г. Москва, Московская область

Hamlet + E-zone Shakespeare Willam Helbling Languages

Hamlet's life is turned upside down when his father, the king, dies, and his mother Queen Gertrude marries her brother-in-law, Claudius. When the ghost of his dead father appears to him, Hamlet embarks on long and difficult journey for the truth. Enjoy this powerful and enduring story of revenge in Shakespeare's original language with a carefully graded modern English translation • Helbling Shakespeare Series • An exciting NEW series that puts Shakespeare's original words centre stage • - Original annotated text • - Shakespeare's language • - Vocabulary work • - Cultural insights • - From reading to performing • - Exam preparation.
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Henry Harris can't say the letter H . He hates haitches more than he hates homework or horrible Hannah Hunter who laughs at him • Then one day something happens to Henry's best friend, Harry • What happens when Henry helps Harry?
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 351 руб.
Energising Your Classroom is an exciting and inspirational resource book with short physical and mental activities which teachers can use to bring energy to their classrooms, their students and themselves. Energising Your Classroom is about creating a stimulating environment, in which regular teaching is enhanced by a variety of additional activities. Sometimes these raise energy levels through physical movement; sometimes they allow the students a moment to relax and switch off; sometimes they challenge them to refocus their thoughts. All have the aim of giving the students the opportunity to recharge their batteries, refresh their thinking and return to their language learning with renewed vitality, enthusiasm and the capacity for increased concentration
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 562 руб.
Shakespeare’s Sonnets are among the most lyrical and moving pieces of poetry in any language, abounding with examples of his genius for wordplay, rhythm and metaphor and dealing with the eternal themes of love, memory, beauty and the ravishes of time. First published in 1609, after Shakespeare had written many of his most famous works, the Sonnets have been the subject of literary curiosity ever since, mainly concerning the identity of the two addressees, “Mr W.H.” and the “Dark Lady”, and the light they could shine on Shakespeare’s life. This collection constitutes one of English literature’s most profound poetic meditations on life and love, and is a vital complement to the plays, offering clues to Shakespeare’s own biography. Presented here in an edition that makes them accessible to twentieth-century readers, these poems are worth returning to again and again
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
597 руб.
Пол: Женский • Объем: 100 мл • Год выпуска: 2018 • Семейство: восточные, пряные • Верхние ноты: лайм, лимон, ноты бергамота • Средние ноты: жасмин, иланг-иланг, инжир, роза • Базовые ноты: амбергис, береза, гвоздика, дубовый мох, корень ириса, корица, мускус, пачули, сандаловое дерево, уд, шафран • Тестер: да • Доставка духов в Москву - Shakespeare Perfume Hamlet. Аромат оригинален. В случае претензий возможен возврат. Качественный парфюм Шекспир Перфюме Гамлет
SpellSmell.ru г. Москва
4 690 руб.
William Shakespeare (1564-1616) was an English poet, playwright, and actor, considered by many as the greatest English writer. Hundreds of specialists were able to translate his works into every major language, and most of the plays are performed more often than those of any other author. "The Merchant of Venice" is one of Shakespeares most famous plays. The action takes place partly in Venice and Belmonte. Young Bassanio, who is in debt, decided to marry rich beauty Portia and asks his friend, merchant Antonio, for help. Antonio decides to help him and takes money from a local usurer Shylock. Under the terms of the bill, if he does not return the debt on time, Shylock has the right to cut a pound of meat from the merchants body
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
386 руб.
William Shakespeare (1564—1616) was an English poet, playwright, and actor, considered by many as the greatest English writer. Hundreds of specialists were able to translate his works into every major language, and most of the plays are performed more often than those of any other author. "Cymbeline" is a romantic play set in Ancient Britain and based on the legends of the early Celtic British King Cunobeline. It tells the story of the commoner Posthumus who falls in love with the princess Imogen. She marries him, but the King Cymbeline, her father, finds about it and exiles Posthumus
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
368 руб.
Пол: Женский • Объем: 100 мл • Год выпуска: 2018 • Семейство: восточные • Верхние ноты: лаванда, лимон, ноты бергамота, тмин, эстрагон • Средние ноты: жасмин, ландыш, фиалка • Базовые ноты: амбра, ветивер, гальбанум, гвоздика, дубовый мох, кастореум, кедр, мускус, ноты кожи, пачули, ревень • Доставка духов в Москву - Shakespeare Perfume Macbeth. Аромат оригинален. В случае претензий возможен возврат. Качественный парфюм Шекспир Перфюме Макбет
SpellSmell.ru г. Москва
5 190 руб.
Пол: Женский • Объем: 100 мл • Год выпуска: 2018 • Семейство: фруктовые, цветочные • Верхние ноты: клубника, цитрусы • Средние ноты: жасмин, роза, цветок апельсина • Базовые ноты: амбра, ваниль, мускус • Тестер: да • Доставка духов в Москву - Shakespeare Perfume Dark Lady. Аромат оригинален. В случае претензий возможен возврат. Качественный парфюм Шекспир Перфюме Дак Леди
SpellSmell.ru г. Москва
4 690 руб.
В интернет-магазине shop.buka.ru вы можете купить цифровую версию игры ZONE OF THE ENDERS: The 2nd Runner - M∀RS с активацией в сервисе Steam • Вас ждет полностью переделанная версия классического скоростного 3D-экшна с роботами ZONE OF THE ENDERS: The 2nd Runner - M∀RS, воссозданная для ВР, с разрешением 4К и полностью объемным звучанием
БУКА г. Москва
1 899 руб.
Уильям Шекспир - один из самых значимых и таинственных писателей г мировой литературе, бесспорный мастер драматургии. Его произведения до сих пор ставят на театральных сценах во всех уголках планеты, его герои вдохновляют, поражают и влюбляют в себя миллионы людей • "Трагическая история о Гамлете, Принце Датском", или просто "Гамлет", - одно из самых известных произведений Шекспира, которое продолжают цитировать до сих пор. Трогательная история о чести, мести и любви, в которой переплетаются романтические мечты и горькая реальность, оставят неизгладимый след в душе каждого читателя. Читайте зарубежную литературу в оригинале!
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
457 руб.
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Aroma-Butik.ru г. Москва
570 руб.
Парфюмерная вода, 5 мл отливант
Aroma-Butik.ru г. Москва
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