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Bloomsbury Mornings in Jenin Abulhawa Susan

Bloomsbury Mornings in Jenin Abulhawa Susan

цена 2 296 руб.
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Palestine, 1948. Half a million Palestinians are forced from their homes. A mother clutches her six-month-old son as Israeli soldiers march through the village of Ein Hod. In a split second, her son is snatched from her arms and the fate of the Abulheja family is changed forever • Forced into a refugee camp in Jenin and exiled from the ancient village that is their lifeblood, the family struggles to rebuild their world. Their stories unfold through the eyes of the youngest sibling, Amal, the daughter born in the camp who will eventually find herself alone in the United States; the eldest son who loses everything in the struggle for freedom; the stolen son who grows up as an Israeli, becoming an enemy soldier to his own brother • Mornings in Jenin is a devastating novel of love and loss, war and oppression, and heartbreak and hope, spanning five countries and four generations of one of the most intractable conflicts of our lifetime подробнее
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The traces of much of human history – and that which preceded it – lie beneath the ocean surface; broken up, dispersed, often buried and always mysterious. This is fertile ground for speculation, even myth-making, but also a topic on which geologists and climatologists have increasingly focused in recent decades. We now know enough to tell the true story of some of the continents and islands that have disappeared throughout Earth's history, to explain how and why such things happened, and to unravel the effects of submergence on the rise and fall of human civilizations • In Worlds in Shadow Patrick Nunn sifts the facts from the fiction, using the most up-to-date research to work out which submerged places may have actually existed versus those that probably only exist in myth
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2 296 руб.
Libby and her big sister Bella used to be close, but lately it's felt like Bella is a closed book: she's sarcastic and mean and obsessed with her boyfriend. Then there's six-year-old Grace, the baby of the family. Whenever Mum and Dad aren't at work, it's all about Grace. So where does Libby fit in? • Things change suddenly when the girls move to the tiny village where their dad grew up – as their bossy Aunt Thecla has offered to pay for them to go to a posh new school. Libby doesn't mind, but Bella can't bear to leave her boyfriend behind • Soon there are secrets everywhere … • Perfect for readers of Cathy Cassidy, Jacqueline Wilson and Judy Blume, Libby in the Middle is a story about family, friendship and discovering where you fit into the world
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Аня Хиндмарч - мать пятерых детей, мачеха, предприниматель и бизнесвумен с мировым именем. В книге "Если сомневаешься, вымой голову" она делится тем, чему научилась за свою насыщенную и эклектичную жизнь, о чем она все еще беспокоится и какие советы получила на этом пути • От практических советов и быстрых решений до глубоких наблюдений об уверенности в себе и креативности – это вдохновляющее руководство покажет вам, как жить немного лучше - и почему иногда ответ может быть таким же простым, как мытье головы • Книга на английском языке • Anya Hindmarch is a mother of five, stepmother, entrepreneur and globally renowned businesswoman. In If In Doubt, Wash Your Hair, she shares what she has learned during her busy and eclectic life, what she still worries about, and what advice she has received along the way
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