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Bantam books Pendragon Wilde James

Bantam books Pendragon Wilde James

цена 2 146 руб.
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Here is the beginning of a legend. Long before Camelot rose, a hundred years before the myth of King Arthur was half-formed, at the start of the Red Century, the world was slipping into a Dark Age… • It is AD 367. In a frozen forest beyond Hadrian’s Wall, six scouts of the Roman army are found murdered. For Lucanus, known as the Wolf and leader of elite unit called the Arcani, this chilling ritual killing is a sign of a greater threat • But to the Wolf the far north is a foreign land, a place where daemons and witches and the old gods live on. Only when the child of a friend is snatched will he venture alone into this treacherous world - a territory ruled over by a barbarian horde - in order to bring the boy back home. What he finds there beyond the wall will echo down the years подробнее
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James Redfield's The Celestine Prophecy is an extraordinary, life-changing book. Perhaps you, like millions of readers, have discovered in its pages a new vision of coincidences in your own life, the energies involved in communicating with others, and the purposes behind human history • Now, this companion handbook to that inspiring work helps you intensify and expand the exciting knowledge contained in each of the nine insights of The Celestine Prophecy. Through detailed explanations and carefully designed exercises, you can uncover further revelations about your family and partners, and the ways your past has been a preparation for the special contribution you can make to the world today
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Bridging the gap between 'Game of Thrones' and Bernard Cornwell comes the third and final chapter in James Wilde's epic adventure of betrayal, battle and bloodshed • AD 375 - The Dark Age is drawing near • As Rome's legions abandon their forts, chaos grows on the fringes of Britannia. In the far west, the shattered forces of the House of Pendragon huddle together in order to protect the royal heir – their one beacon of hope • For Lucanus, their great war leader, is missing, presumed dead. And the people are abandoning them. For in this time of crisis, a challenger has arisen, a False King with an army swollen by a horde of bloody-thirsty barbarians desperate for vengeance • One slim hope remains for Lucanus’ band of warrior-allies, the Grim Wolves
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Bridging the gap between 'Game of Thrones' and Bernard Cornwell comes the second chapter in James Wilde's epic adventure of betrayal, battle and bloodshed • It is AD 367, and Roman Britain has fallen to the vast barbarian horde which has invaded from the north. Towns burn, the land is ravaged and the few survivors flee. The army of Rome - once the most effective fighting force in the world - has been broken, its spirit lost and its remaining troops shattered • Yet for all the darkness, there is hope. And it rests with one man. His name is Lucanus who they call the Wolf. He is a warrior, and he wears the ancient crown of the great war leader, Pendragon, and he wields a sword bestowed upon him by the druids. With a small band of trusted followers, Lucanus ventures south to Londinium where he hopes to bring together an army and make a defiant stand against the invader
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A century has always had a special resonance, in all walks of life, and none more so than in cricket. Scoring one hundred runs is the ultimate for a batsman. As former England captain Andrew Strauss admits, it's incredibly hard to do; for Ricky Ponting, it's a transformational moment in the career of a cricketer. Or in the words of Geoffrey Boycott, 'a century has its own magic' • In The Art of Centuries, Steve James applies his award-winning forensic insight to the very heart of batting. Through interviews with the leading run-scorers in cricket history and his own experiences, Steve discovers what mental and physical efforts are required to reach those magical three figures. Despite his own haul of 47 first-class tons, he himself felt at times that he was poorly equipped for the task
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This is the first time all Lee Child's shorter fiction featuring Jack Reacher has been collected into one volume • Jack 'No Middle Name' Reacher, lone wolf, knight errant, ex military cop, lover of women, scourge of the wicked and righter of wrongs, is the most iconic hero for our age • Read together, these twelve stories shed new light on Reacher's past, illuminating how he grew up and developed into the wandering avenger who has captured the imagination of millions around the world • The twelve stories include a brand new novella, Too Much Time • The other stories in the collection are • Second Son • James Penney's New Identity • Guy Walks Into a Bar • Deep Down, High Heat • Not a Drill • Small Wars • All of which have previously been published as ebook shorts
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Blades are sharpened, battle lines drawn and the ravens gather. For judgement day is come • England, 1071. Five years since the crushing Norman victory at the Battle of Hastings, the country is reeling under the savage rule of the new king - 'the Bastard'. The North has been left a wasteland - no atrocity is too great to ensure William's grip upon the crown • And now he turns his cold gaze east, towards the last stronghold of the English resistance. After years of struggle, he will brook no further challenge to his power: his vast army masses and his siege machines are readied • The English have put their faith in the only man who might defeat the murderous invaders: Hereward - warrior and a master tactician. But Hereward is missing • With their hopes of victory dwindling, can the English rebels find the leader who seems to have abandoned them before William the Bastard begins his final, devastating assault that will truly be the end of days
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Blades are sharpened, battle lines drawn. Now is the time for heroes • 1081: The bloody battle for the crown of the Holy Roman Empire begins • Within the city of Constantinople itself, three mercenary factions will go to any lengths, including murder, to seize the throne • And outside the city's walls, twin powers threaten a siege that will crush the once-mighty empire forever: to the west, the voracious forces of the most feared Norman warlord are gathering, while in the east, the Turkish hordes are massing - theirs is a lust for slaughter • And in the midst of this maelstrom of brutality and betrayal, Hereward and his English spear-brothers prepare to make what could be their final stand
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It is on the field of battle that heroes are made...and legends born • 1073: Under the merciless sun of the East, a dark force has risen - a Norman adventurer with intensely bloody ambition. He has conquered his land, he has built his fortress and he has amassed his army. And now he has taken Constantinople's ruler as his prisoner • It falls to Hereward to rescue this precious captive. For this great English warrior-in-exile and his spear-brothers, it will mean mounting a raid that could prove the most dangerous of their lives • Assisting them in their task will be an elite and legendary band of fighters, the Immortals - so-called because they believe they cannot die in battle • But it will not be enough - for enemies hide within the jewelled heart of Byzantium who want to see the English dead at any cost
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An Englishwoman is found dead in a house near Rome • Her distraught husband enlists the help of his closest friend, Chris Bronson, who discovers an ancient inscription on a slab of stone above their fireplace. It translates as 'Here Lie the Liars.' • But who are the liars? And what is it they are lying to protect? • Pursued across Europe, Bronson uncovers a trail of clues that leads him back to the shadowy beginnings of Christianity; to a chalice decorated with mysterious symbols; to a secret code hidden within a scroll • And to a deadly conspiracy which - if revealed - will rock the foundations of our modern world
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In the remote snow-covered mountains near Tibet lies a community long thought to be a mere myth called Shambhala, or Shangri-La. Here, in this place, is knowledge that has been kept hidden for centuries, and an insight that can have a profound impact on the way each of us lives our lives. Your search for Shambhala begins with the words of a child and the vision of an old friend. Those slender clues and a powerful synchronicity will lead to Kathmandu, Nepal, and then to Lhasa, Tibet • Amid blowing snows and perilous mountains, you will meet the members of the secret Tibetan sect that guards mysterious legends - the verbal instructions handed down for centuries that describe the inner changes one must undergo before entering Shambhala • Finally, with Chinese Agents in pursuit, you will pass through regions where anger and compassion struggle for ascendancy, and arrive at a place where the stunning reality about human prayer-energy - our underdeveloped ability to increase the synchronicity in our lives and influence what will happen to us in the future - is revealed
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You have never read a book like this before • The Celestine Prophecy contains secrets that are currently changing our world. Drawing on the ancient wisdom found in a Peruvian manuscript, it tells you how to make connections between the events happening in your own life right now...and lets you see what is going to happen to you in the years to come • The story it tells is a gripping one of adventure and discovery, but it is also a guidebook that has the power to crystalize your perceptions of why you are where you are in life...and to direct your steps with a new energy and optimism as you head into tomorrow • A book that comes along just once in a lifetime to change lives forever
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