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Bloomsbury The Night Watch Модиано Патрик

Bloomsbury The Night Watch Модиано Патрик

цена 2 067 руб.
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When Patrick Modiano was awarded the 2014 Nobel Prize for LIterature he was praised for using the 'art of memory' to bring to life the Occupation of Paris during the Second World War • The Night Watch is his second novel and tells the story of a young man of limited means, caught between his work for the French Gestapo informing on the Resistance, and his work for a Resistance cell informing on the police and the black market dealers whose seedy milieu of nightclubs, prostitutes and spivs he shares. Under pressure from both sides to inform and bring things to a crisis, he finds himself driven towards an act of self-sacrifice as the only way to escape an impossible situation and the question that haunts him – how to be a traitor without being a traitor подробнее
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Claire Martinson still worries about her older sister, Sophie, who battled a mysterious illness last year. But things are back to normal as they move into Windemere Manor... until the sisters climb a strange ladder in a fireplace and enter the magical land of Arden • There, they find a world in turmoil. The four guilds of magic no longer trust each other. The beloved unicorns have disappeared, and terrible wraiths roam freely. Scared, the girls return home. But when Sophie vanishes in the night, it will take all of Claire's courage to climb back up the ladder, find her sister, and uncover the unicorns' greatest secret • Blending the timeless wonder of The Chronicles of Narnia with Frozen's powerful themes of identity and sisterhood, The Unicorn Quest will draw you up the chimney into a magical world you'll never want to leave
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2 067 руб.
Why are bubbles always round? Could I ever touch a rainbow? Why can't I remember being a baby? • Have you ever not been able to concentrate because there are SO many questions buzzing round your brain? The Bedtime Book of Impossible Questions will offer answers to the most bamboozling questions and curious queries that you can think of • How many stars are in the night sky? Why don't animals wear clothes? Do plants have feelings? This book will define, debunk and demystify the trickiest of questions and even open your eyes to questions you have never even thought of! • With engaging and accessible text and accompanied by exciting, inviting illustrations, The Bedtime Book of Impossible Questions is the perfect bedside companion to delve into when you are wondering if there really is an answer to everything
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For fans of Spooks, Homeland, McMafia and The Night Manager, the latest thriller in Stella Rimington's bestselling espionage series sees Liz Carlyle investigating a sinister Russian plot - tense, gripping and global in scope • A man lies dying in a hospital in upstate Vermont. The nurses know only that he is an academic at a nearby university but they have been instructed to call the FBI should anyone visit their patient • News of this suspected Russian illegal soon reaches MI5 in London where Liz Carlyle has been contacted by a top secret source known as Mischa who is requesting a clandestine rendezvous in Berlin • Meanwhile, in Brussels a Russian sleeper agent who has lived undercover for years is beginning to question his role, while suspicions have been roused about a boarding school in Suffolk that has recently changed hands in mysterious circumstances
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The New Silk Roads – Peter Frankopan's follow-up to the 'Book of the Decade', The Silk Roads – takes a fresh look at the network of relationships being formed along the length and breadth of the Silk Roads today • The world is changing dramatically and in an age of Brexit and Trump, the themes of isolation and fragmentation permeating the western world stand in sharp contrast to events along the Silk Roads, where ties have been strengthened and mutual cooperation established • Following the Silk Roads eastwards from Europe through to China, by way of Russia and the Middle East, The New Silk Roads provides a timely reminder that we live in a world that is profoundly interconnected. In this prescient contemporary history, Peter Frankopan assesses the global reverberations of these continual shifts in the centre of power – all too often absent from headlines in the west
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