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Bloomsbury Moth. An Evolution Story Thomas Isabel

Bloomsbury Moth. An Evolution Story Thomas Isabel

цена 1 839 руб.
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"This is a story of light and dark." • Against a lush backdrop of lichen-covered trees, the peppered moth lies hidden. Until the world begins to change • A clever picture book text about the extraordinary way in which animals have evolved, intertwined with the complication of human intervention. This remarkable paperback edition of the amazing story of the peppered moth is the perfect introduction to natural selection and evolution for children • Along come people with their magnificent machines which stain the land with soot. In a beautiful landscape changed by humans how will one little moth survive? • Powerful and visually spectacular, Moth is the remarkable evolution story that captures the struggle of animal survival against the background of an evolving human world in a unique and atmospheric introduction to Darwin's theory of Natural Selection подробнее
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Travel through time to the land of the dinosaurs! Foreword by Chris Packham • Climb aboard the time machine and join adventurer Mia on a breathtaking journey to our prehistoric world, visiting an active volcano, tracking dinosaur footprints and tiptoeing around a Maiasaura nest! • Starting almost 300 million years ago, you can meet • - ancient Permian reptiles • - Triassic meat-eaters and plant-eaters • - powerful Jurassic predators • - fluffy and feathery dinosaurs • - flying dinosaurs and pterosaurs • - the world's very first birds • - enormous Cretaceous titanosaurs • - dinosaurs with horns, frills and crests • With astonishing facts and interactive dinosaur activities, this captivating book will excite and inspire the adventurers of the future
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A powerful meditation on loss and memory seen through the prism of 9/11, by one of our greatest authors • Ben Matson lost someone he loved in the 9/11 attacks. Or thinks he did - no body has been recovered, and she shouldn't have been on that particular plane at that time. But he knows she was • The world has moved on from that terrible day. Nearly 20 years later, it has faded into a dull memory for most people. But a chance encounter rekindles Ben's interest in the event, and the inconsistencies that always bothered him • Then the announcement of the recovery of an unidentified plane crash sets off a chain of events that will lead Ben to question everything he thought he knew • Thoughtful, impeccably researched and dazzling in its writing, this is Ben's story, the story of what happened to his fiance, and the story of all that happened on 9/11
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Познакомьтесь с людьми, которые изменили мир науки и техники, биологии, химии и физики! • Узнайте о самых умных людях, которые когда-либо жили, и о научных открытиях, которые они совершили. Каждая страница иллюстрирует жизнь знаменитого ученого и то, что сделало их вклад в эту увлекательную область таким важным • "Ученые. Вдохновляющие рассказы о самых ярких научных умах мира" Исабел Томас - увлекательная книга, идеально подходящая для детей в возрасте 7-9 лет • Книга на английском языке • Meet the people who changed the world of science and technology, biology, chemistry, and physics! • Read the stories of the brainiest people who ever lived and the scientific discoveries they made. Each page illustrated a famous scientist's life and what made their contribution to this fascinating field so important
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Un superbe album, puissant et poétique, qui raconte l'histoire essentielle de la vie et de la mort... comme un renouveau • Dans la forêt silencieuse, la vie s’agite derrière les arbres, sous les feuilles, au fond d’un terrier. Au fil des saisons, suis la renarde et ses petits. Regarde-les grandir, observe-la chasser. Jusqu’à ce qu’un jour, hélas, la mort vienne frapper. Mais l’histoire est-elle vraiment terminée ou ne fait-elle que commencer ? Cet album merveilleusement illustré raconte avec douceur la vie, la mort et le renouveau. L’histoire est suivie d’un texte documentaire qui aborde la disparition comme un phénomène naturel avec des mots simples et sensibles • DÈS 3 ANS
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