г. Москва, Московская область

Collected Nonfiction. Volume 1 Twain Mark Random House, Inc

Politics, religion, culture, travel, science and technology, family life: nothing escaped the eye and pen of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, better known as Mark Twain, nineteenth-century America's most famous writer and a legend in his own lifetime. Though chiefly known today for his classic novels of childhood, Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn, and for his short stories, he produced even more nonfiction of an impressive quality • Twain lived a life as exciting as his fiction, and in his Autobiography we find him running wild, like the heroes of his novels, in the countryside around his childhood home in Missouri and navigating the treacherous waters of the Mississippi River as a trained steamboat pilot, while his letters show him travelling thousands of miles over the United States on hectic lecture tours (he was a great showman, raconteur and performer of his own works), hobnobbing with princes and presidents and being lionized in the capitals of Europe
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"Мгновение на экране" - сборник коротких рассказов Терри Пратчетта, охватывающий всю его писательскую карьеру от школьных лет до Плоского мира и наших дней • За четыре десятилетия, прошедшие с тех пор, как его первая книга появилась в печати, Терри Пратчетт стал одним из самых продаваемых и любимых авторов в мире. Здесь впервые представлены его рассказы и другая художественная литература в короткой форме, собранные в один том • Книга на английском языке • A collection of shorter fiction from Terry Pratchett, spanning the whole of his writing career from schooldays to Discworld and the present day • In the four decades since his first book appeared in print, Terry Pratchett has become one of the world's best-selling and best-loved authors. Here for the first time are his short stories and other short form fiction collected into one volume
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 897 руб.
There was life before the fall. 1989 was a year of astonishing and rapid change: the fall of the Berlin Wall marked the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and an end to an entire way of life for millions of people behind the Iron Curtain. Bloc Life collects first hand testimony of the people who lived in East Germany, Czechoslovakia and Romania during the Cold War era, and reveals a rich tapestry of experience that goes beyond the headlines of spies and surveillance, secret police and political corruption. In fact, many of the people remember their lives under communism as 'perfectly ordinary' and even hanker for the 'security' that it offered. From political leaders, athletes and pop stars, to cooks, miners and cosmonauts, the stories collected in Bloc Life evoke the moods, preoccupations and experiences of a world that vanished almost overnight
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 495 руб.
During 1975 and 1976, Nobel Prize-winner Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn embarked on a series of speeches across America and Britain that would shock and scandalise both countries. His message: the West was veering towards moral and spiritual bankruptcy, and with it the world's one hope against tyranny and totalitarianism • From Solzhenitsyn's warnings about the allure of communism, to his rebuke that the West should not abandon it's age-old concepts of "good" and "evil", the speeches collected in Warning to the West provide insight into Solzhenitsyn's uncompromising moral vision. Read today, their message remains as powerfully urgent as when Solzhenitsyn first delivered them
My-shop.ru г. Москва
915 руб.
"Желание" • - роман Харуки Мураками • Вы только что встретили на улице человека, который мог бы стать любовью всей вашей жизни, человеком, предназначенным вам судьбой, - что вы делаете? В мире Мураками вы рассказываете им историю. Каждая из пяти странных и чудесных историй, собранных здесь, раскрывает многоязычный язык желания, независимо от того, принимает ли оно форму голода, похоти, внезапной влюбленности или тайных стремлений сердца • Книга на английском языке • You've just passed someone on the street who could be the love of your life, the person you're destined for - what do you do? In Murakami's world, you tell them a story. The five weird and wonderful tales collected here each unlock the many-tongued language of desire, whether it takes the form of hunger, lust, sudden infatuation or the secret longings of the heart
My-shop.ru г. Москва
921 руб.
In sport, money is everything • Behind every victory lap, every goal celebration, every triumph against the odds and every dropped relay baton is a story of money • Why would someone pull the plug on a Premier League match? • What prompts an athlete to search for sponsorship on eBay? • How can the decision of a drinks brand CEO make or break an entire sport? • Why would a sprinter think they can’t afford not to dope? • Sport Inc. reveals the behind-the-scenes finances that drive sport - who gets rich and who gets left on the bench • Through investigations into a wide range of sports, including how football agents really work, the betting industry and corruption, esports, the NFL’s efforts to take over the world and the real cost of hosting events like the World Cup and the Olympics, the financial realities of our obsession with sport are exposed
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 941 руб.
Should we cooperate, compete, or both? • Is it in our best interest to compete or to cooperate? • Some have argued that humans are fundamentally competitive and that pursuing our self-interest is the best way to get ahead. Others believe that we are hard-wired to cooperate and are most successful when we collaborate with others • In Friend and Foe, leading psychologists Adam Galinsky and Maurice Schweitzer draw on original, cutting-edge research to explain why this debate misses the mark. They argue that it is only by learning how to strike the right balance between competition and cooperation that we can improve long-term relationships and maximise success in work and life • Galinsky and Schweitzer show how holding these two forces in the right balance can enable us to turn weaknesses into strengths, to recognise deception and build trust, and to improve our powers of negotiation without alienating our counterparts
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 802 руб.
From the creative genius behind Nike's most audacious campaigns comes this revelatory guide to creativity in business • A revelatory guide to creativity in business, from the genius behind Nike's greatest campaigns • Just do it. Find your greatness. Believe in something. For decades, Nike's campaigns have been so radically creative that they make an indelible mark on the public imagination - and, just sometimes, change how the world thinks • It's an art form that Greg Hoffman understands better than anyone. Over 30 years at Nike, he crafted some of the most iconic campaigns in history: from Colin Kaepernick's 'Dream Crazy' ad, to the instantly recognisable logos used by Roger Federer and Serena Williams. By the end of his career, he was Chief Marketing Officer - responsible for maintaining the brand recognition of the Nike swoosh everywhere on Earth
My-shop.ru г. Москва
4 012 руб.
Необыкновенная и необычайно забавная книга Терри Пратчетта "Дальнобойщики" впервые выходит в издании, прекрасно иллюстрированном Марком Бичем • Представьте, что вокруг вас, скрытые от посторонних глаз, находятся тысячи крошечных людей • Они четырехдюймового роста, храбрые, упрямые и находчивые • Это и есть номы • Номы в этой истории живут под половицами большого универмага и никогда не выходили наружу. На самом деле, они даже не верят во Что-то Внешнее • Но новые дома прибывают - откуда же еще? - и они приносят с собой ужасающие новости: магазин закрывается, и все должно быть распродано… • Книга на английском языке • Terry Pratchett's extraordinary, and extraordinarily funny, book, Truckers, available for the first time in an edition beautifully illustrated by Mark Beech
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 596 руб.
Beyond his perfect expression of Russian mood, Pushkin's universality of vision has made him a permanent place in the history of world literature. Gillon Aitken's distinguished translation is the only volume that contains all his prose fiction, including some tales which remained unfinished when Pushkin was tragically killed in a duel at the age of thirty-seven
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 375 руб.
The new economics of culture and commerce • What happens when there is almost unlimited choice? When everything becomes available to everyone? And when the combined value of the millions of items that only sell in small quantities equals or even exceeds the value of a handful of best-sellers? • In this ground-breaking book, Chris Anderson shows that the future of business does not lie in hits - the high-volume end of a traditional demand curve - but in what used to be regarded as misses - the endlessly long tail of that same curve. As our world is transformed by the Internet and the near infinite choice it offers consumers, so traditional business models are being overturned and new truths revealed about what consumers want and how they want to get it
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 004 руб.
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (1889) tells the story of a Yankee engineer from Connecticut who is accidentally transported back in time to the court of King Arthur, where he fools the inhabitants of that time into thinking that he is a magician. Twain was inspired to write this book by a dream in which he was a knight himself, severely inconvenienced by the weight and cumbersome nature of his armor
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
296 руб.
Серия книг «Зарубежная классика — читай в оригинале» — это бессмертные произведения великих мастеров пера, написанные ими на их родном языке и наречии. Книги из этой серии помогут читателю углубленно изучать иностранные языки, обогатят его внутренний мир и по-новому откроют произведения известных классиков. Неадаптированное издание на английском языке
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256 руб.
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