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Canongate The Radleys Хейг Мэтт

Canongate The Radleys Хейг Мэтт

цена 1 650 руб.
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Life with the Radleys: Radio 4, dinner parties with the Bishopthorpe neighbours and self-denial. Loads of self-denial. But all hell is about to break loose. When teenage daughter Clara gets attacked on the way home from a party, she and her brother Rowan finally discover why they can't sleep, can't eat a Thai salad without fear of asphyxiation and can't go outside unless they're smothered in Factor 50 • With a visit from their lethally louche Uncle Will and an increasingly suspicious police force, life in Bishopthorpe is about to change. Drastically подробнее
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Eleven year old Evie has a talent: a supertalent. She can HEAR what animals are thinking. She promises to keep it top secret, but then an evil pet-thief strikes. Every animal in town is in danger and only by DARING TO BE HERSELF can Evie save her furry and feathered friends
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The women of the tiny town of Fetter-Rothnie have grown used to a life without men, and none more so than the tangle of mothers and daughters, spinsters and widows living at the Weatherhouse. Returned from war with shellshock, Garry Forbes is drawn into their circle as he struggles to build a new understanding of the world from the ruins of his grief • In The Weatherhouse Nan Shepherd paints an exquisite portrait of a community coming to terms with the brutal losses of war, and the small tragedies, yearnings and delusions that make up a life
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The Pure Gold Baby is the story of Anna, a little girl with a luminescent quality, her mother, Jess, and the community that envelops them. A happy child, Anna is the unchanging core of this journey spanning decades and continents through the lives of those that love her • This profoundly engaging portrait of family, friendship, and the way we care for each other is a powerful reminder, if one were needed, of Margaret Drabble’s literary greatness
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The Bachelors displays the best of Sparkian satire, placing her at the heart of a great literary tradition alongside Waugh and Trollope, Wilde and Wodehouse. It demands rediscovery
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"Записки о нервной планете" • Бестселлер номер один по версии Sunday Times • Мир шутит злые шутки с нашим сознанием. А что, если бы мы могли что-то с этим сделать? • Рассматривая сон, новости, социальные сети, зависимость, работу и игру, Мэтт Хейг предлагает нам почувствовать себя спокойнее, счастливее и поставить под сомнение привычки цифрового века. Эта книга может даже изменить то, как вы проводите свое драгоценное время на земле • Язык издания: английский • The Number One Sunday Times Bestseller • The world is messing with our minds. What if there was something we could do about it? • Looking at sleep, news, social media, addiction, work and play, Matt Haig invites us to feel calmer, happier and to question the habits of the digital age. This book might even change the way you spend your precious time on earth
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Philip Noble is an eleven-year-old in crisis. His pub landlord father has died in a road accident, and his mother is succumbing to the greasy charms of her dead husband's brother, Uncle Alan. The remaining certainties of Philip's life crumble away when his father's ghost appears in the pub and declares Uncle Alan murdered him • Arming himself with weapons from the school chemistry cupboard, Philip vows to carry out the ghost's relentless demands for revenge. But can the words of a ghost be trusted any more than the lies of the living?
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What Does It Mean To Feel Truly Alive? Aged 24, Matt Haig's world caved in. He could see no way to go on living. This is the true story of how he came through crisis, triumphed over an illness that almost destroyed him and learned to live again. A moving, funny and joyous exploration of how to live better, love better and feel more alive, Reasons to Stay Alive is more than a memoir. It is a book about making the most of your time on earth. I wrote this book because the oldest cliches remain the truest. Time heals. The bottom of the valley never provides the clearest view. The tunnel does have light at the end of it, even if we haven't been able to see it... Words, just sometimes, really can set you free
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Meet the Hunter family: Adam, Kate, and their children Hal and Charlotte. And Prince, their Labrador • Prince is an earnest young dog, striving hard to live up to the tenets of the Labrador Pact (Remain Loyal to Your Human Masters, Serve and Protect Your Family at Any Cost). Other dogs, led by the Springer Spaniels, have revolted. As things in the Hunter family begin to go badly awry – marital breakdown, rowdy teenage parties, attempted suicide – Prince’s responsibilities threaten to overwhelm him and he is forced to break the Labrador Pact and take desperate action to save his Family
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1 650 руб.
Let the battle for Christmas begin... Amelia lives in the magical town of Elfhelm, newly adopted by Father Christmas and Mary Christmas. When the very jealous Easter Bunny launches an attack to ruin Christmas, it's up to Amelia, her family and the elves to fight off the forces of evil. But can they keep Christmas alive?
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1 466 руб.
"Как остановить время" - чудесный философский роман Мэтта Хейга о любви, пронесенной сквозь века, о мужчине, потерявшемся во времени, женщине, которая могла его спасти, и о том, что иногда нам требуется несколько жизней, чтобы научиться жить • Том Хазард - с виду непримечательный мужчина сорока лет. Но у него есть секрет - он родился в 1581 году. Том не бессмертен, просто стареет примерно в пятнадцать раз медленнее, чем другие люди. Вместе с другими нестареющими он состоит в тайном Обществе "Альбатрос". Задача Альбатросов - оберегать свой секрет, так как другие люди не готовы к тому, чтоб спокойно принять их. Они подвергались гонениям во все времена - в Средневековье их сжигали, а в наше время просто запирают в сумасшедшем доме. Главное правило Альбатросов - никогда не влюбляться
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 282 руб.
"Мальчик по имени Рождество" - детская книжка Мэтта Хейга • Вы держите в руках настоящую историю Отца Рождество. Возможно, вам он известен под другими именами - Дед Мороз, Санта-Клаус, Юль Томтен или Странный толстяк с белой бородой, который разговаривает с оленями и дарит подарки. Но так его звали не всегда. Когда-то в Финляндии жил мальчик по имени Николас. Хоть судьба обошлась с ним неласково, Николас всем сердцем верил в чудеса. И когда его отец пропал в экспедиции за полярным кругом, мальчик не отчаялся и отправился его искать • Николас и вообразить не мог, что там, за завесой северного сияния, его ждёт встреча с эльфами, троллями, проказливыми пикси и волшебством. Посреди бескрайних снегов ему предстоит поверить, что на свете не существует ничего невозможного
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 466 руб.
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