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Buzz!: Brain Bender (PSP UMD) [PSP]

Buzz: Brain Bender - это серьезное и необыкновенно занимательное интеллектуальное испытание для вас и ваших друзей. Более трех тысяч вопросов охватывают самые разные области знания, включая такие темы, как музыка, знаменитости, телевидение, спорт, наука, природа и кинематограф. Любите смотреть
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БУКА г. Москва
499 руб.
Описание: А вы знали, что первые астронавты, приземлившиеся на луну, провели на ее поверхности 21 час. Или что длина Берлинской стены была около 140 км? Сундучок Знаний "Всемирная история" состоит из 56 красочно иллюстрированных карточек о самых значимых и великих исторических событиях. Игра развивает зрительную память, концентрацию внимания, познание в разных областях. В набор входит: 56 карточек, Карточка с инструкцией; Песочные часы; кости
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
974 руб.
Описание: Хотите проверить свои знания о России? А заодно получить новые? Сундучок Знаний "Россия" прекрасно подойдет для этого. В нем вы найдете карточки с изображением различных предметов, которые нужно внимательно изучить, а затем всего за 10 секунд ответить на вопрос. Вопросы касаются всех регионов России, а темы очень разные: история, известные люди, география, культура, достопримечательности и другое. Вы сможете не только интересно провести время, но и узнать много нового о своей родине и еще больше полюбить её. Игра понравится всей семье, ведь играть в нее могут и дети, и взрослые. Игра развивает зрительную память, концентрацию внимания, познание в разных областях. В набор входит: 71 карточка, Карточка с инструкцией; Песочные часы; Кости
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
974 руб.
Brain Food makes clear the connection between nutrition and our brain's health, focusing attention on how crucial dietary recommendations are - three eggs, for example, provide the daily amount of brain super-nutrients that are often deficient in Alzheimer's patients. Based partly on her own discoveries, and using dynamic dietary concepts and emerging science, such as the connection between the brain and the gut, Dr Lisa Mosconi expertly reveals the importance of starting work to prevent dementia, stress and memory loss now, no matter how old we are • Innovative and timely, and with accompanying recipes and guides to show each of us how we can most effectively change our diets, Brain Food demonstrates how being smart about our diet can make us smarter overall
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 996 руб.
Brain: We left the oven on! • Me: No don't say that, I've not got time for this! • Brain: The house is probably on fire! • Me: Stop it, I need to write this book description • Brain: But the blazing fire • Me: We didn't even use the oven today • Brain: But what if - • Me: No. We're not doing this, I'm finishing this description • Hello there! Hayley Morris here. Or you might know me as the Brain Girl, and don't be fooled...it's not because I'm outrageously smart. Just an avid overthinker. I'm on a mission to prove once and for all that You. Are. Normal. Running through imaginary arguments whilst showering, hiding your knickers in the nurse's office before they look directly into your vagina, or not knowing how to be a normal human when you have the plumber over
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 738 руб.
Brain training puzzles are a fun way to help keep your mind fit. So, hone your mental skills and enjoy this wonderful collection
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 344 руб.
Бык передний под шину Convex Schmidt&Bender высота 12мм. Арт. 3405/0120/21. EAW Apel (Германия). Немецкая компания Ernst Apel G.m.b.H. (EAW) уже более 90 лет производит кронштейны для установки оптических прицелов на оружие. EAW Apel гарантирует точную посадку прицела, который даже после 10 тысяч выстрелов остаётся в том же положении. Во всем мире имя EAW является синонимом высочайшей точности, надежности и инноваций! Это передний бык под шину Convex для Schmidt&Bender. Высота – 12 мм. Комплект поставки: Бык передний – 1 шт
Многозор.ру г. Москва
18 270 руб.
With a new chapter on Covid and the Brain, this is the definitive guide to keeping your brain healthy for a long and lucid life, by one of the world's leading scientists in the field of brain health and ageing • The brain is our most vital and complex organ. It controls and coordinates our actions, thoughts and interactions with the world around us. It is the source of personality, of our sense of self, and it shapes every aspect of our human experience • Yet most of us know precious little about how our brains actually work, or what we can do to optimise their performance. Whilst cognitive decline is the biggest long-term health worry for many of us, practical knowledge of how to look after our brain is thin on the ground • In this ground-breaking new book, leading expert Professor James Goodwin explains how simple strategies concerning exercise, diet, social life and sleep can transform your brain health paradigm, and shows how you can keep your brain youthful and stay sharp across your life
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 196 руб.
The human brain is a most remarkable organ, but how well do we really understand the way it works? • What is a brain and what is the mind? Do you only use 10% of your brain? Why do some people hear colour? If you find yourself seeking the answers to these questions and many more, then Simply The Brain may be the book for you! • Simply The Brain explores everything that goes on in the brain when you think, feel, and perceive the world around you. If you're seeking a guide that breaks down the inner workings of the mind and the brain, in a way that is easy to understand and jargon-free, then this essential guide is packed with everything you need to understand the basics quickly and easily. Covering more than 90 key ideas from neurons and nerves to forming memories and brain implants, each pared-back entry explains the concept more clearly than ever before
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 649 руб.
A fun, fact-packed introduction to the brain and nervous system for young science enthusiasts • The brain - a wrinkly, spongy mass the size of a cauliflower that sits in our heads and controls everything we do! Discover what its made of, how it works and why we even need one in this fun, fact-packed introduction to the brain • Inside the pages of this STEM book for children aged 7-9, budding young scientists will discover • - An age-appropriate introduction to the brain, what it is, what it does, how it works, and how it evolved • - All about how scientists study the brain and nervous system • - Introduces concepts like how we think, what consciousness is, and how the brains of other animals are different • - Encourages young readers to develop an interest in STEM fields - including biology, medicine, and science • - Each page is filled with engaging photographs and artworks with easy to understand text • Filled with colourful illustrations and bite-sized chunks of information, this book covers all your questions on everything from the anatomy of the brain and nervous system, to how information is collected and sent around the body
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 600 руб.
Have you ever thought about everything your brain does for you? It is always working to keep you alive and safe. (Plus it lets you think about funny stuff, too.) So why is the brain such a big deal? Because it makes you YOU, of course! This funny and factual picture book from Heart and Brain creator Nick Seluk explains the science behind everything the brain helps you do: keeping your heart beating, telling you when you are sleepy, remembering stuff, and more. The brain is in charge of everything you do, every minute of every day for your entire life. That's kind of a big deal. Each spread features bite-sized text and comic-style art with sidebars sprinkled throughout. Anthropomorphized organs and body parts - recognizable from Nick Seluk's New York Times bestselling book - help readers learn through funny jokes and comic panels
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 846 руб.
Women are far more likely than men to suffer from anxiety, depression, migraines, brain injuries, strokes and Alzheimer’s disease. But, until recently, scientific research has focused on ‘bikini medicine,’ assuming that women are essentially men with different reproductive organs • The XX Brain presents groundbreaking research showing that women’s brains age distinctly from men’s, due mostly to the decline of a key brain-protective hormone: estrogen • Taking on all aspects of women’s health, including brain fog, memory lapses, depression, stress, insomnia, hormonal imbalances and the increased risk of dementia, Dr. Mosconi introduces cutting-edge, evidence-based methods for protecting the female brain, encompassing diet, stress reduction and sleep
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 493 руб.
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