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Everyman Tess of the d’Urbervilles Гарди Томас

Everyman Tess of the d’Urbervilles Гарди Томас

цена 2 557 руб.
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Рассказ Харди о чистой женщине, преданной любовью, - его самый сильный и трогательный роман. Действие происходит в порой мрачном, но всегда волшебном пейзаже Уэссекса, столь знакомом по его ранним рассказам. "Тэсс из рода д`Эрбервиллей" доводит семейную драму до высот трагической напряженности, что делает книгу подходящим дополнением к "Анне Карениной" и "Мадам Бовари" • Книга на английском языке • Hardy's account of a pure woman betrayed by love is his most powerful and moving novel. Set in the sometimes bleak but always magical Wessex landscape so familiar from his earlier stories, Tess of the d'Urbervilles works up a domestic drama to heights of tragic intensity which make the book a fit companion for Anna Karenina and Madame Bovary подробнее
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"Возвращение туземца" широко признано наиболее репрезентативным из уэссекских романов Томаса Харди. Он напоминает о мрачном присутствии и угрожающей красоте Эгдон-Хита, протягивая руку, чтобы прикоснуться к жизням и судьбам всех, кто здесь живет. Центральной фигурой является Клайм Ибрайт, вернувшийся "туземец", и история повествует о его любви к красивой, но капризной Юстасии Вай • По мере развития повествования и того, как персонаж за персонажем движутся к саморазрушению, присутствие Хита становится всеобъемлющим, в то время как Клайм становится странствующим проповедником в попытке смягчить свою вину • Книга на английском языке • The Return of the Native is widely recognised as the most representative of Hardy's Wessex novels. He evokes the dismal presence and menacing beauty of Egdon Heath - reaching out to touch the lives and fate of all who dwell on it
My-shop.ru г. Москва
338 руб.
Thomas Hardy's tragic vision of a love struggling to overcome prejudice and rejection, The Return of the Native is edited in Penguin Classics with an introduction by Penny Bouhmelha • Against the lowering background of Egdon Heath, fiery Eustacia Vye passes her days, wishing only for passionate love. She believes that her escape from Egdon lies in marriage to Clym Yeobright, home from Paris and discontented with his work there. But Clym wishes to return to the Egdon community; a desire which sets him in opposition to his wife and brings them both to despair • Based on the first edition of the text, this edition includes detailed notes of later revisions made by Hardy, glossary, bibliography and useful chronology of author's life. In her introduction Penny Bouhmelha identifies the literary and classical allusions in Hardy's text, in particular the parallels with Flaubert's Madame Bovary and with the Oedipus story
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'Tremendous...utterly absorbing' Independent • Proud, passionate Eustacia Vye marries Clym Yeobright in the hope that he will help her escape her cramped rural existence. But when their relationship falters and her old lover Damon Wildeve reappears with an unexpected inheritance, Eustacia is faced with a series of decisions upon which multiple lives depend. In a world where misunderstandings can be fatal, Hardy’s atmospheric tragedy moves inevitably towards a disastrous climax on the brooding wilds of Egdon Heath
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"Джуд Безвестный", последний роман Харди, - это история молодого рабочего, разрушенного частичным осуществлением своей мечты. Разрываясь между своими желаниями жизни тела и жизни разума, представленными двумя женщинами – вульгарной и блистательной Арабеллой и утонченной, но холодной Сью, – Джуд прежде всего стремится к духовной целостности, представленной университетским городом Кристминстер, который отвергает его • Книга на английском языке • Hardy’s last novel is the story of a young working man destroyed by the partial fulfilment of his dreams. Torn between his desires for the life of the body and the life of the mind, as represented by two women – the vulgar and lustrous Arabella and the refined but frigid Sue – Jude longs above all for the spiritual wholeness represented by the university town of Christminster which rejects him
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Jude Fawley, an intelligent and sensitive young Wessex schoolboy, dreams of studying at the famous university in Christminster, Hardy’s fictional representation of Oxford. He embarks on years of private study, but his plans are thrown into disarray when he is deceived into marriage and then deserted by the duplicitous Arabella Donn. Jude, still hoping to earn a place at the university, travels to Christminster to work as a stonemason. Here, he falls for his freethinking cousin Sue, but with the pair living together out of wedlock, the pressures of poverty and social disapproval soon threaten to ruin their lives • Full of passion, anger, fatalism and tragedy, Jude the Obscure attacks the inequalities and hypocrisies inherent within Victorian society’s attitudes towards marriage, social mobility, education and the role of women
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Father Frank Docherty has had his run-ins with the church authorities: in the early 1970s, he was expelled from the Sydney archdiocese for preaching against the Vietnam War and has lived in Canada as a monk ever since • Twenty-five years later, back in Australia to give a lecture about celibacy and paedophile priests, he comes across an ex-nun who claims to have been abused by a now eminent cleric. If Docherty is to help her, he will be up against an institution bent on avoiding scandal. What is more, the accused man’s sister is the woman Docherty nearly broke his vows for long ago • This searing, impassioned novel captures the Catholic Church at a pivotal moment: when it tried to silence its victims, wreaking lasting damage not only on innocents but on itself
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Любовь и преступление причудливо переплелись в судьбе юной Тэсс, нищей наследницы древнего рода, обреченной на роль содержанки - и готовой переломить эту судьбу ценой собственной жизни! Став жертвой богатого повесы-соблазнителя, она протестует против грубого посягательства на человеческое достоинство и вынуждена пойти на крайние меры • "Тэсс из рода д`Эрбервиллей" Томаса Гарди - классический роман о страсти, трагедии и об испытаниях, стоящих на пути к счастью • Книга на английском языке • The Penguin English Library Edition of Tess of the D'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy • "I would be content, ay, glad, to live with you as your servant, if I may not as your wife; so that I could only be near you, and get glimpses of you, and think of you as mine... I long for only one thing in heaven or earth or under the earth, to meet you, my own dear! Come to me - come to me, and save me from what threatens me!" • When Tess Durbeyfield is driven by family poverty to claim kinship with the wealthy D'Urbervilles and seek a portion of their family fortune, meeting her 'cousin' Alec proves to be her downfall
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 572 руб.
Классический роман о страсти, трагедии и утрате "Тэсс из рода д`Эрбервиллей" • Юная красавица, дочь обедневшего потомка древнего аристократического рода, казалось, создана для счастья. Но страдания преследуют Тэсс, она становится жертвой сластолюбивого буржуа, теряет ребенка, переживает предательство мужа • Покинутая во многих отношениях, Тесс страдает от всего лицемерия и несправедливости викторианской морали, которые презирал сам Томас Харди • Книга на английском языке • With its depiction of the wronged 'pure woman' Tess and its powerful criticism of Victorian hypocrisy, Tess of the D'Urbervilles is one of the most moving and poetic of Hardy's novels. When its heroine, Tess Durbeyfield, is driven by family poverty to claim kinship with the wealthy D'Urbervilles, meeting her 'cousin' Alec proves to be her downfall
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 138 руб.
Любовь и преступление причудливо переплелись в судьбе юной Тэсс, нищей наследницы древнего рода, обреченной на роль содержанки - и готовой переломить эту судьбу ценой собственной жизни! Став жертвой богатого повесы-соблазнителя, она протестует против грубого посягательства на человеческое достоинство и вынуждена пойти на крайние меры • "Тэсс из рода д`Эрбервиллей" Томаса Гарди - классический роман о страсти, трагедии и об испытаниях, стоящих на пути к счастью • Книга на английском языке • Set in Hardy's Wessex, Tess of the d'Urbervilles is a moving novel of hypocrisy and double standards. Its challenging sub-title, A Pure Woman, infuriated critics when the book was first published in 1891, and it was condemned as immoral and pessimistic • It tells of Tess Durbeyfield, the daughter of a poor and dissipated villager, who learns that she may be descended from the ancient family of d'Urberville
My-shop.ru г. Москва
338 руб.
After an accident, Tess Durbeyfield, the daughter of impoverished peasants, decides to call on the aristocratic d’Urbervilles, as she believes that she is also descended from their ancient Norman lineage and that they can rescue her family from indigence. Unfortunately she is taken under the wing of the immoral libertine scion Alec d’Urberville, who seduces and scorns her. While she attempts to rebuild her life, she falls in love with the virtuous farmer Angel Clare and must find a way to defeat the demons of her past • Controversial when it was first published for challenging Victorian morals, Tess of the d’Urbervilles has become Thomas Hardy’s most popular novel, catching the imaginations of generations of readers with its high drama, endearing heroine and powerful evocations of the southern English countryside
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 424 руб.
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