, and the 'townie' evacuees at school, her life is scarcely touched by the war. Until one day, Lily and her family, along with 3000 other villagers, are told to move out of their homes - lock, stock and barrel
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Отредактированная и представленная Биллом Брайсоном, при участии Ричарда Докинза, Маргарет Этвуд, Ричарда Холмса, Мартина Риса, Ричарда Форти, Стива Джонса, Джеймса Глейка и Нила Стивенсона, среди прочих, эта прекрасная, богато иллюстрированная книга рассказывает историю науки и Королевского общества с 1660 года по настоящее время • С момента своего основания в 1660 году Королевское общество было пионером в области научных открытий и исследований. Старейшая из существующих научных академий, ее основой является Братство самых выдающихся ученых в истории, включая Чарльза Дарвина, Исаака Ньютона и Альберта Эйнштейна. Сегодня его стипендиатами являются самые влиятельные мужчины и женщины в науке, многие из которых внесли свой вклад в создание этого новаторского тома наряду с некоторыми из самых знаменитых в мире романистов, эссеистов и историков
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1 918 руб.
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479 руб.
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СберМегаМаркет г. Москва
336 руб.
The Story of Hong Gildong is arguably the single most important work of classic Korean fiction. Like its English counterpart, Robin Hood, it has been adapted into countless movies, television shows, novels and comics. Its memorable lines are known to virtually every Korean by heart. Until now, this incredible 19th century fable has been all but inaccessible to English readers • Hong Gildong, the brilliant but illegitimate son of a government minister, cannot advance in society due to his secondary status, so he leaves home to become the leader of a band of outlaws who rob the rich to give to the poor. On the way to building his own empire and gaining acceptance from his family, Hong Gildong vanquishes assassins, battles monsters, and conquers kingdoms
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1 969 руб.
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