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Bloomsbury Do You Love Bugs? Робертсон Мэтт

Crawly! Hairy! Maybe a bit scary? Snails slime upside down. Eeek! Worms can somersault and butterflies smell like cake. YUM. Wait, don't eat them... Because bugs are truly BRILLIANT! Matt Robertson's quirky text and sweet yet hilarious illustrations show exactly why minibeasts can be truly awesome in their own unique way • The book includes 14 hilarious globally inclusive, bug-tastic spreads, featuring worms, bees, beetles, dragonflies, butterflies, moths, grasshoppers, spiders, ants, snails and stick insects. Find out how honey bees make their honey, why moths always fly around lamps and how bombardier beetles protect themselves from hungry predators. There's something new to learn about each bug. Did you know that stick insects can dance? Or that butterflies can smell like cake? And guess what? A grasshopper will spit on you if it gets angry! • So always be good to grasshoppers, give spiders a smile not a screech and never get angry at ants! There are so many more fun facts to uncover about our tiny furry and slimy friends
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Some dinosaurs had a deadly bite and others could run super fast. Some had club-like tails and some could make the smelliest of farts - POO-WEE! But wait, don't run away... Because dinosaurs are actually awesome! • From the ferocious hunters like Spinosaurus and T.rex to the gentle giants like Diplodocus and Titanosaurus, the speedy raptors to the armoured Ankylosaurs, discover all the weird and wonderful things that made dinosaurs so AMAZING. Did you know that some dinosaurs laid eggs the size of footballs? Or that there's a fossilised dinosaur poo as long as your arm? And have you ever heard of a certain dinosaur that could outrun a racehorse? • Find out about all this and more - and then decide: do YOU love dinosaurs?
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 987 руб.
Raft down rapids to see raccoons, ski across ice to spot emperor penguins and dive underwater to explore the coral reef and learn why discovering animals is SUPER exciting! • From the leafy green canopy of the rainforest, where gibbons communicate by singing, to the scorching hot desert where one of the world's DEADLIEST scorpions lives, planet Earth is full of AMAZING animals that are just waiting to be discovered • Did you know that marine iguanas sneeze out salty sea water after a big swim? Or that a narwhal's tusk is actually a very, VERY long tooth? And did you know that dung beetles are the STRONGEST animals on earth? • Explore a different habitat on every spread, with fun and vibrant illustrations and fact-filled text for intrepid adventurers who want to know EVERYTHING about the world we live in
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 896 руб.
"How do I love you? Let me count the ways. I love you as the sun loves the bright blue days..." • In this rhyming story book, a parent declares her love...as the bees love a flower, a duck loves a shower, a bird loves to sing, and a bear loves the spring. Warm and reassuring, this book makes an ideal read-aloud for babies and toddlers!
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 751 руб.
Давным-давно на земле жили невероятные существа... Одни умели больно кусаться, другие — быстро бегать. У одних были острые зубы, а другие пускали жутко вонючие газы. Фууу! Но не спешите откладывать книгу... Ведь в ней вы найдете еще больше удивительных фактов о динозаврах! Тирекс был настоящим динодинамитом, анкилозавр — длиной с автобус, а яйца титанозавра — размером с футбольный мяч. Все динозавры по-своему особенные! • Автор этой книги — известный детский писатель иллюстратор Мэтт Робертсон — придумал серию книг «А ты любишь...», в которой весело и доступно рассказывает детям достоверные научные факты о живых существах, чтобы каждый ребенок смог узнать об их жизни, особенностях и привычках. Ведь здесь и правда есть чему поразиться! • Познакомься с динозаврами поближе и скажи, любишь ты их или нет! • Фишки книги • О сложном — легко и с юмором
My-shop.ru г. Москва
669 руб.
Все знают, что динозавры и люди не могут играть вместе… Или всё-таки могут? • Динозавр Декстер и пещерная девочка Росинка - лучшие друзья. Но есть одна проблема… Динозавры и люди НЕ дружат! Никто, правда, уже не помнит, почему. Просто уж так повелось • Но когда случается катастрофа, вечным врагам придётся научиться помогать друг другу • Мэтт Робертсон потратил много часов в детстве, рисуя самые разные сценки. Он окончил курс иллюстрирования детских книг в Кэмбриджской школе искусств • «Динозавры против людей» – это весёлая и яркая история о дружбе, сплочённости и разнообразии
My-shop.ru г. Москва
543 руб.
What's Worrying You? is a book all about helping children understand their worries, and what to do when they feel overwhelmed by their thoughts and feelings • We all have worries now and then, but sometimes worries can feel like they're getting bigger and bigger, like you can't control them anymore. What do you do then? • Each page takes the child step-by-step through different worry scenarios, such as falling out with a friend, getting in trouble at school, or feeling like no one is listening. It talks about how they might feel, what they might think, and what could help them to ease the anxiety • With fun and lively illustrations from Sarah Jennings, gentle guidance on developing emotional literacy, and simple advice for tackling problems they might face, What's Worrying You? is the perfect book for helping children deal with those trickier feelings and gain confidence in the world around them
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 529 руб.
What do you wear on your first day at school? Who will you meet? What will you do? What will your teacher be like? There are so many questions about this first experience. This wonderful activity and sticker book is a brilliant way to learn about what the day will be like - it makes the transition to school fun and exciting! You can colour in what you will wear, you can paint a picture of your teacher, you can sticker patterns on the windows as well as many other simple and fun activities
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 148 руб.
You're invited to a party • What fun! Hip, hip, hooray! • So come along to Monster's house • at three o'clock today • Raymond the hairdresser is scarily busy. Everyone wants to look their best for Monster's party. But a series of disasters at Raymond's hair salon - Oops, too much hair gel! Oops, the dyes have been muddled! - leave his customers disappointed until... they discover Monster's party has a very special theme! • A very silly, slightly spooky story that is perfect for youngsters at Halloween! From a bestselling author (Aliens Love Underpants) and illustrator (Barry the Fish with Fingers, Supertato)
My-shop.ru г. Москва
925 руб.
Join a father and his child on a day that is full of the everyday things that make life special. From silly stories and jokes to upsets and frustrations, this irresistible picture book is a celebration of the unconditional love between parents and children • In the sky the stars shine bright, • as you snuggle down tonight • Dream your dreams until the light, • and know that I love you • With a gentle, rhyming text from rising star Gareth Peter and delightful illustrations by much-loved Jane Massey, this charming book makes an ideal gift for daddies and little ones everywhere • A beautiful celebration of the love between a father and his child, EVERY DAY is perfect for Fathers' Day and every day of the year!
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 837 руб.
Every grandad is different . . . but they're ALL special! • Is your grandad an adventurer or an explorer? Is he a builder, an inventor, or a MAGICIAN? Whatever your grandad does, you can be sure he loves you! • This is a joyous celebration of wonderful grandads and the love they have for their grandchildren. With a bouncy, irresistible rhyming text by Ben Faulks and charming illustrations by the talented Nia Tudor, it's the perfect gift for any grandparent or grandchild!
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 846 руб.
This beautiful activity book is packed full of colourful illustrations and stickers to help you write fantastic fairytales! The first sentence of every story has been written for you, but you need to decide what will happen and how your amazing tales will end. Also features two completed stories to add fun stickers to. Bloomsbury Activity Books provide hours of colouring, doodling, stickering and activity fun for boys and girls alike. Every book includes enchanting, bright and beautiful illustrations which children and parents will find very hard to resist. Perfect for providing entertainment at home or on the move!
My-shop.ru г. Москва
528 руб.
This wonderful activity book is bursting with colourful illustrations and stickers to help you write your own magical fairy stories! The first sentence of every story has been written for you, but you need to decide what will happen and how your amazing tales will end. Also features two completed stories to add fun stickers to. Bloomsbury Activity Books provide hours of colouring, stickering and activity fun for boys and girls alike. Every book includes enchanting, bright and beautiful illustrations which children and parents will find very hard to resist. Perfect for providing entertainment at home or on the move!
My-shop.ru г. Москва
659 руб.
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