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Charles Lloyd ‎ Voice In The Night (2LP)

Charles Lloyd ‎ Voice In The Night (2LP)

цена 5 800 руб.
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A Voice in the Night is the twentieth compelling crime novel in the phenomenally successful Inspector Montalbano series by Andrea Camilleri • Feeling his age, as his birthday rolls round once again, Inspector Montalbano decides to cheer himself up by dealing with a young driver's road rage in his own unique way • But his joy is short-lived, as at police headquarters he receives an angry phone call from a supermarket boss: there's been a robbery at his store and Montalbano's colleague is treating him as a suspect. On arrival at the scene, Montalbano quickly agrees with Inspector Augello that this was no ordinary break-in, but with the supermarket's infamous links to the Sicilian Mafia creating problems at every turn, this isn't going to be an easy case for the inspector to solve
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The perfect book collection for the littlest readers! • Join Igglepiggle and friends to explore shapes and colours and learn your ABCs and how to count! • This Little Learning Library is ideal for all little learners • Inside you'll find four small chunky board books full of In the Night Garden fun, with lots of bold colours, playful text and, of course, your favourite characters from the Night Garden
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Победите хандру и оторвите глаза от экранов с помощью этой карманной книги для детей, наполненной фактами, фотографиями и фантастическими местами, и проведите следующие несколько часов с весельем! • Дети будут с радостью искать больше 140 объектов на ночном небе и собирать баллы. Их ждут звезды и созвездия, Луна и затмения – они узнают все о нашей галактике и о ночном небе. Набрав 1000 баллов, юные исследователи смогут получить свой официальный сертификат i-SPY и значок • Книга на английском языке • Beat the boredom and take time out from screens with this pocket-sized book packed with facts, photos and fantastic spots for hours of fun! • Kids will have fun collecting points in the night sky with more than 140 things to find. From stars and constellations to the moon and eclipses, they'll learn all about our galaxy and the sky at night
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Кролик удивился: некоторые деревья в долине, кажется, летят на юг зимой. Его друг Медведь уверен, что деревья не могут летать • Затем раздался громкий хруст совсем рядом. Это было похоже на то, как если бы самый большой в мире кролик ел самую большую в мире морковку • В долине Кроликов и Медведей появилось новое существо, и оно пытается все изменить… • "A Bite in the Night" — это отличная книга в подарок ребенку, история, полная загадок, дружбы и всевозможных приключений, от романиста и драматурга Джулиана Гофа и Джима Филда, лауреата премии Роальда Даля в области юмора • Книга на английском языке • Rabbit is surprised: some of the trees in the valley seem to be flying south for the winter • His friend Bear is sure that trees can't fly • Then there's a loud CRUNCH! from Very Near By
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Semyon is disturbed. He has woken up in the living room with blood on his shirt, an angry wife and no idea where he was the night before. When this happens several mornings in a row, he realises he needs to investigate • After his friend Volodka follows him one night, they discover he's meeting a tall, blonde woman and accompanying her to her apartment. In the daytime he doesn't know this woman or where her apartment is and, odder yet, someone is watching Volodka watching Semyon • Meanwhile, there are some strange goings-on in Kyiv - an unemployed sniffer-dog handler makes a dangerous discovery, a single mother is providing breast milk for an unusual recipient and a vengeful cat is on the loose
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