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Dorling Kindersley The Really Incredible Science Book Pottle Jules

Dorling Kindersley The Really Incredible Science Book Pottle Jules

цена 2 574 руб.
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This engaging and fun reference book is the perfect first step for children into the fascinating world of science! • This super-fun science activity book features pop-ups, lift-flaps, and pull tabs that will engage young children with the theories of light, sound, space, electricity, optics, electromagnetics, acoustics, and more! • Packed with lots of cool and interactive novelties, kids can learn as they play! Inside, you'll find • - Visually exciting fun, colourful illustrations • - Nine spreads with sturdy pop-ups, pull-the-tab sliders, flaps, and cutaway pictures - with some novelties that make science happen on the page • - Introductory spreads that explain what science is and how scientists experiment • - A helpful science glossary подробнее
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The World War II Book является частью серии Big Ideas и объясняет сложную и обширную тему простыми словами. Это всеобъемлющее руководство рассчитано как на новичков, стремящихся узнать что-то новое, так и на экспертов, желающих освежить свои знания! The World War II Book предлагает читателям свежий и яркий взгляд на историю благодаря превосходным иллюстрациям и понятным схемам • В книге вы найдете • – Более 100 невероятных идей о Второй мировой • – Факты, схемы, хронологии и графики, позволяющие объяснить ключевые концепции • – Иллюстрации и графики, облегчающие понимание темы • – Простой текст, который будет понятен людям с любым уровнем подготовки • The World War II Book станет идеальным введением в историю самого крупного вооруженного конфликта
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3 143 руб.
This fun-filled activity book will teach your little one all about the diverse world of dinosaurs, complete with activities, puzzles and more! • Have you ever been dying to travel back in time to discover the world of dinosaurs, with endless questions about the world in which they lived, but somehow nobody's ever had the answers to your fascinating questions? • Well, this might be the book for you! • Journey into the prehistoric world and learn everything there is to know about dinosaurs with this fun and engaging activity book for kids. Jam-packed with fascinating facts, fun challenges, quizzes and puzzles, The Fact Packed Activity Book: Dinosaurs is sure to keep kids entertained time and time again • Dive deep into the pages of this incredible activity book to explore • -48 colourful, interactive spreads with simple, age-appropriate text • -Engaging approach that seamlessly integrates interesting facts about dinosaurs, with plenty of interactive activities • -Balance of text and activities on each page make it apt for reluctant readers/learners • -Promotes interactive learning • -Bright and eye-catching illustrations and photography • A must-have volume for inquisitive and fact-loving kids with a niche for knowledge, The Fact-Packed Activity Book: Dinosaurs combines interesting facts about the prehistoric world of dinosaurs with entertaining activities that encourage children to have fun as they learn
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 585 руб.
A fun, fact-filled activity book about space with exciting activities, puzzles, and more! • Find the answers to all of your questions about the stars, galaxies, planets, and beyond from "how many galaxies are there in the universe?" to "are aliens real?", along with many more that you haven't even thought of, in this mind-blowng book about space • Children aged 5-9 will pour over the pages packed with fascinating space facts, fun challenges, quizzes, and puzzles will inspire creativity. With lively activities that go hand in hand with the educational content, learning has never been so effortlessly fun and easy! • This fascinating space book for kids features • - Interesting facts about space combined with entertaining activities that encourage children to have fun while they learn • - All the answers to questions every kid wants to know about the outer world and the mysteries of the universe • - A wide variety of activities and interactive learning elements to keep children engaged • - Bright, eye-catching illustrations and stunning photography • Perfect for inquisitive, fact-loving kids and little ones crazy about the world beyond the night sky, The Fact-Packed Activity Book: Space will keep young readers entertained for hours
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 585 руб.
Find your ideal dog in this stunning guide to all things canine • With over 420 breeds at your fingertips - from established favourites, like the Labrador Retriever and German Shepherd, to newer "designer breeds" including the Schnoodle, Puggle, and Mal-shi - this book has all the information you need to help you choose, train, and care for your dog • Fully updated to reflect the latest breeds, the book contains a catalogue of hundreds of dogs, with popular breeds - including the Boxer, Yorkshire Terrier, and English Springer Spaniel - given special in-depth treatment. Within each entry, annotated photographs showing the dog from various angles highlight the breed's physical characteristics, while the text explains the main features and provides a brief historical overview
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 985 руб.
Узнайте все, что нужно знать о камнях и минералах под вашими ногами, в этой увлекательной книге-упражнении • Откопайте скрытые чудеса Земли, от древних скал до сверкающих драгоценных камней, добудьте золото и заблудитесь среди древних руин. В этой важной книге для занятий не осталось камня на камне! • Исследуйте реликвии и руины древних цивилизаций и попробуйте нарисовать свою собственную, отличайте поддельные драгоценности от настоящих с помощью игры "Найди отличия" и петляйте по лабиринту, чтобы обнаружить таинственные пещеры. Вас ждет еще много скрытых приключений, если вы осмелитесь их раскопать! Горные породы и минералы содержат информацию о Земле и о том, как она устроена, поэтому подобная книга превращает их интерес в возможность для обучения
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 636 руб.
Вы когда-нибудь умирали от желания точно узнать, как работает ваше тело, но почему-то ни у кого никогда не было ответов на ваши увлекательные вопросы? Что ж, возможно, эта книга для вас! • Узнайте ответы на несколько вопросов, связанных с человеческим организмом, таких как: "Сколько костей находится внутри моего тела? Зачем нам нужны кровеносные сосуды? Или даже почему мне нравится вкус брокколи, а моему другу - нет? Плюс еще столько интригующих вопросов, о которых вы даже не задумывались, раскрыты в этой увлекательной книге! • Погрузитесь поглубже в страницы этой невероятной книги о занятиях, чтобы исследовать • - 48 красочных интерактивных разворотов с простым, соответствующим возрасту текстом поддерживают учебную программу младших классов KS2 с множеством практических занятий по анатомии для детей 5-9 лет
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 637 руб.
Discover the mysteries of Earth's closest neighbour in this incredible guide to the Moon • This charming book is the perfect introduction for young readers who want to learn about every aspect of the moon. The Moon features breakdowns of the Moon's formation and geography, the lunar phases, a history of NASA's Apollo missions, the Moon's effect on Earth's tides and nocturnal animals, recent scientific discoveries, and so much more! • This fascinating guide introduces 7-9 year olds to the moon's past, present, and future, through stunning illustrations, photographs, and fascinating information. Packed with mind-blowing facts, this incredible book of the moon is perfect for space lovers everywhere • Explore this wonderful book about the moon, featuring • - In-depth information, backed up by space photography, probe images, illustrations, and fun diagrams • - Stunning dreamy illustrations, making this title a perfect gift, as well as a solid reference book • - Easy-to-digest sections, each filled with incredible facts and visuals • - The entire subject of the Moon - including its formation and geography, the lunar phases, a history of NASA's Apollo missions, its effect on Earth's tides and nocturnal animals, plenty of recent scientific discoveries, and more! • Boasting beautiful illustrations by artist Dawn Cooper, combined with up-to-date images from space agencies such as NASA and ESA, info panels, timelines, and diagrams, that help demystify and explain the wonder of the Moon, this is the perfect book for young readers
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 558 руб.
Embark on an adventure into the wilderness with The Big Fold-Out Book of Incredible Animals, an extraordinary animal book which folds out to reveal fascinating facts and stunning action-packed photo sequences about wild friends both old and new • Bite-sized facts and beautiful illustrations combine to give a delightful introduction to pouncing tigers, gigantic elephants, leaping orca, colourful chameleons, chattering toucans and cheeky orangutans • Kids can get up close with zoomed-in images focusing on smaller details such as a chameleon's scales, and lift the flaps to watch a tigress with her cubs running towards them across the page • Tying into the Key Stage 1 curriculum, it will encourage children to learn about some of the world's most incredible creatures with big flaps, amazing photos and cool facts
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 981 руб.
Learn about the amazing natural science of trees in this illustrated nature and science book for kids aged 7-9 • From the highest branch and leaf down to the complex "wood wide web" of roots, it's no wonder every part of a tree plays an important role in its own growth and the habitat of the whole forest or woodland. The Magic & Mystery of Trees is a nature book that takes children on a fascinating journey of exploration, showing them just how special these mighty organisms are • Did you know that trees can communicate with each other and warn each other predators? Or that they can record the past, and anticipate the future to ensure their survival? Dive deep into the pages of this nature book for kids to discover exactly how trees nurture their networks, and explore extraordinary trees from all around the world
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 949 руб.
Packed with more than 1,000 incredible images and full of fascinating facts, this beautiful children's encyclopedia will bring young readers face to face with some of the most incredible creatures ever to exist! • Did you know that archeologists recently discovered the fossils of a 110 million-year-old dinosaur named Nodosaur, as well as some remarkable feathered dinosaurs that were recently unearthed in China? Well, now you do! Explore everything you need to know about dinosaurs, pterosaurs, marine reptiles, and mammals in this stunning dinosaur encyclopedia for children aged 9-12 • Featuring fossil fragments, full skeletons, and CGI renderings of dinosaurs - from the deadly Tyrannosaurus to the plant-eating Diplodocus, armoured fish to giant millipedes and terrifying sharks and so much more, this dazzling dinosaur book is a must-have volume for young dinosaur enthusiasts
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 953 руб.
This rich and beautifully imagined book uses playful characters to teach children how to accept the differences of others • What do you imagine when you see a bear that wears a long, black cloak, only goes out at night, and doesn't talk to anyone? Benjamin the bear feels like everyone else, but his neighbours only see him as a scary vampire. This kind-hearted Bear is just very shy, and can't help but keep to himself - will his neighbours ever move beyond their fear and see Bear for who he really is? • This heartwarming picture book will leave little readers with the thought that no book should be judged by its cover, and to instead see that it's what's on the inside that truly matters! • This beautiful picture book for 3-5 year olds • - Is perfect for parents and children to share and read together due to the large picture book format • - Addresses the sensitive subject of bullying and self-belief, to raise children's awareness on this issue • - Teaches an important life skill not to judge others based on their appearance, and see that there is more to us than meets the eye • - Is a soft introduction to a sensitive and tricky subject • Imaginative and lyrical, The Not So Scary Story is a reminder to challenge expectations and celebrate the things that set us apart
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 378 руб.
Let your little nature-lover take a swing through the rainforest in this conservation-themed fifth instalment of DK's new educational fiction series! • Meet the Secret Explorers - a band of brainiac kids from all around the world. Everyone in this diverse group of young experts has a speciality, from outer space to dinosaurs, and each story follows a character who gets chosen for a "secret exploration" • The Secret Explorers series is a reminder to kids that they are limited only by their imagination and teaches them that learning is enjoyable! But most of all, these educational books encourage children to believe that they can become experts in something they love • This edge-of-your-seat science book for kids is packed with • - Fun facts and illustrations about animals and plants found in the rainforest of Borneo • - Simple and engaging explanations on how deforestation is altering our planet's biodiversity • - Quizzes, mission notes, and a glossary of words with definitions • - Information that support's STEM curriculum • In this fun, fact-filled children's science book, we follow rainforest expert Ollie on an exciting mission to rescue a lost baby orangutan in the steamy rainforest of Borneo
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 182 руб.
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