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Bloomsbury July's People Гордимер Надин

Bloomsbury July's People Гордимер Надин

цена 2 296 руб.
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For years, it has been what is called a 'deteriorating situation'. Now all over South Africa the cities are battlegrounds. The members of the Smales family - liberal whites - are rescued from the terror by their servant, July, who leads them to refuge in his native village. What happens to the Smaleses and to July - the shifts in character and relationships - gives us an unforgettable look into the terrifying, tacit understandings and misunderstandings between blacks and whites подробнее
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Mehring is rich. He has all the privileges and possessions that South Africa has to offer, but his possessions refuse to remain objects. His wife, son and mistress leave him; his foreman and workers become increasingly indifferent to his stewardship; even the land rises up, as drought, then flood, destroy his farm. As the upheaval in Mehring's world increasingly resembles that in the country as a whole, it becomes clear that only a seismic shift in ideas and concrete action can avert annihilation
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 304 руб.
July, 1981. London • Shy, working-class Steven finds solace in beauty. Eighteen-years-old, he dreams of being a fashion designer. He's also gay, maybe. There's a lot Steven isn't sure about yet. Then a brutal attack lands him in hospital, and he meets Jasmine – intoxicating, anarchic, fabulous Jasmine. Over the course of one summer, their giddy, glorious, maddening friendship will turn Steven's life upside down – and rewrite his destiny forever
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 067 руб.
"Чемпион по блинам"Джоанны Надин - веселая история, идеально подходящая для детей, практикующихся в чтении дома или в школе • Манджит собирается в гости к своему новому другу Леону на чай. Есть о чем беспокоиться… Что, если у них страшная собака? Что, если отец Леона - дракон? Но хуже всего то, что у них будут блинчики к чаю! Эта увлекательная комедия о новых дружеских отношениях от плодовитой детской писательницы Джоанны Надин идеально подходит для детей 1-й ступени (KS1), которые учатся читать самостоятельно. В нем представлены яркие цветные иллюстрации Анны Гомес и сюжетная линия, которая побуждает придирчивых едоков пробовать новые продукты • Книга на английском языке • A hilarious story, ideal for children practising reading at home or in school
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 379 руб.
Джоанна Надин: Это был не я • Если взрывается микроволновка или пол в ванной покрыт пузырьками, это наверняка произошло из-за Альфи Брейтуэйта. Только Альфи клянется, что во всем виноват Дэйв, ужасный гремлин, который живет в его ящике для носков. Но однажды Дэйв действительно появляется и начинает сеять такой хаос, какой даже Альфи не мог себе представить! Поймает ли Альфи Дэйва? И поверят ли когда-нибудь родители Альфи, что это действительно был не он? • Это озорное и заставляющее задуматься приключение от автора бестселлеров и удостоенной наград Джоанны Надин идеально подходит для детей, которые учатся читать самостоятельно, и для ключевого этапа. В ней представлены привлекательные иллюстрации Полин Ривз и необычные персонажи, перед которыми юным читателям будет трудно устоять
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 150 руб.
Monkey and his friends, Zu and Sandy, lived in the Emperor's Cloud Palace. But they played all sorts of tricks on people, so, as a punishment, the Jade Emperor sent them down to Earth. They can only return if they prove that they can use their magical powers for good. Adventure is never far away! • In The Cursed Village, something is very wrong in Weston. People are living in fear of the half-zombies, half-vampires that are roaming the streets. Can the friends save the village from the monsters? • Bloomsbury High Low books encourage and support reading practice by providing gripping, age-appropriate stories for struggling and reluctant readers, those with dyslexia, or those with English as an additional language. Printed on tinted paper and with a dyslexia friendly font, Skate Monkey is aimed at readers aged 8+ and has a manageable length (72 pages) and reading age (7+)
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 612 руб.
Holding her first grandchild in her arms in 2003, Mary Robinson was struck by the uncertainty of the world he had been born into. Before his fiftieth birthday, he would share the planet with more than nine billion people – people battling for food, water, and shelter in an increasingly volatile climate. The faceless, shadowy menace of climate change had become, in an instant, deeply personal • Mary Robinson's mission would lead her all over the world, from Malawi to Mongolia, and to a heartening revelation: that an irrepressible driving force in the battle for climate justice could be found at the grassroots level, mainly among women, many of them mothers and grandmothers like herself • From Sharon Hanshaw, the Mississippi matriarch whose campaign began in her East Biloxi hair salon and culminated in her speaking at the United Nations, to Constance Okollet, a small farmer who transformed the fortunes of her ailing community in rural Uganda, Robinson met with ordinary people whose resilience and ingenuity had already unlocked extraordinary change
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 296 руб.
Fasten your seat belts and get ready to zoom through the history of transport and discover incredible facts about all kinds of vehicles along the way • Every day, all over the world, people are busy travelling – short hops or great, long voyages, moving slowly and steadily or racing along at super-fast speeds. They make their trips in cars, trains, planes, ships and on bikes - and some people even blast off in rockets! • Make your own amazing transport journeys as you explore timelines and discover the people and stories behind the machines that keep the world moving. Take a twist or turn and find out what happened when the Freedom 7 blasted into space, race your way through Japan at lightning speed on the awesomely fast bullet train, set sail on a Viking longship and let the wind carry you away in a hot-air balloon with the Montgolfier brothers
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 987 руб.
Frank Bascombe, in the aftermath of his divorce and the ruin of his career, has entered an 'Existence Period' - selling real estate in New Jersey and mastering the high-wire act of normalcy. But over one Fourth of July weekend, Frank is called into sudden, bewildering engagement with life. Independence Day is a moving, peerlessly funny odyssey through America and through the layered consciousness of one of its most compelling literary incarnations, conducted by a novelist of extraordinary empathy and perception
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 537 руб.
Causes of death have changed irrevocably across time. In the course of a few centuries we have gone from a world where disease or violence were likely to strike anyone at any age, and where famine could be just one bad harvest away, to one where in many countries excess food is more of a problem than a lack of it. Why have the reasons we die changed so much? How is it that a century ago people died mainly from infectious disease, while today the leading causes of death in industrialised nations are heart disease and stroke? And what do changing causes of death reveal about how previous generations have lived? • University of Manchester Professor Andrew Doig provides an eye-opening portrait of death throughout history, looking at particular causes - from infectious disease to genetic disease, violence to diet - who they affected, and the people who made it possible to overcome them
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 271 руб.
What can a diseased brain tell us about being human, living our own lives better and helping those with dementia get the best from theirs? • When Wendy Mitchell was diagnosed with young-onset dementia at the age of fifty-eight, her brain was overwhelmed with images of the last stages of the disease - those familiar tropes, shortcuts and cliches that we are fed by the media, or even our own health professionals • But her diagnosis far from represented the end of her life. Instead, it was the start of a very different one • Wise, practical and life affirming, What I Wish People Knew About Dementia combines anecdotes, research and Wendy Mitchell's own brilliant wit and wisdom to tell readers exactly what she wishes they knew about dementia
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 447 руб.
Let's paint a big rainbow to put on display • When people pass by it and see it, they'll say … • 'All rainstorms must end, and this rainstorm will too.' • And they'll feel a bit happier, all thanks to you • Light can't shine without dark. Rainbows can't colour the sky without rain. And the world is always full of hope and possibility, even when we feel lost and alone • Inspired by the rainbows that children across the world have been creating and displaying in their windows, The World Made a Rainbow is a beautiful story with a hopeful message of staying connected to the people we love, and a proportion of proceeds will be donated to Save the Children UK • Bestselling author Michelle Robinson was desperate to find a way to help small children navigate their way through the complex emotions caused by the 2020 lockdown
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 607 руб.
'Every voice raised against racism chips away at its power. We can't afford to stay silent. This book is an attempt to speak' • The book that sparked a national conversation. Exploring everything from eradicated black history to the inextricable link between class and race, Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race is the essential handbook for anyone who wants to understand race relations in Britain today
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 527 руб.
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