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Bloomsbury Araminta Spook. The Sword in the Grotto Sage Angie

Bloomsbury Araminta Spook. The Sword in the Grotto Sage Angie

цена 1 378 руб.
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Araminta Spook lives in a haunted house, but the ghosts are her friends. And her favourite ghost is Sir Horace and she wants to buy him something special for his birthday. But what do you buy someone with no hobbies, or body, for their 500th birthday? Araminta comes up with an idea for the Best Present Ever . . . but it lands her in very deep water. Will she have time to organise a party, or even see Horace or her family ever again?! подробнее
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GIGGED goes inside the Silicon Valley companies leading the way to this emerging ‘gig economy’. It tells the stories of the workers – from computer programmers to online comment moderators – who are getting by in a new wave of precarious, short-term employment. And it sketches out what tomorrow’s economy might look like: one where the fortunate get to work when they want, how they want, while the rest live lives of extraordinary hardship • It might just be the future of work for all of us
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Из легенды о короле Артуре. В детстве Артур ничего не знает о своей настоящей семье. Однажды его приемный отец и брат присутствуют на турнире, и его брат Кей отправляет Артура за мечом. Артур видит меч, вделанный в камень. Он не знает, что только истинный король Британии может достать его из камня. Серия Usborne English Readers — это новая серия книг для чтения с упрощенным английским языком для младших школьников. Они включают в себя задания, глоссарии и полную аудиозапись текста на британском и американском английском языках • язык издания: Английский • From the legend of King Arthur. As a boy, Arthur knows nothing about his real family. One day his foster father and brother attend a tournament, and his brother Kay sends Arthur to fetch his sword
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For centuries, scientists had only one way to study the brain: wait for misfortune to strike - strokes, seizures, infections, lobotomies, horrendous accidents, phantom limbs, Siamese twins - and see how the victims changed afterwards. In many cases their survival was miraculous, and observers marvelled at the transformations that took place when different parts of the brain were destroyed. Parents suddenly couldn't recognise their children. Pillars of the community became pathological liars and paedophiles. Some people couldn't speak but could still sing. Others couldn't read but could write • The stories of these people laid the foundations of modern neuroscience and, century by century, key cases taught scientists what every last region of the brain did
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4 999 руб.
В интернет-магазине shop.buka.ru вы можете купить The Smurfs 2: The Prisoners of the Green Stone Стандартное издание (Xbox Series X / Xbox One)
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2 999 руб.
It's Araminta's birthday and her Aunt Tabby has won a Transylvanian holiday, which means all the adults are leaving and Araminta is going to spend her birthday alone! Until Mathilda, Araminta's 'grown-up' cousin, arrives to babysit, along with two rowdy teenage ghosts. At first, Araminta and Wanda are in heaven – staying up late, playing loud music and ordering takeaways! But they soon find themselves cleaning up after everyone else. Being home alone isn't turning out as they'd hoped. Araminta and Wanda need to come up with A Plan. Maybe then Araminta can start to have a proper birthday
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