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Everyman A House For Mr Biswas Найпол Видиадхар Сураджпрасад

Everyman A House For Mr Biswas Найпол Видиадхар Сураджпрасад

цена 3 175 руб.
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In the comic masterpiece which established him one of the greatest writers in the English language, Naipaul follows the fortunes of Mr Biswas, the outsider who refuses to conform to the customs of his grander in-laws whose house he lives in. Finally finding a house of his own, he triumphs over the smaller minds who would repress him подробнее
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Heart-rending and darkly comic, V. S. Naipaul’s A House for Mr Biswas has been hailed as one of the twentieth century’s finest novels, a classic that evokes a man’s quest for autonomy against the backdrop of post-colonial Trinidad • Mr Biswas has been told since the day of his birth that misfortune will follow him – and so it has. Meaning only to avoid punishment, he causes the death of his father and the dissolution of his family. Wanting simply to flirt with a beautiful woman, he ends up marrying her. But in spite of endless setbacks, Mr Biswas is determined to achieve independence, and so he begins the gruelling struggle to buy a home of his own • Part of the Picador Collection, a new series showcasing the best of modern literature
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Winner of the Booker Prize 1971 and nominated for the Golden Man Booker Prize in 2018 • A young Indian servant in Washington. An Asian West Indian in London. Both are far from home and both are desperately trying to build a new life in a deeply unfamiliar world. In between them lies the landscape of an unnamed country, a brutal place reminiscent of Idi Amin's Uganda. This central story is about those who once thought of Africa as liberating, but now find themselves in an increasingly harsher reality • Winner of the Booker Prize in 1971, In a Free State is one of Nobel Laureate V. S. Naipaul's many towering literary achievements. It is a story of the desperation and heartbreak we find in those who are displaced and who try, often in vain, to make a home in their new surroundings
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The first book in V. S. Naipaul's acclaimed Indian trilogy - with a preface by the author • An Area of Darkness is V. S. Naipaul's semi-autobiographical account - at once painful and hilarious, but always thoughtful and considered - of his first visit to India, the land of his forebears. He was twenty-nine years old; he stayed for a year. From the moment of his inauspicious arrival in Prohibition-dry Bombay, bearing whisky and cheap brandy, he experienced a cultural estrangement from the subcontinent. It became for him a land of myths, an area of darkness closing up behind him as he travelled • The experience was not a pleasant one, but the pain the author suffered was creative rather than numbing, and engendered a masterful work of literature that provides a revelation both of India and of himself: a displaced person who paradoxically possesses a stronger sense of place than almost anyone
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2 227 руб.
A Bend in the River is V. S. Naipaul's vivid exploration of post-colonial Africa at the time of Independence. With an introduction by Yiyun Li, author of A Thousand Years of Good Prayers • Salim has spent most of his life on the east coast of Africa, living and working with his family. When he sets out to build a new life for himself, moving to an unnamed country in the heart of the continent he believes he is doing so to fulfil his duty as a man. He buys a small shop in a sleepy town, at a bend in the river, where he sells sundries to the locals • First published in 1979, A Bend in the River is V.S. Naipaul's vivid exploration of post-colonial Africa at the time of Independence. Serving as a microcosm of this changing world, his bend in the river is a scene of chaos, violent change, warring tribes, ignorance, isolation and poverty
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Miguel Street, V. S. Naipaul's first written work of fiction, is set in a derelict corner of Port of Spain, Trinidad, during World War Two and is narrated by an unnamed, precociously observant neighbourhood boy. We are introduced to a galaxy of characters, from Popo the carpenter, who neglects his livelihood to build 'the wild thing without a name', to Man-man, who goes from running for public office to staging his own crucifixion, and the dreaded Big-Foot, the bully with glass tear ducts. As well as the lovely Mrs Hereira, in thrall to her monstrous husband • V. S. Naipaul writes with prescient wisdom and crackling wit about the lives and legends that make up Miguel Street: a living theatre, a world in microcosm, a cacophony of sights, sounds and smells - all seen through the eyes of a fatherless boy
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 227 руб.
A collection of three classic books by V. S. Naipaul, with an introduction from Paul Theroux, author of The Great Railway Bazaar • Nobel laureate V. S. Naipaul first visited India in 1962 at the age of twenty-nine, hoping to settle the ghosts of a painful ancestral past. That journey was the first in what would become a decades-long project. An Area of Darkness chronicles the author's initial visit as estrangement gives way to connections and conversations. Prompted by the Emergency of 1975, India: A Wounded Civilization presents an intellectual portrait of a country whose people are no longer so willing to speak or bear witness. India: A Million Mutinies Now captures a panorama of voices and stories fifteen years later, at another moment of national upheaval
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Set in an unnamed African country, V. S. Naipaul's A Bend in the River is narrated by Salim, a young man from an Indian family of traders long resident on the coast. He believes The world is what it is; men who are nothing, who allow themselves to become nothing, have no place in it. So he has taken the initiative; left the coast; acquired his own shop in a small, growing city in the continent’s remote interior and is selling sundries – little more than this and that, really – to the natives • This spot, this ‘bend in the river’, is a microcosm of post-colonial Africa at the time of Independence: a scene of chaos, violent change, warring tribes, ignorance, isolation and poverty. And from this rich landscape emerges one of the author’s most potent works – a truly moving story of historical upheaval and social breakdown
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Все герои романа «Общество для Генри» хотят от чего-то избавиться. Генри Парадену нужны деньги, и он не прочь продать свой омерзительный загородный дом кузену из Америки, миллионеру Дж. Уэнделлу Стикни. Уэнделл хочет отделаться от тётушки Келли, которая – вот так совпадение – больше не хочет зависеть от него финансово. Джейн, племянница Генри, хочет расстаться со своим эффектным, но не слишком-то приятным женихом Лайонелом, ну а Билл Харди, её воздыхатель, стремится снять с себя клеймо холостяка. Тем временем брат джейн, Алджи, занят продумыванием мутных схем в надежде оставить позади бедность • Их ждёт счастливый финал, но, чтобы до него добраться, им придётся пережить череду недоразумений и комических злоключений, без которых не обходится ни один классический сюжет П
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В вустерширской деревушке Радж ещё не так давно царил мир и покой, но им на смену пришла какая-то суматоха и даже неразбериха. В чём же дело? Во-первых, в ожесточённой вражде вспыльчивого полковника Уиверна и богатого скряги Лестера Кармоди. А во-вторых – в планах проходимца Шимпа Твиста, вздумавшего открыть санаторий. Он и его сообщники, американские жулики Соупи и Долли Моллой, задумали инсценировать ограбление, чтобы вытрясти деньги из страховщиков Лестера • Тяжелее всего приходится Джону, племяннику Кармоди, который любит Пэт, дочь полковника. Сможет ли он завоевать её сердце и восстановить идиллию? Виски со снотворным вполне может ему помешать, но, с другой стороны, где это видано, чтобы у истории П. Г. Вудхауса не было счастливого финала? • Роман «Даровые деньги» – комедия о столкновении нравов британцев и американцев, в которой пароход амбиций дерзких американских мошенников налетает на айсберг реалий сельской Англии
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After fifty years in London, Alice wants to live out her days in the land of her birth. Her children are divided on whether she stays or goes, and in the wake of their father's death, the imagined stability of the family begins to fray • Meanwhile youngest daughter Melissa has never let go of a love she lost, and Michael in return, now married to Nicole, is haunted by the failed perfection of the past. As Alice's final decision draws closer, all that is hidden between them rises to the surface • Set against the shadows of a city and a country in turmoil, Diana Evans's ordinary people confront fundamental questions. How should we raise our children? How to do right by our parents? And how, in the midst of everything, can we satisfy ourselves?
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Лак быстросохнущий, содержит натуральный шелк, перламутр и аминокислоты. Увлажняет и ухаживает за ногтями. Форма флакона, колпачка и кисти специально разработаны для удобного использования и запатентованы • Способ применения: Нанесите 1-2 слоя на ногти после нанесения базового покрытия. Для придания прочности и создания блеска затем рекомендуется использовать верхнее покрытие • Объем: 15 мл
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