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Bantam books A Wanted Man Чайлд Ли

Bantam books A Wanted Man Чайлд Ли

цена 2 114 руб.
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"Джек Ричер, или В розыске" — роман английского писателя Ли Чайлда, вышедший в 2012 году. Семнадцатая книга из серии о бывшем военном полицейском Джеке Ричере, сиквел романов "Джек Ричер, или 61 час" и "Джек Ричер, или Это стоит смерти" • Разобравшись с очередным смертельно опасным делом, Джек Ричер твердо решил добраться до Вирджинии и наконец познакомиться с женщиной, которую так часто слышал по телефону, но никогда не видел. Как обычно, передвигаться по стране он предпочел на попутном транспорте. Ждать пришлось долго - никто не хотел пускать в свой автомобиль огромного громилу подозрительного вида. Наконец какие-то люди - двое мужчин и женщина - согласились подвезти его, причем чуть ли не до места назначения. Но через некоторое время Ричер начал понимать: эти люди вовсе не "какие-то" подробнее
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Две женщины-армейские летчицы высокого полета. Оба знакомы с Джеком Ричером. Обоих вынудили уволиться со службы • Теперь они оба мертвы • Найдены в их собственных домах, голыми, в ванне, полной краски. Очевидные жертвы военнослужащего. Одиночка, умный парень, с которым нужно свести счеты • Безжалостный мститель • Такой же человек, как Джек Ричер • Книга на английском языке • Two female army high-flyers. Both acquainted with Jack Reacher. Both forced to resign from the service • Now they're both dead • Found in their own homes, naked, in a bath full of paint. Apparent victims of an army man. A loner, a smart guy with a score to settle • A ruthless vigilante • A man just like Jack Reacher
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2 348 руб.
Get ready for the most exciting count-down of your life • Hour Sixty-One • Icy winter in South Dakota. A bus skids and crashes in a gathering storm. On the back seat: Jack Reacher, hitching a ride to nowhere. A life without baggage has many advantages. And disadvantages too, like facing the arctic cold without a coat • Hour Thirty-One • A small town is threatened by sinister forces. One brave woman is standing up for justice.If she's going to live to testify, she'll need help from a man like Reacher.Because there's a killercoming for her • Hour Zero • Has Reacher finally met his match? He doesn't want to put the world to rights. He just doesn't like people who put it to wrongs
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The present can be tense • A young couple trying to get to New York City are stranded at a lonely motel in the middle of nowhere. Before long they're trapped in an ominous game of life and death • But the past can be worse • Meanwhile, Jack Reacher sets out on an epic road trip across America. He doesn't get far. Deep in the New England woods, he sees a sign to a place he has never been - the town where his father was born. But when he arrives he is told no one named Reacher ever lived there. Now he wonders: who's lying? • As the tension ratchets up and these two stories begin to entwine, the stakes have never been higher for Reacher • That's for damn sure
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2 384 руб.
Это просто голос, вырванный из эфира: "Американец хочет сто миллионов долларов" • Для чего? От кого? Сейчас 1996 год, и Советов давно нет. Но теперь у нас появился новый враг. В квартире в Гамбурге группа элегантно одетых молодых саудовцев планирует что-то грандиозное • Утром ему вручили медаль, а днем отправили обратно в школу • Джек Ричер только что вернулся с секретного задания. Армия похлопывает его по спине и отправляет в школу, где учатся всего трое: детектив, агент ФБР и аналитик ЦРУ. Их назначение? • Чтобы найти этого американца. И то, что он продает. И перед кем • Книга на английском языке • It's just a voice plucked from the air: 'The American wants a hundred million dollars' • For what? Who from? It's 1996, and the Soviets are long gone. But now there's a new enemy
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The name 'Samurai' is synonymous with the ultimate warrior. With their elaborate armour, fierce swordsmanship and code of honour, the samurai have become iconic figures whose influence can still be felt today . From Kurosawa's epic Seven Samurai to the figure of Darth Vader in Star Wars, to Manga comics and video games, the figure of the fighting samurai still inspires us today. In John Man's new book we discover the truth behind the legend • From his birth in the shadow of the great volcano Sakurajima, to his glorious death by ritual suicide and disembowelment, Saigo Takamori was the ultimate Samurai leader. His fall brought about the end of hundreds of years of Samurai tradition and in many ways marks the birth of modern Japan. Saigo was a man trapped by paradox: a faithful servant to the emperor, and yet a leader of rebel troops; a mighty Samurai warrior, and also a master of Chinese poetry
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Jack Reacher walks alone • Once a go-to hard man in the US military police, now he's a drifter of no fixed abode. But the army tracks him down. Because someone has taken a long-range shot at the French president • Only one man could have done it. And Reacher is the one man who can find him • This new heartstopping, nailbiting book in Lee Child's number-one bestselling series takes Reacher across the Atlantic to Paris - and then to London • The stakes have never been higher - because this time, it's personal
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 146 руб.
The first popular biography of the great warlord, Attila the Hun • The name Attila the Hun has become a byword for barbarism, savagery and violence. His is a truly household name, but what do we really know about the man himself, his position in history and the world in which he lived? This riveting biography reveals the man behind the myth • In the years 434-454AD the fate of Europe hung upon the actions of one man, Attila, king of the Huns. The decaying Roman empire still stood astride the Western World, from its twin capitals of Rome and Constantinople, but it was threatened by a new force, the much-feared Barbarian hordes. It was Attila who united the Barbarian tribes into a single, amazingly-effective army. He launched two violent attacks against the eastern and western halves of the Roman empire, attacks which earned him his reputation for mindless devastation, and brought an end to Rome's pre-eminence in Europe
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2 623 руб.
The Terracotta Army is one of the greatest, and most famous, archaeological discoveries of all time. 6,000 life-size figures of warriors and horses were interred in the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of China - each is individually carved, and they are thought to represent real members of the emperor's army. This is the remarkable story of their creation, the man who ordered them made, their rediscovery and their continuing legacy as a pre-eminent symbol of Chinese greatness • The First Emperor, Qin Shi Huang, was king of the Chinese state of Qin and the first man to unite China into a single empire. He built the first Great Wall and brought a single written script to the whole country. He was an inspired and ruthless ruler, but one also beset by paranoia and a desire for immortality
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 623 руб.
Haven't you ever wanted to get out of the rat race, buck the system, escape? Whether for the weekend or for a lifetime, Nick Rosen explores off-grid living combining irreverent travellogue with 'how-to' essentials • Literally, the word 'off-grid' refers to places or people without mains water, power or phone line. Off-grid locations can range from private islands to yurts and tree-houses; the people living there might be back-packers, right wing survivalists, international business travellers or hippies; they may move around in buses or yachts, houseboats or 4-wheel drives. All are outside or inbetween the criss-crossing lines of power, water and phone that delineate the civilised world. Some are trying to save the planet, some live that way because it is all they can afford, some just want the freedom
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 623 руб.
Тяжелая работа детектива, полицейского, спецагента – чисто мужская, так считалось издавна. Женщины уже давно с этим не согласны. В век равноправия полов и развития высоких технологий на первый план стали выходить интеллект, технические навыки и профессионализм, заменяя собой грубую силу и умение быстро стрелять. Кто же все-таки лучше в этом деле? Чтобы получить ответ, автор мировых бестселлеров Ли Чайлд собрал в одну команду своих самых известных собратьев по перу и разбил их на пары – мужчина против женщины. Своих героев свели в профессиональной дуэли Кэти Райх и Ли Чайлд, Вэл Макдермид и Питер Джеймс, Сандра Браун и Си Джей Бокс, Диана Гэблдон и Стив Берри, Лиза Скоттолайн и Нельсон Демилль…
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London is under siege. A banking scandal has filled the city with violent protests, and as the anger in the streets detonates, a young homeless man burns to death after being caught in the crossfire between rioters and the police • But all is not as it seems; an opportunistic killer is using the chaos to exact revenge, but his intended victims are so mysteriously chosen that the Peculiar Crimes Unit is called in to find a way of stopping him • Using their network of eccentric contacts, elderly detectives Arthur Bryant and John May hunt down a murderer who adopts incendiary methods of execution. But they soon find their investigation taking an apocalyptic turn as the case comes to involve the history of mob rule, corruption, rebellion, punishment and the legend of Guy Fawkes
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2 384 руб.
They've been given just one week to find a killer they'd caught once before • Arthur Bryant, John May and the Peculiar Crimes Unit are on the trail of an enigma: a young man called Mr Fox. But his identity is false, his links to society are invisible and his home yields no clues. All they know is that somehow he escaped from a locked room and murdered one of their best and brightest • Now the detectives are being lured down into the darkest recesses of the London Underground where their quarry, expertly disguised, has struck again. Their search takes them into the vast labyrinth of tunnels, a subterranean world full of legends and ghost stations, which tie the city together. Edging closer to what lies hidden beneath the city - and to the madness that is driving a man to murder - Bryant and May are about to uncover a mystery as bizarre as anything they have ever encountered
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