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Black Swan Nothing On Earth O`Callaghan Conor

Black Swan Nothing On Earth O`Callaghan Conor

цена 2 144 руб.
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It is the hottest August in living memory • A frightened girl bangs on a door. A man answers. From the moment he invites her in, his world will never be the same again • She will tell him about her family, and their strange life in the show home of an abandoned housing estate. The long, blistering days spent sunbathing; the airless nights filled with inexplicable noises; the words that appear on the windows, written in dust • Why are members of her family disappearing, one by one? Is she telling the truth? Is he? • In a world where reality is beginning to blur, how can we know what to believe? подробнее
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Only a miracle can unite a congregation in turmoil • In the gentle precinct of Aldminster Cathedral, crisis looms • The urbane and worldly Dean wants nothing so much as to restore and beautify his beloved Cathedral - even if it means sacrificing the Choir School to pay for it • Alexander Troy, Headmaster of the school, a conscientious man, is determined that nothing and no-one - certainly not the overbearing Dean - should destroy the Choir • As the rift widens to take on immense dimensions, many others find themselves caught in the schism - Leo Beckford, brilliant but wayward organist, repelling the adoration of the Dean's dreadful daughter; the gentle, left-wing Bishop, trying to soothe the angry protagonists; Sally Ashworth, mother of the leading chorister, fighting loneliness and an erring and absent husband
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I don't know how you've made it this far • Sami's childhood is much like any other - school with his friends, dinners with his family, playing with his pets (stray cats and dogs, and the turtle he keeps on the roof) • But with Syria at war with itself, nothing is really normal. And Sami's hopes for a better future are about to be ripped away • Inspired by extraordinary true events, The Stray Cats of Homs is the breathtaking story of a young man who will do anything to keep the dream of home alive
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