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Farshore Hooray for Daddy Awdry Reverend W

Farshore Hooray for Daddy Awdry Reverend W

цена 1 106 руб.
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Покажи своему папочке, как много он для тебя значит, с помощью Томаса и его друзей! • "Ура папе" Одри Риверенда - идеальный подарок для любого папы, который такой же сильный, как Крэнки, такой же жизнерадостный, как Тоби, и всегда приходит на помощь, как Гарольд • Томас и его друзья повсюду прославляют отцов в этой игривой книжке с картинками. А дети могут поделиться своими личными мыслями о своем отце - лучшем в мире! • Книга на английском языке • Show your daddy just how much he means to you with help from Thomas and his friends! • Hooray for Daddy is the perfect gift for any daddy who is as strong as Cranky, as cheerful as Toby and always coming to the rescue, like Harold • Thomas and friends celebrate fathers everywhere in this playful picture book подробнее
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The perfect Christmas stocking filler for fans of Winnie-the-Pooh, the Bear of Very Little Brain • It’s a very snowy day in the Hundred Acre Wood, and Pooh Bear realises that some of the other animals might be snowed in their houses. With the help of Piglet, he determines to help all of the other animals clear the snow away – and then it’s time for a Little Something! After all that, there’s just enough time for Christopher Robin to show them all how to make a snowman • A marvellous Christmas adventure with Winnie-the-Pooh, Piglet, Eeyore and the rest of the gang that will make children feel all warm inside – while it’s cold outside • The nation’s favourite teddy bear has been delighting generations of children for 95 years • Milne’s classic children’s stories – featuring Tigger, Piglet, Eeyore, Christopher Robin and, of course, Pooh himself – are both heart-warming and funny, teaching lessons of friendship and reflecting the power of a child’s imagination like no other story before or since
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The book that bites back is BACK! In the fourth beastly book from Jack Meggit-Phillips, the most distinctive new voice for readers of 8-12, there are surprises in store for Bethany about her missing family… • For centuries, the beast has tormented the world. But now, there’s a change to a menu, and the beast is going cold turkey – which essentially means eating no priceless works of art . . . or purple parrots . . . or CHILD-SIZED PRANKSTERS • Ebenezer and Bethany are attempting to help the beast vomit some good into the world – even though they really haven’t come anywhere close to managing the business of do-gooding themselves. But Bethany is distracted by her date-not-a-date with Geoffrey, while Ebenezer is worried by a file which reveals a truth about Bethany’s parents that might just ruin life for everyone at the 15-storey house
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The bestselling children's books series for over 50 years! • Mr Lazy lives in Sleepyland, which is a very lazy-looking and sleepy-like place. He spends rather a lot of time in bed. It's his favourite place to be • The Mr Men and Little Miss have been delighting children for generations with their charming and funny antics. Bold illustrations and funny stories make Mr Men and Little Miss the perfect story time experience for children aged two up. Have you met them all?
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